THE MASS HAPPENING: Anti-white gameplay designer for Mass Effect

Found this shit on NorthCrane

>"Reminder: this subhuman skidmark is the "gameplay designer" of the new Mass Effect at Bioware"

He also wants "intersectional diversity in games"

I know most here aren't into gaming, but anyone feel like we should do something about this filthy cunt?

Should we get #MassBoycott trending on Twitter?

Other urls found in this thread:

Damn. I really like the Mass Effect series.

Whatever, so long as I don't see any anti-white sentiments in the new game i'll buy it.

>found this on the site i own and shill on Sup Forums

You have been spamming this on every board for almost a week now.

If it hasn't taken off by now, it isn't taking off.

Nice ID


>I follow too many white dudes, so if you get culled, tough shit. Blame the dominance of your species/race/gender.
fucking lol

Report to Twitter

Boycotting games never works, because fans of the series want to play it just so that they can join in the conversation tearing it apart.




How dare you do that, fucking reddit trash GET OFF MY BOARD

Lads I have an ingenious plan

We take those tweets and then doctor them into being about jews or some shit like that

Then we spread it into the normie twitters

And one of two things will happen,
1. Either the guy we want to fuck with is smeared as a bigot
2. Normies will look into the actual tweet and find out the original wasn't much better than the doctored version, thereby making him still look like a piece of shit

>playing cuck effect

Just call up his work/company and report him for hate speech. They'll dump him so it doesn't affect their sales.

lol faggy poo in loos

gif related is what we should do to them
day of the rake soon

>buying triple a single player games

Fuck this cunt no mery

That was awesome. There has to be gas on those leaves right? Or do the leaves ferment and produce alcohol or something?

The best way to hurt the game is to spam shit/satirical reviews when it comes out.

Investors don't give a fuck about SJWs, only cash money.

Report him to his company, let them know that their company's image is being molded by this man's racism.

Fuck you burger. Day of the flipper soon...

no white person (more than half of gamers) should buy this game until he is fired

He's a gameplay guy not a story guy. Who cares?

Canacucks in charge of memes
Chopping that tree with no survivors!

Don't bitch to Bioware, they've been taken over by SJWs.

Complain to EA, IE the rich white dudes who own Bioware's leftist asses and care about money and not hippy bullshit.

>Blame the dominance of your species/race/gender
At least he's admitting he's subhuman. Poo in Loo!

>Implying spatulas aren't the burgers' best friends.

>Buying Bioware trash, let alone EA trash

Way a head of ya

Someone post the picture of the white dude in doors with the gun while trannies riot outside his window

#boycott never works

Do something like #RacistBioware or #RacistEA

Usually gets a response if you get enough people calling the entire company racist

to be fair it should be

>Buying video-games

Anyone buying this should be gassed to begin with.

I knew there was a reason Mass Effect was literally the only game I got a steam refund on.

Lord Kek was right again.

>new Mass Effect
No one could possibly be stupid enough to buy another Bioware game... right?

I'm not buying any more ass effect games.

>"intersectional diversity in games"

What in the hell is that buzzword shit supposed to mean?

>game not included

>mfw "Game not included"

>1 post by this ID

you'd think they'd regret fucking ruining the media that otherwise pacified bored autists with too much free time on their hands

Mmm, burger

"No white people"

>get remote control car
>no game

Give us 60 more shekels to get the "ultimate" collectors edition go-guys!

Fuck this series. After 2 fired their main writer and EA skull fucked them into purchase, the story went to SJW shit. Sad to see this and Star Wars getting so fucked over so quickly.

I seriously don't think I'll ever get over this. I don't even play video games anymore. This made me realize you should never hope for nice things.

>blame the dominance of your species/race/gender

good to see he's realized he's not human

Bioware also hired this woman to be a writer

She was the one who called the "virtual rape" in GTA online to be "eerily realistic"


He's right. Northcrane is a piece of shit.

>game not included

isnt it already an axiom that bioware and the mass effect series is pure cuckery

why is anyone surprised


>game not included

I was just about to say this is a pretty cool collectors edition.

But they weren't supposed to be. They got bought by EA and had to add a bunch of bullshit in, online components that made no sense, and added a second head writer that eventually took over when they forced the OG guy out.

If you want to blame anyone, blame EA for the downfall of Bioware, just as we blame Microsoft for the downfall of RareWare

Fuck this guy.


No no more fucking boycotts. It is a retarded tactic especially now that people are trying to call them for literally everything atm. Stick to the triggering. It forces their insane views out into the open and it is far more effective in the long run.

Shame. I like the series. But I noticed how the writers got replaced by SJWs in the third one, especially the Citadel DLC. That whole thing was basically 3-4 hours of le randumb xD tumblr jokes


See now this is how you get things done.

oy vey, he's just a harmless internet merchant, looking to make a living!

donate a click won't you goyim, he's working so hard!

northcrane sage

he's a beta orbiter pajeet trying to whiteknight sjw his way into some pussy

Oh this is literally just another attempt at Sarkeesian style SJW baiting. Guy just wants to be able to run and get donations because the ebil Nazis are trolling him.

Either that or we have one serious autist on our hands.

Bioware has been a festering hive of degeneracy since at least Dragon Age 2.

He took a break and he's back again.

I'd let Hideo Kojima call for a white Holocaust before I let some shitty developer no one has ever heard of for a shitty game tell me that white people aren't as good as they are.

At least make a name for yourself before you crash it into the depths of the deep blue sea.

they're really going to fuck up by making teenage white kids race conscious.

Bioware is shit and has been shit for ages.

Oh look, this thread again.


>dominance of your species/race/gender

Now this ladies and gentlemen, is one dumb motherfucker.

But it's not surprising, just another beta orbiter knownothing.


wtf i want to squeeze zits into my mouth now

Because of Kotor Mass Effect will always have a special place in my heart. There are a few other sjw cancer fucks working on andromeda with this guy so sad to say I will be pirating my first game ever.

What's wrong with video games user?

Dishonored 2 turned out pretty good

Just a tool and you fell for it you moron

If you're a straight white male and play video gaymes you deserved to be hanged in front of the public.

But... but... I love Mass Effect... It's like the only video game series I still have some interest in.

Well, at least I always pirate.

Man, I'm gonna day one torrent it, then once its finished downloading immediately delete it off my hdd in protest.

That'll show those fucks.



>be straight white cuck
>go on pol to shill myself on the genocide of white people
>spend countless hours playing video gaymez everyday
>smoke weed all the time
>watch porn all the time
And you cucks wonder why Jamal is out fucking all the girls. Please gas yourselves

to be honest that seems like the kind of shitposting I'd be doing if I was brown in this day and age

How can we be sure that he's serious about that stuff?

i hope he snackbars the entire bioware team one day

This. nothing of value would be lost.

It doesn't work because teenagers are their biggest customer base and they don't care about this and you're an idiot if you care about this shit.


Like finding shit in the toilet.
Not even a shocker considering the shit they've been pulling for a while now.
This guy could say he wants whites in his workplace assassinated and he'll get away with it.

EA can suck my balls. They made a Jew I know a assistant development manager.

See, the thing is, she dropped out of fucking highschool because she skipped so much that she got expelled while failing every class. She got a GED and jack shit else to her name. She caused a lot of drama with coworkers, had shit min wage stuff, and is overall half assed. She gets in at EA as a bug tester, pretty low tier stuff. But she has a Jew boss and, bam, next thing you know she's a senior quality analyst making $80k, and soon was leading her own projects, most recently she managed developers that make $150,000.

I have an MS related to programming, manager experience, 8 years of experience... I have been turned away from every senior, lead, and manager position and told I am no where near qualified.

But this highschool fail out is? BULL SHIT.

There is no entertainment that I need so badly that I will support such blatant Jewish nepotism and anti white propaganda. It's time for EA to fail.

heheheh.......... clever....................................

>Someone who I disagree with exists, oh no!
Welcome to Trump's America, where freedom of speech and dissent is not allowed.

The pajeet lives and works in Canada, you fucking cuck.

Fag alert

You've made a mistake going to liberal workplace.

Fun fact that the same thing happens in Poland but on opposite side of the spectrum.
Makes me think that it's not about left or right but which way uncivilized people lean at any given time.

Replace every instance of "white" with "black" and what happens? Fuck this guy. I can live without Bioware products. Is Bioware a subsidiary of anybody else or they are the parent company?

Basically it's newspeak for saying non-white.

I'm not fucking around. This isn't an exageration. The term means when all races mix together and get ambiguous, i.e. "intersect". It's advertised as nonracial and scientific, except most people are either Asian or really brown so this "intersectional" race only looks ambiguous among brown people. Whites are kind of the most extreme genetically and we are only 8% of the world population, so any intersectional races where all the groups average together would wash out our features almost completely.

That's why they advertise race mixing, saying we are all going to be one race. Nope, other groups don't mix. It's just going to wash us out since there are so few of us. They call this plan "Intersectional Diversity" and it's literally code word for anti-white.

I don't work with EA but the tech industry in general in the US, I haven't been able to find a better position but I have watched women and Jews right out of college or even with no college, be promoted or hired into positions over me countless times. It's infuriating, then they tell me I am the privileged one. I am almost always the only white man on my team or room and they tell me I am privileged. Because I'm not the white guy doing the landscaping? I cannot wait for day of the rope.

>Leaf thinks hes relevant

Someone tweet this to those anonymous hackers and let them hack his twitter account and delete it.

Damn, Fire Mages don't fuck around