Sea levels ARE rising

>Sea levels ARE rising
>the global temperature IS getting hotter
>there ARE more greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere than ever before
>oceans are growing more acidic as we speak
>species are going extinct at an alarming rate
>yet Sup Forums will say climate change isn't real
Explain yourselves

we are claiming its not anthropic and reversible.


Let me answer a question with a question:

Lets say what you are stating is absolutely, 100% true. How do you solve it in the exact timeframe you believe it must be solved in?

Because I keep hearing from your side its an absolute fact, but almost nothing is done to prepare an answer for the solution.

go to china and india and molest them. op is a stillbirth

carbon taxes and more power to government

if you suggest any other things to help you obviously a shill hired by businesses who want to avoid carbon taxes

this desu

At this point it doesn't really matter what the cause is and if we tried to fix it we'd just tank our economy.

I know one species I'd like to see go extinct.

Are you a potato?

The solution is to stop burning fossil fuels.

And if you advocate carbon taxes you are obviously a jew trying to fuck up our economy.

More government and more taxes.. Exactly.

Which is interesting, given that the US output of carbon has dropped as fast as it has in areas where carbon taxes exist. So its not as if such things actually work, other than to tax and grow the government.

Why worry about it, nothing bad is gonna happen in our lifetime

Okay, so lets stop burning fossil fuels tomorrow.

What energy source do you propose to use as baseline energy? How do you propose for people to afford this more expensive form of energy?

How are you going to raise the money to switch to this alternate source, and not collapse every economy in the world?

At least you are admitting it's real now. This is progress.

you do realize you are looking at a very small period of time right? the earth has seen much higher gh gas concentrations and much hotter years than we are seeing... and at many disparate intervals throughout its history. stop being so self-centered.

Let's assume that's an actual solution that would fix things. Western countries may do that, sure.
But is Justin Trudeau ready to go to war with China and India to force them to stop burning so many fossil fuels?

Again, I realize it's real, I just don't care and neither should you.

Baseline should be nuclear. We should have started building plants by the hundreds decades ago. It's probably too late now because they take a long time to build. Nuclear power plants to power electric cars, trains. Maybe ships and planes if we can get the battery tech up to it.

Batteries really are the main thing holding back a lot of technology that has to be mobile/portable

theres simply nothing as cheap and energy dense as lithium polymer

That's fine. Then push it in every country, and hope that NIMBY doesn't strike. Additionally, the vast majority of people that believe in global warming/AGW and other such things are against nuclear in the first place. The reason that we don't have the capacity now is because of so many environmental leftists have butchered the idea of nuclear in favor of far more expensive (and less reliable as baseline) solutions.

For example, only 1 nuclear reactor has been built in the US in 20 years. Watts Bar came online in October 2016. Guess who was the president, and only president, that pushed for nuclear in the past 20 years?

Better yet. which presidents and leaders to you think will even push for nukes at all? It sure as hell isn't Merkel or Hollande.


Fucking pickles man.

>>Explain yourselves
>You lie.
>Your studies are shit

you decide.

Is this the new shill agenda? Spam Sup Forums issue by issue? Go fuck yourselves.

Only complete retards deny climate change, the debate is how much of it is anthropogenic and what we can do about it

>greentards spend decades shitting on nuclear power
>get upset when world goes to shit
you dug your grave

Let's willingly reenter the 18th century. Great fucking answer.

Why is the BC economy in Canada doing so well then?



Nuclear is way cheaper than wind and solar, and can be used as a baseline source of energy. Has the left cared about that for the past 30 years? Not at all.

We could be in the throes of liquid fueled thorium reactors churning out cheap, carbon-free energy. But thanks to the left, the last plant built in the US is a freakin' Gen2+ reactor at Watts Bar, whereas other countries are moving on to Gen3.

I would actually go with more loxal power prod, since a lot a energy is waisted due to trsnsportation. Nuclear/clean fossils meat big cities, alternatives meat smaller ones.