Well, Sup Forums?

well, Sup Forums?

tick tock

atheists and libertarians

Libertarians are literal retards though

The Literal Retards button twice because atheists and libertarians are literal retards.

Atheists twice

thought it said liberal retards


Libs and tards.

atheists and literal retards (which takes care of libertarians)

>I'm 2/3 of these

literal retards twice

Some Atheists are red pilled and most of them are not obnoxious cunts. While the Libertarian party is now neo-liberal, and literal retards are just a waste of resources and should be just shot.

So I would choose Libertarians and literal retards.

>implying you'd be around to press it a second time

can i have a button that makes them angry instead of just killing them? that'd be more fun

I figure literal retards would cover athiests as well, so that and libertarians

All 3 gone

>push the button for libertarians
>button pushes you back
Do it.

The mainstream Libertarian Party and Gary Johnson would be wiped out if you push the literal retard button.


atheists make most bad (i.e. open-border shills, dogmatic or johnson-tier) libertarians and almost all marxists, so atheists

Just literal retards. While atheists arent as cool as agnostics and libertarians as nationalists, they serve enough purpose to balance out retarded leftists and christcucks/mudslimes

Which groups have the most people in it?

Lolbertarians and atheists, obviously.

Do I have to pick two? Literal retards guaranteed. If two, then also Libertarians (future ones can just go under the classical liberal label).


>autist chose suicide.

Push literal retards. Twice. All of them will die anyway.

Can I make theists disappear instead? We can all stop pretending Santa Claus is real and move on with our lives.

literal retards, all Sup Forums+Sup Forums+/mlp/

>Puts arm over all three at once


Just the retards.

Atheists are just misguided, and libertarians harbor beliefs that man is responsible for his own life.

Jesus Christ you people, get a grip.

Libertarian button twice.

Then rape the corpses

If I press the Atheist one, George Soros dies. I'm going to have to take that one.

user, that was a very hurtful thing to say.

>press literal retards and Atheists
>Sup Forums starts to get less trafic than /gd/

Being 2 of these automatically qualifies you for the third.

Literal retards x2 because it would wipe out the third world, while libertarians and atheists at least have some redeemable groups of people.

why not just hit all buttons at the same time

Wait. So does the majority of Sup Forums believe in God?

Im confused as to why you guys are going after athiests when the vast majority of problems in our world have been caused by theists.

>don't believe in supernatural
>there are autismos out there who wish you death for it
no pol, you are the muslims


I would push Libertarians. Twice.


Atheists Twice.

>Can we stop pretending 2+2=4 and instead realize that math doesn't exsist?
Nigga what?

that depends on your definition of literal retards
if you use the

I don't wanna kill Alex Jones because someone will do that for him eventually.

Atheists can be tolerable as long as they aren't douche bags

Literal retards can fuck off entirely.

Literal retards it is.

As well as Black Lives Matter.

Sorry, leafbro

>Alex Jones
>any of the 3

This. Getting rid of the literal retards leaves only the real libertarians that want what's best for humanity with equal ri....Who the fuck am I kidding, hit libertarians. Twice.



>atheists are just misguided
>mfw you special plead your way through mental gymnastics to believe someone you've never met exists
>yfw you never met your dad but you still exist

i get that it makes sense, but guys.....c'mon.

Well, Britbro, he provides us Paul Joseph Watson. Do you not like your fellow Brit?

Literal retards

Should take care of em all

Atheists and Libertarians.

Literal retards don't pose a threat to society, the others do.

Sorry Alex, some of us do like you. Keep fighting the good fight.

But with literal retards, they get on SSI/SSDI and collect money from taxpayers to buy Hot Pockets and Mountain Dew.

I wish I was Alex because then I could titfuck LeeAnn McAdoo

They cant answer this question, and if they tried you'd have to argue that Hitler wasnt a catholic and go through all that silly usual nonsense.


Don't care.

liberal retards TWICE

>when the vast majority of problems in our world have been caused by theists.

Try me.

Apart from bankruptcy, sure.

>Atheist masterrace
>Obvious choice is literal retards

Suit yourself

how is that relevant to what I said?

and PJW is alright overall, when he's based he's based but sometimes he's just a cry baby lunatic just like the people he condemns

You may be an atheist but you're still a Swedecuck

If I press the right button I get rid of all three

atheist and retards
Too bad it's pretty much the same thing

2 seems redundant.

Not even close. Paul Joseph Watson says what needs to be said. Alex Jones is a libertarian. If I got rid of libertarians, I'd get rid of Jones, which would get rid of underground news.

Hey, just because being retarded made me lose faith in God doesn't mean I have to be a libertarian too.

>i aint book smart, but im youtube smart

>literal retards
>all three of them disappear

>Mr tinfoil hat confirmed
How much super male vitality did Donald order?

Is that supposed to refute my statement?

fyi Im not an athiest

A big league order

Literal retards and atheists, obvs.


You mean assertion, which was backed by absolutely no evidence. No refutation needed.

>not even close
>goes on a tangent

nice one lad

and Alex Jones isn't a libertarian lol

This is redundant, only need one button to kill all 3

He claims to be one. Whether he actually is, that's debatable.

Put a fucking Leaf button on there twice.



Get rid of Trudeau and all the Syrians


What if I'm all three and don't want to disappear?

Not believing in the assertion that relgion is a viable stance, along with the idea that you could put the blame on the "lack of belief" if someone did something horrible, as opposed to someone of the faith claiming they do something for their beliefs based on assertions.

>christcucks pressing any button

You're either gonna kill yourself on the spot or condemn yourself to eternal damnation.

Atheists will also eliminate the liberal retards by default
so atheists and libertarian buttons it is

Being religious on Sup Forums is the biggest troll.

The actual commandment is thou shall not murder. Mistranslated as kill. Murder is killing of an
A. Innocent
B. Human
As long as they don't meet both of those criteria it's perfectly acceptable to kill them. Atheists are guilty by virtue of being atheist.

i'm glad you admit you're the one judging us instead of your skydaddy

number 3, it includes many of the number 1 and 2 buttons

The one on the right will get rid of all three categories

Where did I suggest that? I'm saying the original text says murder. The bible is infallible but a mistranslation isn't. Otherwise we could write literally anything. God doesn't allow that.

Of course you also aren't allowed to steal or damage the property of a Christian without permission. So you can't just kill all the animals because pets are considered property.

do you just blurt out shit without reading what you're putting out there, stupid?

>As long as they don't meet both of those criteria it's perfectly acceptable to kill them. Atheists are guilty by virtue of being atheist.

also, how do you know that god doesn't allow that?

Also killing Christians guilty of heresy or other grave sins is acceptable.

atheists retards
