Are you drumptards scared?
Alt Right Protests
oh no i'm scared
you're the ones that should be scared, you will be slaughtered
>your move globalist scum
No, we're the ones with assault rifles and training.
Have you ever killed a living creature from 800 yards away? I have.
>a bunch of 120lb malnourished hipsters barely physically fit enough to lift their shitty handmade signs
literally shaking rn
CKD burgerbro
Clips are loaded. Bring it you cock sucking faggot
hunting animals is much, much different from fighting other humans.
deer can't fight back.
And sheltered leftist can?
You better be loading up a Garand
Sorry I've got a job and a family to take care of.
I've seen a deer gore a man before, don't doubt them when you're on flat ground.
It'd be like shooting fish in a barrel. You shills are really digging at the bottom of the barrel here...
I swear to god if you are talking about magazines
not at all
But, you should be.
You niggers are outnumbered 3 to 1 I would love to see you try to start a war on whites
>No more presidents
Fine. God Emperor or King will be acceptable titles
not at all. apparently some of you people are forgetting about the armed forces that exist to protect us from scum like this. I hope every single day that they attempt their little "purge" because that will be the day we see population control done right.
I am but only because I've been playing fucking amnesia for the last 4 hours with all the lights off
>soros-paid globalist scum trying to incite a civil war
Go back to your furry board faggot.
> clips
This is why you will lose again
kys nigger
/k/ and Sup Forums are one in the same
>using cellphones that were created thanks to a society that you're actively protesting
Retards. All of them.
please don't burn down your own towns, it's scary
Scared? I have been waiting for this time my entire life. The left is so accustomed to being able to say and do whatever degenerate hateful shit they want to without retribution. Now there are people actually pushing back against them and they are losing their fucking minds. Keep protesting. Keep weeping and gnashing your teeth. It feeds us.
>no more presidents
that's pretty anti-american
someone should unleash gunfire into this crowd of urban niggers.
No I have guns
Niggers are only 13% of the nation. They're most densely populated in the south. They'll be extinct within months if a race war/civil war.
The other SJWs will be executed.
The bankers, the elite, Soros, the mafia, the Globalist will be hunted down like dogs and will be hung in the streets.
>No More Presidents
What did they mean by this?
In order to put humanity on the Golden Path, the God Emperor had to make himself the most hated thing in the entire universe.
>race war
>shootin nig nogs with my squad
>fuck, I'm empty
>shout out "Changing clips!"
>all squad members simultaneously stop what they're doing and stare at me
>"fuck you user"
>all of them sling their rifles and walk home, shaking their heads
More than half, a lot more than half, of the protesters are white women and white cucks.
Blacks and Latinos can't even fight white people right, they need whites to do it for them.
i'll never forget the blm protest where the blacks called for all the whites to form a circle around them, to protect them.
Wooo, lighting shit on fire, thinking that words actually effect our feelings, thinking that there's only your way, nothing else, ooo...
>Let's get Hillary to take the guns away
>Oh no Trump won, we must have a revolution
>Let's rise up and use violence
How do you sleep at night knowing you're fucking brain damaged? Now go out and meet people who have guns. Please refer to them as "officer".
Thats hilarious. Any pics or vids?
You can like weapons without being a degenerate, unfortunately doesn't apply to /k/.
I know this is a shill thread.
But seriously, leftist hate guns.
Why do Leftists want to sponsor or commit to a Civil War with all the people who legally own guns?
Maybe all he has is a Nugget or SKS.
How do you even see your sight picture with those on?
The believe smugness is a weapon.
A deer is far more dangerous than these kids.
>furries love /k/
>/lgbt/ loves Sup Forums
There are faggots on every board.
Youre on Sup Forums
>>serial number
FBI,NSA and ATF know who you are now senpai.
kek, I love how they all are like "wow, twitter, instagram and snapchat will love this"
ur sling mount is gay
Scared of what? Four faggots and a tuba?
Literally dozens
Even if I was in America I wouldnt be scared
A moose can, and will. As will coyotes, boars, etc.
except /k/ believes people of all creeds and colors should have the right to keep and bear arms.
>/k/ is one person
You can't make out the serial number.
What you saw was the patent number for his rails.
That's not alt-right. That's One level before communism: Anarchism.
its better to infiltrate these movements so you can bring logical arguments and really get at whats wrong with the system
I was at a communist group meeting that was planning on protesting trump, and I had some decent conversations with strangers for once. lol.
these people i sense, even the communists buy into the systems and ideologies that are presented to them in the mainstream like marxism IMO without critical thought (i.e. - communists being the puppet of bankers in Russia) which leads to manipulation.
If protests can accomplish constructive change, I do not have any political allegiance. Furthermore those who have blindly doubled down on the left are more often blue-pilled petite bourgeoisie that don't understand the problem or brush off many of the conclusions pol comes as conspiracies. This the essential difference.
Those assholes claim to be against the system and racism yet won't open their eyes to the manipulative global capitalist powers which are at the root of fractured identity politics of the left - i refuse to support blind left wing politics.
I am instead more scared for the left, alt-right protesters, and SJW faction. If and when any sort of economic collapse occurs, it will be their heads on the table because they were the ones promoting all the policies that resulted in overspending and an increase in crime.
TL;DR - Be more scared for the extreme left, an economic collapse would result in their lynching.
/k furry spotted
I'm literally shaking. Literally. Surprised I could even type this.
Atreides, fuck yeah!
I know how to read a lower receiver. I just imagine the Feds have ways of figuring shit out.
Oh yeah. I'm shaking in my tanker's boots.
The majority would back up the right along with police
I'm not just scared
I ' M
Specifically the Marines and Spec-Ops.
shout up you faggot fascist, I can take care of myself
Oh no, city slickers who oppose violence and abhor guns are threatening me. Whatever shall I do.
Wow it's literally nothing.
The only thing that will cause serious unrest is if the electoral college elects someone other than Trump.
it's like they're trying to be a stereotype. too fucking funny.
L-Literally shaking right now, fampai.
Vegan The Barbarian looks a bit out of place.
and we have one to offer.
literally shaking