Why are liberals calling Trump as Drumpf? What's so wrong having a surname like that?
Why are liberals calling Trump as Drumpf? What's so wrong having a surname like that?
Sounds silly haha lol
Identity politics.
its some combination of
>he's an evil German, literally Hitler
and this
Because they're desperate
It's the original Trump family surname. They're using it because Trump dared to called Jon Stewart by his Jew name, Jonathan Leibowitz, so they decided that going back to before when the Drumpf name was changed to Trump - i.e. 400 years ago - would somehow embarrass Donald.
It's fucking baffling, to be honest.
because it sounds funny
like "winkleman" etc
Haha, it's only xenophobia when Republicans do it!
Because they think it's offensive, but rather it comes off being cute
Drumpkins, BTFO
Funny thing is that Bill Clinton is actually William J Blythe and Hillary is Hillary D Rodham.
But Trump is the phony one.
his name is is power
attacking that was their idea
I really don't get it after all the Drumpf memes were made. Calling him by his former surname was supposed to insult and embarrass him?
Trumps family in germany comes from Kallstadt in the state Rheinland-Pfalz. His ancestor Hanns Drumpf settled there in 1608. Now what you need to realise here is that germans at that time spoke very heavy regional dialects (low german), thus his name "Drumpf" was actually pronounced "Trump" (it comes from "Trommler" -> Drummer). When the german state started to register peoples names it used high german instead of the local dialect, thus the spelling is actually Trump, which is NOT a change of name, it's saying the same name in another language.
When Trumps grandfather Friedrich Trump followed his sister to New York in 1885 (germans where invited by the US to immigrate at that time), he must have used his regional "pfälzer" accent to register his name as Drumpf. When he later decided to become a full blown 'merican to become rich and open bordells, he changed his name from Friedrich Drumpf to Fred Trump. Some nitwit media cunt mst have dug this up in an old paper trail and then they tried to insinuate that his actual name is Drumpf and not Trump, when in fact it's both and Drumpf is only correct when you're from Rehinland-Pfalz and even then it's pronounced Trump.
And it certainly sounds delicious.
To lazy to edit the image but it should go
>What are we going to do on the America?
>call someone drumpf and everyone lols
>call someone nigger and everyone loses their minds
the world isn't fair
>call a jew Leibowitz and he recoils
Such is life.
why is jon leibowitz playing this "homeless war veteran who's seen some shit" character now? He spent his whole career telling jokes in a suit and now he shows up to late-night shows in a shitty stained t-shirt with perfectly-trimmed 5'o clock shadow
like he's so much smarter than us all, who were there for literally everything he "went through". fuck off "stewart" you cuck
It's a kraut surname. Everyone hates krauts.
What was the Shills maden name can we counter with that
They think it's clever. Liberals have no subtlety to their humor so they just rehash the same shit over and over again.
its all they have. They get btfo every time they try some bullshit. The only thing they can fall back on is the name. its sad.
He's a white male so making fun of him is politically correct. That's all they care about.
>Some nitwit media cunt mst have dug this up in an old paper trail and then they tried to insinuate that his actual name is Drumpf and not Trump, when in fact it's both and Drumpf is only correct when you're from Rehinland-Pfalz and even then it's pronounced Trump.
jon oliver started it i think
It's sabbatean
as a Trump supporter, I like it. It makes his name like a Sigil, his first name Donald for the D and the f at the end for Forever. I love it. Drumpf
>Stewart (?)
Echoing before it was cool.
Yeah, really. People like him made it necessary.