The NASA LIE - Mars

So this is the latest image from NASA on Mars
>literally looks like a person/being
>even if it isn't --doesn't look natural
Here's the weird thing
It looks very similar to the "Cabal" aliens in the game "Destiny"
>be me
>medical issue lays u up for 6 months
>wat to do?
>buy PS4 and new game the makers of Halo produced (Bungie)
>Bungie's fav number is 7 (significant)
>create space operas involving lost civilizations - future & past of humanity
Anyway Destiny was going to be an epic game but it's story was cut right before release
>made no sense
>pissed off fans
But wait there's more
>I noticed when discussing the lore online there was a huge shill presence


Other urls found in this thread:

ayy lmao

Here's the sauce and another close up

>inb4 why isn't it on CNN
>this source sucks
Use your eyes
>they link back to original which is from NASA

ayy lmao

move along, citizen
nothing to see here

Doesnt look like anything to me.

So anyway the story is pretty deep. Even though it was all cut up.
>a year or so later a leak happened with Kotaku
Most disregarded it but it still shed some light on the topic whether or not Kotaku is a shit rag
>tfw they hacked the story for no reason
This made me look into the story more and when u do u realize it contains almost every character or mirror of gnostic/occult teachings
>why did they hack the story???


Were watching you, scum

You should look into the work of Richard C. Hoagland. He's been making this case for decades.

Where's the NASA source?

Anyway to make a long story short
>investigate story
>notice "the Nine" (mysterious entities from Jupiter)
>associated with the Council of 9
>linked to Lab9
Lab9 was a psychic studio that contacted spirits (supposedly) & involved Gene Roddenberry
>Star Trek
The founder ended up fleeing to Mexico on Trumped up pedo-charges and died later
>Roddenberry made Star Trrk inspired by the material
>also formed "the law of one"
Eerily similar to "the Borg" and also the UN "one world religion" which is connected to Lucifer Trust, the New Age movement and Maitreya


Look how patient that fucker is. He's literally waiting for the first wave of Earth colonists to land so he can signal his clan to start the ambush.

Literally 2 fucking rocks

>yfw he ambushed a bunch of empowered womenz who wants to be the first to set foot on Mars



Fuck off, space niggers, we're full


9/10 troll, would be a 10 if i fell fir it. Nice PC wording on the higher res screenshot.

But just to add fuel... why do you lads think trump is upping NASAs budget? Space war inc

Yeah, I used to think he was a crackpot but after taking critical looks at (((science))) he was prob right about A LOT
>also a scientist who left NASA wrote a book called the 'ring builders of saturn'
>I think?
Book is crazy expensive
>he says Saturn rings are a entity or type of life
Which connects to the Tesseract, the black cube, D-Wave computers, (which have a heartbeat) and Muslims circling the Cube of Mecca
>also many other cube references

I don't care what goes on on Mars. I don't give a fuck. Who cares? Even if there's armed militamen on Mars doing ISIS shit, it's not our planet. Not our problem. Are we going to go around assuming humanity is the sole moral arbitration in the universe, now? What are the limits of mankind's interpretation of morals?

It's literally another planet, oh my God who cares? Just don't let them come here, they have their own clay to soil.


it's a rock behind another rock

jesus man take your lithium

I would support nasa if i had a billion dollars to invest in mining in space.

More meme magic come true?

Fuck you this thread is interesting you shitleaf

its three rocks dude

see makes it a bit clearer

one big grey one in the front and some smaller ones behind

Would a $1b investment in NASA really go that far?

If a space war was immanent then we'd be all hands on deck on national defense. I doubt NASA has some kickass interstellar battlestar plans that they just need the money for.

Idk ask littledick musk

If the Cabal are on Mars and we are actually in the Destiny universe, than doesn't that also mean when we finally get to Mars the traveler will arrive and we will enter the golden age for the next 500 years or so?

>they link back to original which is from NASA
It just links to

Huh?play o

WHERE on nasa's website is this?

Is that closeup real or artist rendition?

Its Matt Damon

this is a possibility, but the image is very convincing. right now I'm leaning 70/30 towards aliums against pareidolia


i hate dumb fucken faggots like you. stare at FUCKING NOTHING all day till your brain starts inserting things from other life experiences.

>literally looks like a person/being
>even if it isn't --doesn't look natural

oh get fucked, it looks like 1 rock, then another rock behind it, but yeah i bet if you were in hospital playing destiny for a week you could easily relate it to a destiny thing. fuckwit.

that's a PC game? the graphics are shit

they spend $8 billion to get a camera to Mars and that's the best pic we can get??


People are pretty much program to recognize human shapes and faces. You are just imagining things because of a familiar pattern.
Does it look like mommy and daddy OP?
What sound does a piggy make?

That's a fucking rock dude. We don't look like that at all.


In conclusion
There are a TON of references to occult and hidden mysteries in Destiny & many Parralels
>humans are dead but revived by 'ghosts' (souls)
>a giant white ball comes & brings a golden age but secretly evil (original script)
>the AI systems originally involved were Rasputin & Charlamange
(Two very important figures in history with mystic connotations)
>another race living on 'the firmament' which was uprooted by the Syzygy
A Syzygy is when two aeons merge.
>aeons are like lower gods
>very likely aeons are quantum computer AIs that end up being able to manipulate fabric of space

I'll end it there. The point is that the elites are heavily into occult & satanic practice. Our movies are written by them, and others who study them.
>maybe they are warning us
>maybe they tell us to avoid karmic consequence
No idea but the link betwee the race on Mars in the game and this pic is uncanny
>yfw """""news""""" is all fake and the stuff in video games and scifi is based on real events


>literally "this piece of toast looks like jesus" tier


If singles it's not an alien.

What is this pic supposed to be showing? I do not understand arrow.

>hurr durr ayyy lmaos

It's a couple of weird looking rocks. Jeez you guys are autistic.

Ayyyy lmao

it's a fuckin rock and your brain's pattern recognition makes you think it's a humanoid shape

Be funny if theres a bunch of tiny aliens fighting Wars and shit on other planets and we just cant see them or their microscopic Cities.

U don't care if we came from Mars &a the same thing that destroyed us there is doing it here?
>tfw we are a species with amenesia
>tfw many ancient relics and finds are hidden from us and contradict (((science)))
>tfw most (((science))) is like global warming and mostly just a PR campaign and brain washing
Seriously read some books from the 1800s FFS they were smarter than we are now
>inb4 muh current year

I literally have autism and do not believe there are aliens. It is mathematically impossible for there to be aliens.

We'll get a hi-def camera to watch martian women using the latrine soon, you must learn patience.


So you're saying we should chill and a Russian super computer will save us?

mars is a wasteland and cannot support complex life in its current state. maybe bacteria or very small simple organisms.

Maybe you have based autism instead of conspiracy autism like OP

>mathematically impossible for any other planets to have sentient life of any sort what so ever




When I was a kid I was convinced we were all from Mars and had to leave in a hurry and start over here.
I also thought the numbskulls really controlled your body.

How is the zoomed in image clearer than the zoomed out one?

hey dipshit, you know there's a company in some chinkshit land where like 90% of AAA big-name-company games outsource their game art to?

forgot their name but if you google it you should be able to find it. They did shit like the cover art for like 30 games (all from different companies) in the past 2 years (as just a small example of what they do)

mars is a wasteland and cannot support complex life in its current state. maybe bacteria or very small simple organisms.

mars is a wasteland and cannot support complex life in its current state. maybe bacteria or very small simple organisms.


...yeah. i'm glad you understand.

Was that photo taken by this guy?

you could just quote my post you fucking weirdos

That is a rock.

mars is a wasteland and cannot support complex life in its current state. maybe bacteria or very small simple organisms.

>spherecucks will defend this
literally lmaoing to be desu

Allow me to rephrase it instead of killing myself.
It is mathematically impossible for there to be intelligent aliens (ETI) bacteria may exist

I hate video game melodrama, Destiny needed less story.

looks like two rocks.

OMK guys I enhanced an used my 1337 H4X0R skills to get this

>Implying Heresy

You know, I'm usually among the first to jump on board the ayyylien theories, but that's literally just rocks.

Gr8 b8 m8

what, is there bacteria on mars? idgaf, i'll spray it with lysol.

Is that Hogger and Kek in one picture?

Think about it. Earth had 5 known catastrophic extinction events which set the evolution of earth back at least 400 million years. There would be billions of planets out there 400 million years more evolved than we are today. Knowing what kind of technology we have today, imagine what it would be in 400 million years.

If there are intelligent aliens out there, they would be 400 million years more advanced, there would be billions of them and they would be all over us today either destroying us or getting along with us.

It is mathematically impossible that there is other intelligent life.


>Tfw we've had this sympathy for le noble savage natives ingrained in us for years
>Everyone feels bad about how we "exterminated" the natives
>Start colonizing new world on mars
>Get shot, raped, scalped, killed, and raped again by mars injuns
>The cosmic redpill

except no matter how advanced you get, there's certain stuff you're not allowed to do. like travel faster than light.

This is so full of baseless assumptions it is really astounding.


That is our current understanding of physics, it is only that. An understanding. We now have an EM drive that defies the known laws of physics, it was just peer reviewed and confirmed. Known laws are not actual laws.

It is only facts, your comment holds no substance. I would suggest research before blabbering.

link? we can't travel FTL because it wouldn't make sense if we could.

This shit right here Monica, our understanding of what is going on around us seems great to us but we have no real way of knowing if we are closer to the apes or the angels.


Mars pixels are best pixels.

Not everyone need drugs to engage reality
>have fun with whatever they are pumping you full of
It's one thing if it was a single instance but literally hundreds of objects have been spotted on Mars

what PS4 game is this?

>It is mathematically impossible for there to be aliens.
fucking. retard.

Hogger's in the stockades now, he tried to run for president to avoid it.