Tells people to disown their friends and families if their not AnCaps

Yells madly into the camera when donations are low

Has members who've donated thousands of dollars in his "inner circle" who lives in a commune in Pennsylvania

Uses his therapist wife to tell people to toss their parents

I think he's a cult leader. is HIS website that reveals it all.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yup. That's why I don't like watching his videos. I really suspect he purposefully fucks up people's lives and then tries to exploit them. He and his wife might be predatory sociopaths.

>I am a gullible idiot who blindly accepts everything which is written on the internet

Stay pleb, OP

even if hes literally a cult leader, why should I care? I like his vids and never donated a cent

No mommy, don't do it again
Don't do it again
I'll be a good boy
I'll be a good boy, I promise
No mommy don't hit me
Why did you have to hit me like that, mommy?
Don't do it, you're hurting me
Why did you have to be such a bitch
Why don't you,
Why don't you just fuck off and die
Why can't you just fuck off and die
Why can't you just leave here and die
Never stick your hand in my face again bitch
I don't need this shit
You stupid sadistic abusive fucking whore
How would you like to see how it feels mommy
Here it comes, get ready to die

I stopped watching because he annoys me

I haven't really started. I love how memetic he is though.

no shit captain obvious

thread theme

>Tells people to disown their friends and families if their not AnCaps

>just did a video on why he was wrong and libertarians are retards

Who hurt you leaf?

Literally none of this is true, my main criticism is that he isn't extreme enough

A bit hard to believe simply due to his political and therefor audience shifts. From anarchist that thinks governments spank your infantile bottom to right wing ethno nationalist it's a bit hard to see.

And in that video, he said that Libertarians were wrong in criticising him asking people to defoo.

STEFAN MOLYNEUX isn't intelligent and he says nothing of value that can't be heard in better quality from somewhere else.
I don't even understand why people listen him.


He is a textbook cult leader.

>leafs are dumb: the thread
more news at 11

>>Yells madly into the camera when donations are low

Name one time that's actually happened.

i thought that guy went full fash

post what's on there

"Molyneux started a private section on the boards titled ‘Friends Of FDR’ (Referenced in #1373 at ~ 19:00) for these dedicated few. Donations were necessary but not sufficient to gain access to this forum. One had to prove a serious dedication to DeFOOing. After ostracizing their families these “Friends of FDR” began forming their own tribe. A large cluster of Inner Circle members moved into an apartment in Pennsylvania (Referenced in #1394 and #1861). Stefan would make personal visits to this apartment to discuss philosophy and give advice."

from his own website.

Donate enough and you get to be in his inner circle.

fucking genius
cut off your family and spend the rest of your life in resentment. IT IS GOOD FOR YOU.


don't take my word for it.

Listen to his "but my parents were nice" podcast

and go to , his own scientology bull shit website

I'm pretty sure he isn't letting his final form out on youtube vids, he has always made subtle hints that whites are racially far superior than blacks, I believe that's as far as he will go in public but holds far more extreme views in private. I could see him wipe out millions of people and not give a damn.

not really

his mommy, I'm guessing

but sweden that would violate the NAP!

joke aside is he a white nationalist yet ? He defended them to death 2-3 videos ago ?

not that theres anything wrong with being a white nat

people like him can't be fixed. He has already committed himself to destroying people's life. I don't care if he's not AnCap anymore. That means he just separated families for something he's already changed his mind on.

Come on, get down with the sickness

Yep, he is a loon. Unfortunate that the only persuasive people we have are cult leaders, conspiracy theorists, and homosexual clowns.

Wow.. What a failure.
Good think I didn't get too caught up in his shit

NAP could be spun just as muslims holy "defensive" war though.

This is great


holy shit .... hahahahahhaha

dude this guy is a lunatic i had no idea i was eating up a lot of his "relationship adv" and rants about single mothers and race crime stats..



This post is severely lacking something, but I can't put my finger on what...

>spank me again and again and again

holy shit

>single mothers and race crime stats
Strawlymeme doesn't discredit those two things, moron

hey relax, i still believe those things to be true, i just didn't realize that he was nutso

TDS is so great.
It's too bad they're the number 2 show now.

>Brought to you by

stefan molyneux is a balding limp dick faggot

Good stuff

nah hes a pretty smart dude. theres thousands and thousands of hours of stuff of course he's gonna say some stupid shit here and there

also some of it is taken out of context or cut at the right time to make him look crazy

Have you listened to his call in shows? His followers are absolute morons.

Wouldn't be surprised if they all go Jonestown 2.0