For any Americans in favour of a $15.00 minimum wage, consider this. The minimum wage in Australia is $17.70...

For any Americans in favour of a $15.00 minimum wage, consider this. The minimum wage in Australia is $17.70, and our workers are some of the most lazy, rude, unprofessional people you will ever encounter.

Higher minimum wage absolutely does not equal better service.

it's about cost of living, not what they deserve

>most lazy, rude, unprofessional people you will ever encounter.
thats just normal australian behavior, your all grandchildren of criminal brits.

Maybe you should not leave the house if you are so sensitive.

High min wage does nothing but raise costs for employers. Layoffs follow and increased workload for those still employed. It's adorable that burnouts really think CEOs are going to take a pay cut.

It's not meant to live on, it's for teenagers and 2nd incomes and retirees.

can second

even before the red pill, I always thought tipping in hospitality would actually improve Australia in a number of ways, not least of which ensuring lefty college fucks working in cafes would actually get a reality check much earlier

Or Abos, for that matter.

raising the minimum wage would just result in inflation. it would be retarded

>The minimum wage in Australia is $17.70, and our workers are some of the most lazy, rude, unprofessional people you will ever encounter.

You've clearly never been overseas.

Our service workers are probably the most up beat and happy people because they appreciate the job they have and know there's thousands of others to take their job if they don't try.

Americans can be blood thirsty for tips, they are nicest friendly cheerful types, when they think they can get money from it.

Literally saw a guy at an airport (American guy, not some immigrant greencard bullshit) Pushing this old lady, He was super kind and friendly, carried her bags, held her hand at security he was REALLY working for a tip...

She was getting on my flight and we side by side at security so I listened to all his chat back and forth.

I saw her get some cash out to tip him, but he didn't (it was like $10 or $20 or something since dumb Americans don't colour code their cash) it ended in a Zero for sure.

So she was boarding gate 87, we get to gate 82 and she said " I just really want to thank you for being so helpful - Thank you so much "

He hears, makes a tisk sound, then fucks right off.
> leaving her completely fucking alone, in a WHEELCHAIR
> She breaks down and has a panic attack right fucking there
> Airport sound system comes on calling for all passengers that need help to board then they will board the rest of the plane
> She is crying, rocking back and forth and scared shitless
I end up telling her I'm on her flight and I'll push
Have to constantly reassure her I wont leave her behind and that I'll make sure she gets on
> she's still freaking out that she doesn't want to be left behind

Americans are ok, until they realize there isn't any cash in it for them anymore. Then they go full on nigger Jew mode.

lol it has nothing to do with better service. it's about providing everyone who works with a basic standard of living

Of course I've been overseas. No way in hell is some third world employee going to slag off a white tourist.

It's really the companies fault for not promoting or training those people, the Government is basically shilling out money to the company via welfare,

> I know this, as I live in the UK and more than half the employees under me are on benefits and it saves us having to pay them real money.
> some have turned down promotions due to pay, that it pushes them over the benefit limit and they would LOSE money by EARNING more.
> Some employees have been on minimum wage for over 5 years.

We should have an intelligent minimum wage based on region and determined by a formula, not politics.

To be fair, I don't think anyone expects better service if minimum wage increased.

well yeah if overseas = africa or europe

but in usa, service is much better

>a basic standard of living
They will not get it. Rent's going to skyrocket when minimum wage goes up, houses will be worth so much. Just like how corporations made mad bank off "women's rights" when they made the entire country require 2 working adults to support children and a house.

Good times to be in real estate.

>made up anecdotal story
>300 million people in the most diverse country in the world must all be like this

Paying a minimum wage isn't about better service.

It's about paying people enough so that by working 40 hours a week they can have a half-decent standard of living.

For any Americans or Australians in favour of a $15.00/$17.70 minimum wage, consider this. Denmark doesn't have any minimum wage laws, yet our lowest paid workers are paid around $18.00 and $20.00 per hour.

Is having a minimum wage even necessary?

It will also increase the cost of living.

If you're trying to start a family while making minimum wage at Mcdonalds, whose fault is it when they starve?

>Denmark doesn't have any minimum wage laws, yet our lowest paid workers are paid around $18.00 and $20.00 per hour

how can you know this? do you do the taxes for every citizen in Denmark?

>half-decent standard of living

Which today translates to "waste money on stupid shit whenever you feel like it, and not have any negative consequences."

1 make closer to $40 so I Dont give a single Fuck about this

Cool story bro.

if they raise the minimum wage to $15 your life-style will decrease, at least your rent/housing will increase 30-40 percent if nothing else.

What, so you'd rather MacDonald's made billions of dollars than them shell out a few percentages of their profit to ensure that normal people can have a family? No wonder the west is fucked, this is the thinking that is killing us.

I mean, it's not so bad in MacDonald's because they just get some 17 year old kid in every year, but other industries should have a minimum wage. Here you get minimum wage when you're 25.

Reminder that you can buy a small house in a capitol city in the US for around 60k, and only pay a few hundred a month for it. Its even less in small towns. If you can deal with a roomate then he or she will pay your house off for you.

Not really it means having a child (or two if both parents work) and making sure they can get shoes, cloths, a few toys and something a Christmas.

It's the Unions m8, the wages cause other problems.

We really should lower the minimum wage to twelve or thirteen and actually enforce it.
The problem is that 18-20 somethings without experience cannot get a part time job at all because the business owners can just hire some Indian or a 15 year old to do it for nothing for three years and then kick them out for another dumb kid.

If someone has a child and makes minimum wage they are on assistance. If they are too lazy to get on wic, snap, and welfare, then they would be too lazy to go to work in the first place.

I wouldn't have a problem with welfare if people weren't propagandized to be irresponsible.

Ahmed is right

>Lets make some people unemployable!
>Lets remove any way for unskilled workers to gain work experience!
>Lets remove the ability of employers to quality-price their labor offerings!

>some of the most lazy, rude, unprofessional people you will ever encounter.

Oh fuck off cunt. I'm a Brit living in Australia and they are more friendly than ANYONE in mainland Europe or the UK. They're not as friendly as some of the yanks that live off tips but, that's to be expected.

Get out of your bubble if you think aussie shopkeepers and bartenders etc are lazy. This is an idiotic argument against the $15 minimum wage. A better argument, and the only one you really need, is that they don't fucking deserve it because they aren't worth that much and the states/provinces that have applied this minimum wage in America have seen a HUGE loss in jobs as shops go automated.

We've become a service industry nation, driven less by manufacturing and education, more on consumerism.

Your statement might have been true once, but that was a long time ago.

I'll also add that I've worked plenty of crappy jobs when I was younger, and had many coworkers who had multiple kids. They are all on assistance, and the kid always has new clothes, new video games, and better food than me. And the mom has a newer car than me. Every time, I can't count how many times in high school that I took out groceries to a Mercedes or Lexus after the owner just paid with food stamps.

>The minimum wage in Australia is $17.70, and our workers are some of the most lazy, rude, unprofessional people you will ever encounter.
Even our most famous and rich act this way. You sound like such a soft cunt. I am assuming you are from Canada originally?

This is why I like Trump's min wage policy he said he would do on the trail. A scaling minimum wage that is based on age, the older you are the higher your minimum wage is.

Nice doubles. No, I'm just sick of the contempt servers and retail employees seem to have for me.

You would be an angry cunt if you had to work retail as well. Just pitty them user, they don't really have any skills.

It depends on the suburb. Anything in North Sydney and Manley is top customer service

can confirm, retail is aids no matter where you live

Most people I know make minimum wage or slightly more and I'm 28, it sure as hell is to live off and its not a very good wage which is why it needs to be increased drastically

For any Americans in favor of $15.00 minimum wage, consider this.
The nordic socialism you idealize doesn't have a minimum wage at all.

>buy a meal in an American burger place
>the barely legal qt stops short of kissing on me for just the tip
I am very ok with tipping now

well that dismantles every argument ever

There is no boogeyman out to get you moron. These same retail workers think that there is an overwhelming lack of effort in customers to make things a cordial and easy transaction. Anecdotal evidence based on negative experiences, ripper of an argument.

You hang out with losers.

Either leave the minimum wage as it is or remove it completely.
Come on, Sup Forums, I expected you to do better.
Also, the "living wage" excuse is pure bullshit.

I was at a restaraunt recently, and some stupid cunt fucked up my order completely. When I politelty pointed this out, she decided to accuse me of lying. I insisted it wasn't what I ordered, and she gave me a look like I was inconveniencing her by wanting the food I fucking paid for.

Minutes later she came to my table apologizing profusely and acting all nice. No amount of minimum wage is going to fix people like that.

You don't understand how this works.

If you raise min wage, they will hire less and fire more or not replace people who leave. Even less min wage jobs will be available. You stupid tunnel visioned rats who want more money for nothing. Min wage jobs are meant to be a stepping stone to something better if you deserve it.

Going for the money grab in politics always effects the bottom end.

What you want is to stop immigration and the oversupply of people wanting jobs. Feminism also cut everyones wages and is looking to take 50% of positions while households are no better off having 2 people work for half the price of what they would without feminism.