>tfw thrid world

My best friend's father was just kidnapped. The guy ran a small hardware store and apparently refused to pay for "protection" (I don't know how much was solicited).

Sadly there is nothing to be done, police are useless and just as corrupt, government is obviously out of the question.

It seems to me that most Americans are unaware of how impossible it is to move legally to the US, specially as a Mexican. We are essentially trapped in this shithole with no way out.

We have no weapons, no rights no hope. There isn't a single worthwhile candidate in this upcoming election, more of the same shit.

Just a few months ago the governor of my state escaped with literal thousands of millions and they will never be retrieved. There are no funds to invest in safety or anything really.

What is there to be done, when you are poor and exposed despite maintaining a life of law abiding hard work and a low profile?

Other urls found in this thread:


Emigrate to Europe.
You can live with my sister if you want.

Is she qt?

Pay your fucking bills, pablo.
You think meheeco is the only place in the world where that shit happens?

She's a solid 6....maybe a 7.

You have to have good personal hygiene tho or she will reject you.....apart from that she's not fussy.

Could you bring a couple of bottles of mescal with you, it's really expensive here.?

Now that Europe spend billions importing half of Africa, I dare say that Mexico raised in the shit country scale.

>Inviting spics to fuck your sis

If they fuck that's their prerogative.....who am i to intervene and stop two people who love each other from consumating their relationship?

Is it really? Mescal is dirt cheap here because most would rather drink tequila.

Don't bongs prefer beer and whisky?

So? Flee south. I hear good things about Argentinia from our "white posters" here.

revolution you dam spic

>shits bad better sulk
you deserve it for every day you do not fight back

Not our fault. Fix your own problems.

I like all sorts of booze.

Good mezcal is stupid expensive here but I find it more interesting than tequila.

You can have my sister for two bottles of DEL MAGUEY

Fight, even if you might die. If everyone refused to pay protection than the whole system would collapse. They control you because you are cowards.

>shotgun shell
>in Mexico

even if you successfully defend a 1 month old baby from a rape, you'd get canned

Get legal immigration like I did. Student visa should work.

>population is completely disarmed
>cartels get flooded with American arms

>We have no weapons
get some fucking weapons

>What is there to be done, when you are poor and exposed despite maintaining a life of law abiding hard work and a low profile?

group up with other likeminded people who are sick of the corruption, and get radicalized.
once your guys are sufficiently angry and hateful, start fucking shit up. start murdering known corrupt officials, and known criminals too.

you have to take the fight to THEM. hit them in their civilian lives. do whatever you can to escalate the situation.
things always have to get worse before they can get better.

how much is that in bongistan?

Sauce? If we can make it known maybe we can get it to stop.

There are no safe places in Mexico?

The only argentine I ever known told me her father was kidnapped and had to pay a huge ransom (she was super wealthy)

Apparently it's quite a problem there too

What is there to be done?

Nothing, this shithole is a lost cause. Rockwell explained why back in the day: chechar.wordpress.com/2015/07/13/on-latin-america/

>form a cartel to combat the cartels

We already did that.


>group of pissed of people murder cartel lookouts and steal massive weapon cache
>start killing cartel members and corrupt officials
>uncle sam can't let the goym destroy his first line of defense: the government
>cartel magically spawns more weapons
>US operatives seen on ground training more killers
>mexican government labels the vigilantes a new cartel
>cartels and military fuck them up

I can only hope Trump stops all the CIA meddling here. We will never have a chance otherwise.

look pal, if the USA was so much better for you Mexicans, you would learn how to drive properly and treat the citizens with dignity. You have no place in our politics and need to stop your people from embarrassing yourselves if you want us to treat you like you belong here. Mexicans need to stop acting so fucking entitled to foreign aid and start respecting those who are willing to help or at least not shoot their illegal asses on sight.

This is what i noticed about hispanics.....we just complain and complain.

We dont have the drive to put honor above everything...the Roman way that we were proud to do a job and do it well...no we just complain.

Mexico has politicians and they are corrupt. But not just with politics you can get shit done. Just do your thing, dont earn money so the mafia doesnt seek you out. Just have a simple living, unite with people create a group of friends and just go give back to the community and the country...sooner or later it will improve by cleaning the streets by being a mini local politician....

But no hispanic ever does that...they just sit around and complain and then go fuck and make more babies

google fast and furious, there was a massive scandal involving some nigger and obama about the fast and furious operation aka giving the cartels hundreds of thousands of weapons to "track them down"

Are you fucking retarded? You cant possibly be white

Operation fast and furious, gunwalking, look it up, basically we sent guns and tried to track them then lost track of them

have you ever considred becoming a colony again, it might serve you better than this, but you have to admit that you can't run a state on your own and are second class relative to whites

Stop being a faggot and fight for your country. I know it's painful

I hope you realize that the rason why wetbakcs are turning even more retarded is because they are the children of the original illegals, aka they went through the typical american indoctrination at school while learning that they are special snowflakes being kept down by the white man.

>when you are poor and exposed despite maintaining a life of law abiding hard work and a low profile?

Revolution, like the rest of your retarded latin neighbors.

Looks like you guys need a good ol revolution

Kek, you actually belive the official story.
Wake up motherfucker, we make billions off of drug trafficking

Its england, what do you expact?
These poeple literally gave away their capitol..

Half the time a politician gets murdered here is precisely because of that. The other half being they crossed the cartels.

You seriously believe this wasn't one of the first things we did?

Mexico is shit because your people are shit. That wall can't go up fast enough to keep your dysfunction from fucking up our first world country.

nobody cares about your sob story faggot. mexico has a space program and a stock market values at more than double the newyork stock exchange


Kidnapping is out of control. Ive heard numerous personal stories about that shit. Family members visiting from the states and get kidnapped and held for ransom

they already did that hans
it did not go well

If you (Mexcians) can't run your own country, why not invite the US to conquer you?

You have no idea.

Seriously. international news doesn't even cover a fifth of whats actually happening.

>get conquered by the US
>we are now a colony
>cartels have to go
>drugs stop coming in
>billions lost and one of the most lucrative enterprises in the world for the US dies

Will never happen. It feels like human farming.

It's been tried a few times but the moment you start making too much noise you WILL get killed.

It's not like in the US where its all twitter wars and niggers beating each other. In here the moment you get uppity cartels will gun you down. If you get toguether a whole community to fight back then you get labeled a cartel and the military moves against you (leaving the original cartels untouched).

If you try to do it from -inside- the system you will stalled by unions and other politicians and if you somehow go past that then you will get assassinated either from cartels or from other politicias or by CIA.

So yes you have a lot of angry people despairing around which of course join Cartels to be on the other side of the gun, which is why they have infinite manpower and thanks to CIA's backing also infinite guns.

Just nuke us.

Not even exaggerating when the Mexican cartels are just as armed as pur US military. They may not have drones and tanks. But they have automatics and grenade launchers.
>Afghanistan 2.0

Once you stop having the option of fleeing to the USA, maybe you will start fighting for your own country.

>America becomes a spic nation overnight

Fuck no, build a wall and let them all die.

So typical American indoctrination is the reason why you spiggers are such terrible drivers here in the US? American education is the reason why crime rates in latino communities are so high?
The problem with you Mexicucks is you always blame your problems on others.
Instead of preaching to us, you need to educate your fellow spics and teach them how to earn respect.
Right now, you guys are literally a slave class and are doing nothing to change that. It's insanity to expect another nation to be borderless like a fucking commune, when you have a fucking southern border. Illegals in your country get shot on the spot, that's one thing you are doing right.
If you want a chance here, you need to come legally, and have those already here act as AMBASSADORS for Mexico, not a fucking spigger slave race everyone resents.

Even with guns Americans will never revolt.

You'd be surprised, some cartels do have makeshift tanks, also plenty of armored vehicles. The one thing I've yet to see them use is the drones, but to be honest? I could see them with a few in a some years from now, I mean they already have submarines and gunboats and choppers.

Fuck off, you deserve no pity. Fix it or learn to live with it. Life isn't fair.

Yeah they had some thing called express kidnapping, I tell you cause no argentinian will ever admit that to a tea drinker.

And you OP, man up, grab a machete and go search for justice, the country isn't going to clean itself.

Maybe this will help put things into perspective.

This is from a single crackhouse cleanup where 2 retards lived.
This is the kind of arsenal just 2 cartel faggots had in storage. Guess what the origin of 99% of the weapons is?

you realize its been years since illegal Mexican immigration to the us has been in the negatives right?
The vast majority of spics in the US are second or third generation.

It's almost impossible to fight back though.
There are the cartels, the mexican and american government at one side, ans random people on the other.

Move to Chile.
Literally the only non latin american country that isn't a retarded shithole (except for Uruguay, maybe).

What part of the country you in?

I hear there are stable parts (prob expensive too). But yeah man like i said..you dont need to be into politics to get shit done...just go out and do it niga.

Rome wasn't built great overnight.

People worked hard died, conquered, fought, but above else they had honor to leave a legacy of good life behind. So i say try to improve yourself your life every little chance you get.

Youtube has shitton of tutorials that will help you learn to build anything with your hands (carpentry, paint) anything you fucking one brother

Let me explain this in simpler terms.

Had you deported those faggots the very moment they steeped in, this would not be a problem today. Not only that but they were encouraged to do so and breed like rats, you literally gifted them money.

But you didn't, and you keep blaming us.

I don't know about the driver shit, I've driven both here and in the US and its just as awful.

Stop it, cuck.

forgot pic

It's not impossible, especially when you have internet

go back to 2014 and watch how Ukrainian's took back their county with little more than pipes and sheet metal shields

they were poor, and exposed, but they also had the desire for change and the balls to see it done

Because they were backed by NATO.

If NATO wanted this shit solved it would a month.

There is a few areas that are safe but very few people can afford to run away.

The RPG is one thing but I really want to know how the fuck some Mexican got his hands on a USAS-12.

>Literally shit walmart ammo

At least get some lake city or pmc you plebs. I don't even use tulammo against fucking pop cans. That stuff is shit.

Take a guess.

Don't start making valid questions, the FBI it's in the pizza thread.

>implies that Putin, not dozens of armored vehicles have been delivered, infinite ammo and food


>All these people saying Mexicans to fight
Random, unarmed citzens fighting against people that put little children in acid baths and have more weapons than the mexican army itself wound't be the wisest move.

>We have no weapons, no rights no hope.
Get guns. Wage guerilla war on narco (it has worked). Appeal Trump to help you remove narco.
Only you can make your shithole less so.

Don't let the autodefensas fail next time people are actually fed up enough to stand up against this shit.
You can't just sit back and do nothing then complain when everything stays the same. While I guess you can but that would make you a Mexican.

I just looked and Columbia was one of the very few to use it outside of Asia so it probably came from there. But not many were ever made so its still strange.

Is cartels are engaged not only in cocaine?

Band together as a people, and start killing these inhuman dogs who plague your country.
If your police are corrupt, trap them like rats in their stations and burn them alive.
Either make your own arms and munitions or import them from America.
Honestly, one of the reasons illegal immigration is such a shame isn't the impact on the US- it's the impact on Mexico, that those who are frightened would run, or that those who are corrupt would use us to fill their coffers.
Begin to rise up, and I could even bet that the US will join you, a strong and healthy neighbor is the best friend and ally a person could dream of.

if only miggers behaved themselves when they were here illegaly, they could have assimilated like asians
instead the women have 5 worthless kids who shit up the schools and rob resources that could have gone to kids who actually give a shit about education

People did a few times, USA (specifically the CIA) backed the cartels and stomped us flat.

honestly most of the blame should go to the fags who buy cocaine in this country

Daily reminder that the reason Mexicans are so ugly is because they used to sacrifice the best looking girls to their gods

Hey that's not fair. You are talking about your ANGLO sister!

It's one bottle of del maguey at best.


most massacres happen in small o mid-size cities in mexico. Big city boys like most mexicans posters here are cucked to no end. They've never seen blood, hunt or fish. Basically live like a man. The revoking and "intellectual" force in mexico has been castrated for decades. Putting up a fight is only a thing a man would do, the old mexican is dead. The new type of mexican; drug user, alcoholic, promiscuous, single parent, still living with parents. NEET, is a live and thriving. They're turning into the very thing they despise.

and I'm glad.

That's not my problem. Fight back.

Is too difficult here to have weapons.

>gun show
>no background check

How do the cartels get the guns though if they are illegal?

Hey, I voted against it and evangelized against it. It wasn't until recently that I had met real spiggers. They're so ungrateful and racist to us whiteys.
I feel your pain, ok. I want to make it easier for us to vet you guys. I'm glad you don't agree with giving illegals all the free shit, more than the citizens. We need national security.
All I'm saying is that Mexicans need to feed the peaceful narrative of loving the USA and Trump and each other. I used to look up to you guys, and I've been disappointed with how Mexicans specifically are deceptive and divisive to native whiteys. We need to avoid the racial division narrative and come together to fight the globalists.

They buy the guns from legal people there.


You speak like a pathetic leftist.

ETA was also aided by foreign governments, and the IRA was aided by Gaddafi. And Gladio by NATO,.... ETC.

>Oh well it happens that the Cartels receive weapons from who knows who, welp I guess we can't win this war, it's all in vain, woe me!

Pathetic, it's the typical mindset of a leftist and a woman, to spend more efforts in putting the blame and achieve the moral highground than in solving the problem despite the circumstances. It's sickening.

Mussolini ended the Italian mafia in 5 years, only after Italy was defeated in WWII and the "democrats" and their "human right activists" retards (who consider a human right violation to waterboard a mafiosi or a terrorist) started ruling the country, the Mafia started growing again.


You only need actual determination.

You don't need to "enforce the law" against the Cartels.

You need a total war of extermination against them and anybody who helps them even if it's by "paying for protection or else".

>"Your Excellency has carte blanche, the authority of the State must absolutely, I repeat absolutely, be re-established in Sicily. If the laws still in force hinder you, this will be no problem, as we will draw up new laws."[4]

Simply put, you need to recover the monopoly of violence.

The culture of praising the Narco with things like Narcocorridos needs to end by outlawing any kind of praise or apology of it, even hinting at the idea of the "the narcos are not so bad" or "they are cool" should put your fucking ass in jail.

Human rights and "surgical interventions" have no avail here, you basically have lost control of many parts of Mexico, small towns and mountainous regions. You need an actual war, mass purges against the public institutions corruption and a re-occupation of Mexico by militarized forces.

But dont they know its illegal?

Eh, have you been to Mexico? It's hard for us Europeans to believe, but the police patrols the streets with armored behicles with rear mounted machineguns. They brandish heavy weapons and bulletproof armor. Might have been more extreme where I was (Veracruz) since I've heard the marines arrestes and replaced the police one day. Still, if you fall out of line you are fucked.

What's worse is that the cartells are often seen as a necessary evil. Many rely on their brutality to keep the streets clean of crimes like robbery, rape or even murder. If you are a criminal and don't belong to the cartel, you get suicided. This makes people indifferent to Cartels and hateful of corrupt police and the corrupt government, ignoring the fact that the cartels are the ones bribing them in the first place. Unless they run out of money, this cycle will never stop.

We can go to /k/ you know.

It's piss easy, just buy them from the cartels or from americans.

You start making contacts, and if everything else fails join a cartel, sounds better than waiting to be shoot.

You can always pull a Dutarte, it won't be pretty tough, and how do you avoid the CIA help?

They cut people's heads, I don't think they care.

>We are essentially trapped in this shithole with no way out.

Your country is a shithole because it's full of Mexicans.

dude its not the american doctrination its the parents teaching the children to live like their in mexico. everyone here hates mexicans that act like mexico is nice when no one wants to live their. fuck you man you know how many people here are mexican millions. snowflakes are just college educated middle class. your acting like mexican education is better are you retarded. you fucks dont even have bathrooms in every house

Fucking this. And the lefty ones buy fairtrade coffee to virtue signal!

why the fuck is the u.s the only options. mexico is huge with over 30 states. not to mention canada europe. stop coming here. theirs too many. why do you think its hard to come here its overpopulated as fuck. dude it sucks but just move to the nicer mexican states puebla or some shit

dude stop blaming the u.s its the only place helping mexico at all. trump won and the peso went to shit why? because your so dependant on the u.s