
Why aren't we meme-ing this into reality? We need Frexit to happen...

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Why are you speaking for frogs?

They are comfort with their lives apparently.

I want what is best for them even if they don't want it.

Shitskins and leftists are

This is honourable but ultimately the French have to be the ones to lead the movement.

There are pockets of French support for Frexit but I'm unsure if the majority of the country would vote to leave the EU at this moment in time.

I was 100% sure Brexit and Trump wouldn't have happened, but I feel like anything can happen now. Frogs are always seen as nationalistic, why don't they want to take their country back?

I am wholly ignorant of their political landscape admittedly, but I hear Marine Le Pen wants Frexit and she is heading in polls. Isn't that a good indication of what people want?

Unfortunately leading in the polls is - for some reason - a bad thing in the French system, from what I've been led to believe. Someone was posting about it here earlier, I'll quote them directly while admitting that I don't know if it's true:

>France has a retarded election system, the fact she is doing good is bad. They have 2 round in their elwction. The first round determines which 2 move onto the second round, the problem is, who ever comes in second gets gets everyone else's vote i.e. You get 30% and are in first, I get 20% and am in second. When we both move onto round 2 I get the remaining 50% of votes that went to other candidates who didn't make it into the top 2. So now we go to round 2 with you at 30% and me at 70%. France is retarded as fuck

>She has to hope that everyone who voted for neither her or the guy in second, votes for her in round just to cancel out their 3rd party vote which automatically goes to the second place guy. I think they do this in case the person in first gets like 60% and the guy in second only got 20%, round 2 won't be so one sided, so instead of 60 vs 20, it's now 60 vs 40 but she's not doing well enough to stay in first for round 2 so yes, she would need 50% just to be even in round 2 otherwise she's behind

What kinda shit... That is the most retarded system. The rationale doesn't even make sense. The person who got the most votes should be ahead. That is democracy.

Jesus, how depressing. Can any Frenchies confirm?

It's unfortunately true, it doesn't matter who is gonna face Le Pen, every other candidate (even those from the right) will side against her at the second turn
This shit happens to the FN every single time

I'm looking into it, and it seems false. The loser third parties seem to suggest where their voters should vote in the second round. It is possible for there not to be a second round if a candidate gets 50%+1 vote, but that never happened. I think the frog just meant that the losing third parties would largely just be against Le Pen maybe.

Wtf are you talking about you don't know shit

It's a direct elections with 2 rounds, 2 weeks apart
> First round : dozen candidates, usually one per party
> 2 Best of the 1st round move up to 2nd round, the ones with the most votes wins

You don't keep votes or whatever, wtf are you on about

I literally said I was quoting someone else and that I didn't know if it was true..

So am I correct? (the post above)

The French people probably aren't stupid enough to jew themselves like that. They have Germany by the balls, why would they leave?

This would be the next move for the eternal anglo, so we'll see.

Yes they just tell which candidate they support, they don't literally give their votes

Didn't see that, sorry mate


We will remove arab scum, we will burn thier babies in sacrifice to our lord

So why are you frogs so passive about this? Shouldn't you be trying to meme your way to Frexit?

Can you guys buy extra British goods it will be super embarsement for elite if uk economy does well next few months and give huge support to right for french german elections.

make it happen


Source: am military.

Sure, Le Pen will probably not get elected in the second round, but the fact that she's leading the poll is irrelevant. In the last 3 elections (at least, didn't check further), the one leading the first round got elected.

JM Le Pen was second in the first round in 2002, and he lost 80/20. The thing is most people in France think that the FN (Le Pen's party) is racist, so whoever is against them will get elected.

People criticizing Marine Le Pen for making concessions are wrong in my opinion. She's making progress, but it's not enough. You have to understand that the FN is being bashed by the media for quite some time now, so even if people share their ideas they are still hesitant to vote for them.

they can't speak for themselves because they hate English and refuse to use it.

Frexit would be devastating for the EU.
Pretty much the end of it.

And a Frexit should be pretty memable as well. Juncker and Schulz are both German and France has some neat history moments of getting control of their own people back from some kings or consuls.

I thought this to be true of the republican party here in the states, but to be fair I do live in commiefornia.

We need them inside. FN victory is far more likely right now than an AFD victory in Germany, and dismantling the EU is easier while working inside the system.

French anons seem to hate le pen and FN because they unironically buy into the EU/austerity meme that all her economic policies are bad.

In other words they are fine with neoliberal economic policy and hate le pen for being a nazi

Because this board is full of libertarian rightists and leftists now that the trumpshow is over and we don't really like Le Pen.

>tfw no swexit in forever

>In other words they are fine with neoliberal economic policy and hate le pen for being a nazi
shouldn't it be the other way around?

what you said is absolute bonkers you fucktard.

for instance, in 2002 FN was second with 18% of votes during 1st round, and yet only got like 20 percents for the second round.

Usually for the first round you get a right wing and left wing candidate, so everybody vote for its side (from the middle to the extremes) . 2002 was a bit different because everybody though it would be a Jospin-Chirac duel so nobody cared enough to vote during first round, except the FN voters. So we got two right-wing candidates for the 2nd round, and left-wing people voted for the less extreme of both.

hope for the best, good luck

Juncker, german ?

Also Lepen don't want the Frexit. She just made a Cameron's move. She just promised a Frexit to get more votes.

But if the Frexit happen, it will destroy France. It's not UK. They use the fucking Euro.

>They have Germany by the balls

In what reality do you live in? France's economy and society is tanking, much like the US rust belt.

Germany is the only beneficiary of the eurozone as it controls the Euro and therefore the EU.


fucking libertarian autists

You would think years of austerity would teach you something but it doesn't.

>France, which has the second-largest economy in the eurozone, grew only 0.2 percent in the third quarter after shrinking in the second quarter.

And that's been going on for literally a decade.

the left is fine with neoliberalism in the EU

even when they promise to stop it (Tsipras in Greece) they ultimate cuck for it.

The problem is many people on the right buy into it as well and are actually agreeing with the left.

>They use the fucking Euro.

Which has decimated the French economy

>Which has decimated the French economy

Exactly. But Lepen has no plan to get out of this mess. It's one thing to break some treaties as the Brit does, it's another one for a crumbling economy to change its currency

FN has great economic policies based on national economic system.

the only people who disagree are neolibs and globalists (or the eternal libertarians).


>Juncker, german ?
Ok, he's a castle jew. What gives.

>Also Lepen don't want the Frexit.
Oh yes, she does. The FN's complete economic policy depends on self reliance in monetary terms.
The FN does want the Frexit.

>But if the Frexit happen, it will destroy France. It's not UK. They use the fucking Euro.
Sure, that's a difference but apart from that it's not that much of a difference. France is Germany's second largest trading partner. If England AND France drop out of the EU then Germany can't afford to alienate both (we can't afford to lose England alone).

It is more difficult to unravel the Euro than the EU but it has to be done even more urgently. The Euro kills Europe.

I mean, that's not going to help you.

I agree with you. They're good when in comes to internal economic, but with the Euro they want to do the same as Argentina did in 2001. They get bankrupted.

No one is passionate enough for it.

US Elections - we had trump threads CONSTANTLY since last year.

Brexit - Brit/pol/ is less common in general but was up constantly during the whole Brexit discussion.

Frexit? French elections? Dutch elections? German elections? Might get a couple of big threads here and there but thats it. Not enough people give a fuck to push the conversation enough. Sure, people like LePen and Geert are well regarded here, but not so much to have constant Page 1 status and to have Sup Forums brigade meme corps on constant deployment.

unpegging the Peso was a great idea and worked in the long run.

the only thing they did wrong was not go all the way with it, at least until Macri finally made the Peso free floating last year.

The fixed exchange rate with the US dollar is what caused the crisis not the free floating exchange rate.

The same is the case with France only with the Euro.

Bring back the Franc already.

The main problem is the language barrier I believe

Americans certainly don't know French, and the French don't want to discuss their politics with outsiders even if they know English.

This. How can I watch the debates when I don't understand the language?

I feel you hit it on the nose. Which is sad. We should be committed to fighting the globalists with memes in every corner of the world.

Why do you care.
Mind your own business.