I always cringe a little when black characters are drawn with cliche euro/anime features and just given a brown skin...

> I always cringe a little when black characters are drawn with cliche euro/anime features and just given a brown skin.

Seen this position from a lot of people, from both sides of the political spectrum. Is it important to depict a black character with "black features" to clarify that they are in fact black?

Attached: neo-yokio-kulture-hub.jpg (1000x500, 252K)

No, I'd rather see them drawn in a normal style than trying to shoehorn in fucked up noses/lips as if we all look like that.

Both are fine.
Even anime does it that way, sometimes black people are just recolors, sometimes they actually look black.
Same thing with other asians, sometimes they look just like the other animes, sometimes they look distinctly chinese.

It's not far of to say it happens to literally every race in anime, heck just compare Edward Elric from fulmetal alchemist to the dad from devilman crybaby.

ones features is a lot closer to a real human

Attached: nice depiction of a american anime character.jpg (300x450, 40K)

Depends on the art style. Generally yeah it is nice to infuse some genetic history into a design to reflect what the character is rather than just rely on color.

>whyte = "normal style"
Shut up, Tom.

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wrong pic

Attached: vaneda vireak.jpg (500x759, 74K)

That's because those two anime have different art-styles. A person can take one look at each of those characters and assume they are white though.

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>Is it important to depict a black character with "black features" to clarify that they are in fact black?

It opens up the idea that black people are insecure about their physical appearance with traits (on average) such as big lips and wide noses.

yeah but same could be said about character from other races, I took them as as example because Edward is 2 recolors away to be depicted as any other race while the dad from crybaby is harder because his design is a lot more closer to what a actually white guy look like.

what I tried to say is white people aren't excluded from what said about characters from other races

It's related to how in the 1960s and earlier, actually racist old cartoons gave black guys HUGE lips and HUGE noses in a deliberate attempt to make them look like clowns.

A lot of people are worried about veering into that territory.

I saw this and immediately thought it was a tumblr redraw of something else but my brain was protecting me by not letting me know what of. Turns out these are OCs by a video game designer.

The person you're quoting is a faggot.

imagine animation is dominated by black people
most characters are black
the few white characters there are just look like black people with light skin and straight hair
you'd be kinda peeved about it too

We'll only get realistic depictions after we are first depicted. It'll be shitty at first; it always is, just like any past "first depiction" of black people in any medium... ever.

it's fine but they won't be niggers anymore. they looks like brazillians or some south east asian races

I pointed out some time ago that asian characters drawn by actual asian creators don't have ethnically asian features (i.e. anime, We Bare Bears characters, et cetera)

Maybe its the same thing here?

and anime features accurately portray WHAT race, exactly?

Pretty much. But also American blacks have a lot of varied facial structures in general so it's hard to generalize too much. You can see someone and know they're black, but coming up with something in non-portrait art that's easily recognizable to everyone isn't as simple. Like Kerry Washington doesn't look anything like Gabrielle Union and yet they're both obviously black.

Attached: 1453459328592.jpg (640x646, 192K)

>won't be niggers anymore.
>brazillians or some south east asian races
>won't be niggers anymore.

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That is kinda what I mean, apparently when it comes to depicting a black character it's apparently important for many clarify that they are black with design choices like pic related.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

Reminds me of those awful rap album covers

Not every black person, especially not in America, where black people are a genuinely mixed race ethnic group (20-25% white, hell, Jaden Smith is part Portuguese and Jewish) has the same facial features. Africa makes it even more diverse when it comes to that.

This doesn't really say anything about race though. It's not like any of those features highlighted is exclusive to white people. The self conscious jap here just picked some pictures that fit his narrative

exclusive? no. more common? absolutely. white supremecy is why white facial features are considered attractive and that's why damn near every anime protagonist looks more anglo-saxon than asian.

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You're going to have to be specific by what you mean with Southeast Asian. Fun fact, the Andamanese people are closer to the Ainu of Japan than anyone else is, thanks to sharing the same haplogroup. It appears they're descended from a long dead race.

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fucking kill yourself scumbag. Black people's looks run the gamut just like everyone else. Cool your bullshit, cunt.

only idiots think that. also the perception of implicity asian anime characters as looking "euro" is white people being stupid

>white supremecy is why white facial features are considered attractive

Don't think one should mix western medias impact on asian beautystandars as white supremacy. But sure again if that fits your narrative.

also you can't possible know those are more common. Even the picture you sent got al ot of backlash when it came out both in Asia and in the west.

Maybe certain physical traits are just more attractive than others for biological reasons? You know cuz humans are animals that have evolved preference for certain qualities, just like every other animal has.

>also the perception of implicity asian anime characters as looking "euro" is white people being stupid

especially considering how they actually draw white characters, it's very obvious

What are some anime/cartoon charcters that actually look black?

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Billy Bat

Attached: macom.png (937x375, 107K)

Huge noses? I've seen the opposite, small, flat noses that are almost dog-like.

I think Michiko to Hatchin had some pretty good looking black anime characters

For the record, Neo Yokio's protagonist is most likely biracial or quarter black, as the rest of his family is white.

yes because if he was full black he would have bigger lips and wider nose.

The rest of the family we see is white because they are voiced by famous white actors I imagine the director from the band vampire weekend don't want to have white voice actors act in black roles. Because of past history of white people acting in black roles.

>people honeslty think the 2000's moe anime style is the be-all-end-all style for all anime.

Literal weeaboo opinion, the old-school definition of the word, 2006 deviantart naruto OC-tier weeaboos.

Wasn't L supposed to be like just a quarter japanese and the rest european or something?


90% of black people have large nostrils and or full lips.

That's a garbage art style though.

Here's a better example

Attached: IMG_5189.jpg (210x240, 22K)

People who percieve anime's lack of features as intentionally resembling euro features are retarded. You're filling in the lack of detail with what you expect to be there.

I think it would be nice to add in biological features in a character. It would create diversity, thicken the character by granting them a background or standard pride. If not that possibly some authentic accents from a VA from that country or a VA that(could maybe) study the dialect. If so.
Cuz like seein shit in SOME anime like black people with thin hair dark skin no lips(who is presented as black) like confuses me, I don't get a sense of like automatic thought of them being who they were designed to be, so it disrupts the design and believability. But, I don't know how widespread this issue is.

White people with ancestors from cold climates also have big lips and nostrils

The first mixed-race comic strip, SFAIK, was "Dateline: Danger". Sort of like "I, Spy" with a black guy and a white guy working together.

The artist was Alden McWilliams. Very good. He'd done several strips over the years.
Someone asked him why the black hero had a goatee. That hadn't been his intention. It was just the effect of the heavy shadowing.

So he asked a black cartoonist he knew for advice on how to draw negroid features. The black artist admitted that HE had trouble.
In that case, at least, I think it was just due to the limitations of the printing technology.

Attached: Dateline-Danger-1968-12-22.jpg (1600x1121, 758K)

If you want realism in character design watch live action shit.

>lying is always a option

Attached: Abengane2011.png (846x720, 540K)

>Euro anmie features
What does that even mean? Anime people all look alike because it's just easier to draw.

A B&W example so you can see the inking better.

Attached: 1238392_1_x.jpg (1600x506, 161K)

>Anime is white meme
Pathetic how Sup Forums wants Japan to accept them so much they delude themselves like this

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They look like they're planet of the apes characters with fur covering everything but the front of their face,especially because their clothes aren't treated the same way. This strip at least is how not to do hard shadows.

This one is fine though, but the second-to-last panel looks real creepy.

>jawlines are a white thing
>being chubby is an Asian thing

Black people want to be white males
Women want to be white males
Equality wants to be a white male

I don't

What meguca is this?

The white male God delusion

Are you saying 90% of all Sub-Saharan Africans share the same features, when they are so physically and genetically diverse that they might as well be different races? I'm not kidding about that either. Even saying 90% of all African Americans would be wrong.

It's important that artists do what they want without concern for reactionary opinions.

Yeah no thanks.

I'd still hate myself even if was white

Attached: liluq6cflp601.png (600x600, 394K)

>it's a white faggot who think anime characters look white episode

Attached: white features apparantly.jpg (853x1280, 226K)

Attached: asian vs white.png (647x332, 394K)

look at this post
contemplate it
it's so full of layers of second hand embarrasement

Attached: Real_life_Agil.png (1920x1080, 2.81M)

It all goes back to mukokuseki or "default human being". Characters are of the nation the media is created in unless otherwise specified.

You only see anime characters as white because white is your default. In Japan Japanese is the default and they have different ways of drawing both whites and blacks.

>1/4 nip
>1/4 limey
>1/4 frog
>1/4 winnebago

People who think the "default" in anime is supposed to be white are delusional. When japanese want people to know someone is white/american, they go ALL OUT.

Attached: 5d851a338cb8b71c2d463ee710bf7710.jpg (960x544, 598K)

Dude, I live in New York City. Every single fucking Black person I've EVER seen has some pretty big lips and a wide nose with flared nostrils compared to lighter skinned races.

Is it Iconoclasts?
I don't know why but that arstyle makes me think of Iconoclasts.

Are niggers in this thread seriously trying to argue that Blacks don't look like Blacks?

Pic related, it's a Black.

>pic related

Apologies, here's the Black.

Attached: wolof2.jpg (593x601, 40K)

And I am actually black. I'm pretty sure I know how my people look, and I highly doubt every single black person you have ever seen has those features, unless you live near Haitians or Nigerians. And this is coming from someone who has a wide nose and wider lips than your average white person (but not a lot of Asians it seems) Hell, doesn't NYC have people from Cape Verde up there?

No, they're arguing that not all black people look the exact same. Check this out, this is just in Ethiopia alone.

Attached: 1498060240977.jpg (1478x7272, 3.89M)

And I'm dark hispanic, so what?

>I'm pretty sure I know how my people look

I'm pretty sure I know how your people look like as well considering I see them every fucking day.

>Hell, doesn't NYC have people from Cape Verde up there?

We have all types.

What is even your argument here? That Black people don't have an EXTREMELY specific and distinctive physiology? Because it's just not true. What, do you think I'm saying ALL Black people have GIGANTIC noses and lips? Obviously not, but in general and in comparison they do.

But blacks are Hypermasculine and lack the rampant pedomorphism that Asians and to lesser extent, whites, have.

You aren't gonna tell me that a very brown Indian or Mexican or whatever looks the same as a black guy.

While the rest of early humanity flee the Hellhole that was Africa, blacks remained and evolved in to more a "adult" race of humans, physically more powerful.

Attached: african albino portrait.jpg (720x1080, 53K)

Who the fuck is saying that they all look EXACTLY the same? From what I see and what I'M saying, the claim is that Black people generally have thicker lips and noses than other races, WHICH IS TRUE.


Nice Black.

No that would be abbos my man. They got all of that and mad brow ridges

Everyone in that picture has thicker lips and bigger nostrils.

Is this bitch really wearing bottlecaps in her hair?

there are some blacks who look like blackface europeans, btw. isn't his old female relative white - there you have it, he's just as darkly tanned as DJ Pauly D.

He may be a racist caricature but he's one of my favorite Dragon Ball characters.

Attached: card_1004670_character.png (426x568, 26K)

Obviously compared to some other races. It's a defining feature but not something needed to be exaggerated. What exactly is the problem with not showing off those features though? Wouldn't the skin alone already prove a person to be black? It's all just various shades of chocolate anyway.

Sorry didn't mean to comment on you

Shit nevermind sorry

what? some have wide, some have more flat noses, some have sharper noses, others are more bulbous

Yes, Anime is what Japanese people wish humans were like,they are not cartoons but Animated people on a much more beautiful world, but .. in reality, only the fittest survive, and the fittest race there is, is black.

Asians and whites resemble more infant apes, and blacks are more mature-like, makes sense, since they were evolved to FIGHT AND CONQUER.

PFFF! yeah and that's why black apologists are saying Egyptians looked subsaharan.

If blacks are so fit how come Africa is such a gigantic shithole with populations that are heavily dependent on the foreign aid of more successful countries?

>since they were evolved to FIGHT AND CONQUER.

I guess that explains why the most powerful countries in the world are white and asian lol

>what are africans from outside of america

Nigga find yourself a Ethiopian pal and tell me he have big lips and wide nose.
Talk about narrow minded

This is the exact reason why niggers are attractive in videogames and anime and not in real life.

It's fantasy proportions.

Most Anime characters dont even look human, let alone a specific.

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you mean pinoys are the most powerfulest race

>Is it important to depict a black character with "black features" to clarify that they are in fact black?
It really doesn’t matter either way. If there’s a diverse cast of characters and they all look the same in terms of features, that’s fine, and if they all have respective features of their race/ethnicity, that’s also fine.

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boondocks is not a anime