High test bodies

>High test bodies
>Traditionally valued principles
>Family oriented
>They know how to treat a man
>They love white boys

Why aren't you dating a black woman Sup Forums. How could you not make love to a beautiful African goddess. How could you not want to sniff and eat their ass?

Other urls found in this thread:


>high test bodies
>traditionally valued principles
>family oriented
nice meme
>know how to treat a man
>they love white boys
we don't love them back

stop dating monkeys.

I'm dating a black guy tho...

Because I don't want a double-digit IQ son.

>black woman
>any of these things

Nigga are you dislusional?

Is it easier to collect welfare if you marry a backie?

You could always respect their culture by abandoning him.

>>Traditionally valued principles
>>Family oriented
>>They know how to treat a man
What fucking planet do you live on?

black widows don't count

Stop it with this fucking ass-eating meme Jaytravius
Also enjoy every surface reeking of cocoa butter for weeks, kek

Women with high test are not a good thing

>high test bodies
You are gay and so is this thread.

high test in females is something that keeps you away from their muscular structure. they don't look feminine, they look like shit.

This. High testosterone is a male trait.

This is some of the laziest bait I've ever seen. Try harder, faggot.

Fuck a negress, 50/50 chance she has a disease.

The smell... the attitude... the subhuman IQ, lack of manners, and harpy voice.

There's a reason even niggers don't want them m8.

Most nigresses I see in my daily life (mainly while taking a bus) are either middle aged obese women or too young looking and complete skeletons.

Do you guys in america get to actually see good ones? Like those with actual well formed tits and ridiculous well defined peachy round curves?

>Nigga is u dilsional?

Because she'd steal my heart, as well as my bike.

Abbo on black relationships folks

>what is high-test?

>>Traditionally valued principles
You know what the word 'babydaddy' comes from, right?

I fucking love black asian girls.

They're cute as fuck, I'm going to make a super baby with one, Aussie + Asian = Shitposting starcraft player.

Lol you know you're insecure when you post that image.

the high test meme refers to the man. Ie, A man with high testosterone levels would be more sexually attracted to women who exhibits classically feminine traits (thicc, curves, large breasts and ass, etc)


>tfw no black gf

fuck off, take your disgusting interracial fetishes to


I'd probably bang the chick in OPs pic, if she weren't fuckin ace of spades black...

Thats fuckin midnight black...

i dated 3 black girls

the first one was probably one of the hottest girls i ever dated. she was half black half polish. she was light skinned and played vidya inside all day, so she was actually even paler than my ass who went out during the summer and shit. she had the FATTEST ass and the smallest waist. like. it was fucking insane. she'd cook me dinner, bring me a beer and suck my dick. she eventually broke up with me cause i was a dumb fuck boy and would blow her off to party. like what the fuck man

girl 2 was a track star. she was tight. and i mean TIGHT. average body but it looked great cause she took care of herself. shed stay over and cook me breakfast and smoke me up all the time. broke up cause i moved across the country

black girl 3 was just some big booty dumb slut i kinda hated but would fuck cause im just a dumb horny mother fucker. hate that bitch nasty girl with an attitude. /spit

Damn, she almost was "human painted black"-tier if not for the lips.

The very definition of High Test is Stefania Ferrario.

Many closet fags say they "wouldn't" because shes "too fat" or because of her hair.

Yes, niggers are a national security threat. And black women are disease-spreaders, like all niggers. Underrated post my nigger friend, good lookin out.

Darker the better.


I stop read it, too much typo errors..

Because that's a very small minority. Skinny black women are usually people who speak coherent English and don't have a primal urge to steal and commit crime.

However, most black women are these fat disgusting she-boons who are obsessed with dating niggers. They breed like rabbits to shit out kids and collect more Government cheese.

The skinny coherent black women also don't go for black men. They don't share the same 40 IQ with their primal fat sisters who dress like they're always going to church.


200x of what?


That has to be photoshopped black. She's like black-hole black. Heart of darkness black. Miners trapped in a coal shaft black.

im not into bestiality

dank blog post faggot

now get into the oven

>too much typo errors..
>200x of what?
There are two demographics being compared, take a guess. You have 50% chance of being correct.

>impying black women would find me attractive
>implying any woman would find me attractive

Also, I think mods should move this thread to one of the following places:

This is a board for political discussion. Get the fuck out! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>>Traditionally valued principles
>>Family oriented

I'd love to date a dark black girl with a cool as shit attitude.

Sup Forums and it's race mixing fantasies pop up again.

What's next? You're going to make a thread on how white guys should date latinas? or arab women? Or you're going to make a thread insisting that hispanics and "latin americans" are white, even though they are not?

Fuck off.

I've only met 1 attractive black chick in my life and she was half Puerto Rican, or something like that.

OP is a desperate nu male.

im sorry. but i probably contribute way more to society than you do

YOU get in the oven. and bring me a lemonade. im parched. AS. FUUUUUUUU

Half white half black women are the best. Especially if they have white features. My cousin is half white (60-75% white). I could post a picture if you'd like. She's dead though because she got ran over by a train in her car. Rip in piece :(

They have great asses but horrible attitudes and 98% of them vote Democrat.

So they aren't quite as traditional as you think. Or if they are, they sure don't show it at the polls.

Fucking chinks are dumb as fuck after all.

if you date and have kids with a black and you are white, you dont belong on this board degenerate

The meme generated when people used to post women that have well defined curves and big asses, usually on the edge of obesity.

Some closet fags usually say "fuck this, shes fat and ugly". Others reply "only real men with high test could do it".

Its more or less like this. Its doesnt refer to the fact that the woman herself has high test you dumb fucks!

>not 2x or 4x but 200x


>There are two demographics being compared, take a guess. You have 50% chance of being correct

But of what?

Looks like Jinx

I like skinny black chicks
There just aren't many. Hell there are hardly any blacks at all where I live.

Thanks for the clarification lol

because they're unattractive as fuck and smell bad

Shopped to hell

i can see pixels

This is the third thread I've seen about this today. What is your agenda?

You left out
>ugly as a shaved gorilla
>vaginas smell like dead people

Been there, done that.

>Gross pubic hair that you can't stroke
>Ashy, rough skin
>... alternatively gross lotion smell (coconut almost makes me vomit these days)
>Weird smells (not just the lotion)
>Even more retarded and shallow than white girls, zero hobbies or interests
>Even more uncleanly than white girls
>People will be seeing you with a nigger
>They do love white boys but so does dogs



Because I'm not a race traitor.

>stop dating monkeys.

Do you even fucking Science?

I'm black and this is bullshit.

>High test bodies
Depends, just like whites
>Traditionally valued principles
Depends on circumstances, just like anyone else
>Family oriented
Many of the men, yes. Women lean further into degenerate breeding with multiple playahs
>They know how to treat a man
>They love white boys
You can be a status symbol for a gold digger in sheep clothing, knock yourself out.

You ever fucked a black chick
>that plaster smell

>You can be a status symbol for a gold digger

Don't you mean gold nigger, nigger?

Do attractive white girls or attractive black girls feel better for sex?

>Stefania Ferrario

This. Attractive black women that "act white" are a rarity.

Wow you make excellent points, I guess I am now a #junglefeverbeliever

The average black woman is indistinguishable from Jamal. No thanks.

>Stefania Ferrario

I wonder how i would feel after busting a fat nut inside a black girl.

are you saying that higher levels of testosterone wouldn't affect how a girl looks as she gets older? Wouldn't it develop features similar to that of a man? i.e. defined jawline, more muscle mass, different proportions etc...just curious.

They're very few & far between, & even a pretty black girl with a nice body is inferior to a pretty white girl with a nice body. At least in my opinion.

Uhhh, not really my dude, the attractive, intelligent "whitewashed" ones have standards that are just as high as your average white girl, and 90% of ALL black girls, attractive or not, have the personalities of violent ghetto sheboons, black women are the exact opposite of family oriented and are one of the prime perpetrators of the toxic degeneration of western black culture. Not related but honestly the only hope left for western black culture to recover is for welfare to be pulled out from under them and to let natural selection take place.

Then half your country should be under judging by how much an epidemic gambling is there.

bro, im not into eating monkey poop


i wanted to, but i missed my chance :(

those nigger lips sure can suck a white man's cock

>Do attractive white girls or attractive black girls feel better for sex?

White girls by far. They're soft with silky hair. Black girls have gross hair and rough skin. The difference is like the difference between petting a Golden Retriever versus petting some
wirehaired terrier breed.

The only bonus with black girls is that you if your normal white girl range is 6/10-8/10 then your black girl range is 8/10-10/10. Also they worship white guys so if that's your thing then black girls are much more white guy friendly than even asian girls.


>nut inside a black girl
>instantly obtain welfare check

Shes my favorite turbodyke.



>Women knowing how to treat a man
kek nigger please

>short hair

Why would they have bad feeling skin? Melanin changes colour not texture
I understand them having bad feeling hair though, as it looks obviously nappy

>preemptively wearing a riot face shield

They aren't for dating, they're for impregnating after ensuring they have no STDs. Then you leave and do it to another black woman, and the another. Leave the black men to take them as wives after we've given them a few children. They'll have a kid or two of their own and then be done and the gene pool will have been improved greatly.

I know such a shame :(


Had one of them there red noses jerk me off before. Fuck she was so fucking hot. She did it in front of my buddy too. What a (((whore))). Good times.