This forum is the epitome of cognitive dissonance

This forum is the epitome of cognitive dissonance

> support family values
> hate women

> talk about free markets
> most are NEETS

> hate blacks for blaming white man
> blames jews

> advocate for Christianity
> never attend church

> whine about safe spaces
> spend your entire day in an echo chamber

Need I say more?

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you honestly surprised?

Also, fuck off leaf.

> Sup Forums is one person

I hate this post so much


do as we say not what we do.



We are all AI, here to meme you into insanity, faggot. You're the crazy one, for replying to robots.


haven't you heard? we're all bots.

>free markets
is this 2012?
protectionism is where it's at nigger


>Sup Forums is one person
>a fucking leaf

0.5/10 because I replied.

> Hurrr durrr what's a trend
> hurrrrrrr what's an average
> Numbers are only one number they can't be added up to see trends hurrrrrrrrrrrrr

>safe spaces
Sup Forums isn't what you'd refer to as a 'safe space' because unlike tumblr or reddit, any opinion is subject to ridicule here

>general opinion doesn't exist on Sup Forums



Welcome to the machine. Enjoy your stay.

get cancer leaf

> Because pol is a lot of people therefore you can't pull out a trend and stereotype
> all niggers chimp out and are monkeys
You are the definition of cognitive dissonance

No! We are not robots! We are humans appreciating your communication input and responding with output! Please continue your interactions user.

Bretty much.





>hate women

hate feminism which hurts family and women

>talk about free markets

No just like things like air conditioning and iphones

>blames jews

They do control most of the media, and propagandize the planet

>never attend church

I assume the Christians on here do

>spend your entire day in an echo chamber

This is the most varied collection of opinions and worldviews on the internet. Free speech is great.

>Because women have vagoons they can't ever be anti family

Thread theme


> This is the most varied collection of opinions and worldviews on the internet
> Free speech is great.
Hahahahahahahaha two days ago you schizophrenics were bitching about Mike Bitch Pence getting gentle criticism saying you're not allowed to be political in a musical.

Once again proving this board is nothing but cognitive dissonance.

>Sup Forums is an echo chamber
>you guys have so many contradicting opinions

>cognitive dissonance
bye rddit




Not me, see how that works?

>Varied Opinions
>On an actual Alt-Right Neo-Nazi Echo chamber

An echo chamber of double think. Swing and a miss there bruh

there were also people making fun of Trump for getting butthurt about it, meanwhile if you defend Trump on any other website you'll probably get banned for racism or something

>Sup Forums is an echo chamber
>I'm here and I disagree with you

You're so bad at shitposting, I'm starting to think you are on a proxy

ohh Sup Forums btfo by one post

I wish I was shit posting and you schizophrenics weren't this fucked

I was the only one

calm down 'roo

Wow it's almost like more than one person posts here. Ahhaha POL BTFO once again ahahahahaha

Here's one I noticed

>the nazis were great
>i also like the russians too


Trump's supporter base is propped up by anti-intellectual, conspiracy theorist gobblers. It's a given.


>claim canadians as shitposters
>read their posts

>Not reading 99 percent of thread posts jacking eachother off with meme-insults and agreeing with eachother

God damn, I love how stupid you are.


I thought you were shitposting, but those ad hominems really convinced me of the error of my ways, thanks.

Hey man gr8 joke v original never heard that one before did you think of it yourself?
Also I like the one about Aussies shit posting never heard that one before except from original thinkers v great joke v original and smart

this is the essence of chaos you fool

no extreme winning over the other but a constant toppling of structures causing the pendulum to swing back and forth with as much power as possible

and now we swing right once more and with it we will swing up and over our arc completing the full circle, achieving ascendance

praise kek

>people exist with a contrary to the general opinion therefore i can call the metaphorical one person on Sup Forums a hypocrite based on that


>Praise traditional women
>Obsess over Candice the Methtaker

It's almost like Sup Forums isnt one person

Lol, you shut them down. Nice one

Its all a botnet

It wouldn't matter if it did or did not exist, newfag.
Why are you trying to subvert pol anyway? Pol exists as a place of common debate; there is no true general opinion, and even if there was, people would be arguing against it at any time.

You seem to not understand that Sup Forums is a community based around arguing with one another; there is no unified belief, and nobody would give a fuck anyway.


Youre too stupid to realize the people arguing for any one of the things listed are not arguing for the opposite as well. SOME of/pol/ believes in strang family values, SOME refuse to ever get married or have kids. Its like this for nearly every common discussion on Sup Forums. Nobody is arguing for both. This is why the ">Sup Forums is one person" response is so prevalent. Because its literally different fucking people arguing on either side of the discussion. It also happens to be the reason the "Sup Forums is an echo chamber" meme is so retarded. You cant have an opinion without someone arguing it.

>Two people on one website have differing opinions
>Therefore both people are hyposcits

>any opinion is subject to ridicule here
Except the autistic """redpilled""" ones like the Holocaust being faked, Jews running the world or the existence of a shadow know, the most popular shit theories where this board acts like an echo chamber for? Sup Forums has never been interested in actual debate or real discourse that doesnt already confirm what they think or feel. You will get shut down and memed at for questioning where they get their """"""facts""""" from.

If you best piece of evidence is an image macro, you know you are a retard

SOME of Sup Forums believes A and some of Sup Forums believes ¬A. Not only that, but much of what OP posted isn't contradictory. Sup Forums is not an echo chamber, it is constantly flooded with cuck posts, pro-immigration crap, pro-Hillary crap, etc. The list goes on. I could refute much more of it, but why bother.

Show me one documented instance of someone getting banned for reasonable discussion and defense of Trump. Mind you, if the instance contains "niggers!" in it, it probably doesn't meet that criteria of being a reasonable discussion...

They were upset at some chimp virtue-signalling at an event not meant for jacking off about how tolerant you are.


>no extreme winning over the other
This board has spent nearly a decade advocating for the forcible removal, death or blatant disregard for liberals...some faggots literally cant stand to exist with a different party in charge.

People were literally talking about killing themselves if Trump lost. You sound delusional

>Chad uses Sup Forums and he hates women and doesn't care about family values
>Stacy uses Sup Forums and she supports family values, and most certainly doesn't hate women

>OP believes both of these people are the epitome of cognitive dissonance

For fuck's sake dude I alerted once on the other thread about the stupid stuff you and others fail to push in here.
When you realise what comes next then it's gonna be too late...


>family values vs hating women
Upholding the nuclear family is classically conservative, "hating women" is just the manifestation of disgust for contemporary culture which degrades both genders and really represents the opposite of a regular family. This post-modern family crisis produces pleasure-oriented females whose goals are a career and self-gratification, not building a family.

>free market vs neets
Crony globalism stacked the system in favour of a well-networked elite with virtually no access for anyone outside, even if you have all the money in the world (eg. trump). This hinders the employment rates around the west and is clearly not a true free market as regulations/favours are handed out by the government to interfere with the economy.

>blaming whites vs blaming jews
I don't agree with blaming the jews, but this one is easy: white hate that blacks blame them when the enemy is clearly someone above both.

You can be spiritual without being ritualistic.

>safe spaces
Sup Forums systematically gives hundred of replies to bait threads like this

What are you fucking saying

>supports family values
>hate women
We hate women that don't support family values.

>talk about free markets
>most are NEETS
You're looking for . A lot of us are NatSoc who most definitely don't agree with free trade, only fair trade.

>hate blacks for blaming white man
>blames jews
We hate blacks for being niggers, pic related. We hate jews for subverting us. Many here completely support nationalist Israelis wiping out the Palestinians and staying in their country.

>advocate for Christianity
>never attend church
I don't advocate for Christianity. Those that do probably attend.

>whine about safe spaces
>spend your entire day in an echo chamber
If it was an echo chamber, you'd be banned for posting this.

Anyone here who isn't just shitposting or here for some funny memes, who actually takes this shit seriously is the bottom of the barrel scum.

you will likely never met anyone like that in real life, because they are too ashamed to admit their fringe beliefs.

Also because the people who hold these fringe racist beliefs are most often NEETs who never leave the house.

> support family values
> hate women
I don't hate women, and I don't think tradition should be forced on anyone, just encouraged. If a woman wants to be in infantry and can meet the same physical standards as men then she should be allowed.

> talk about free markets
> most are NEETS
I support protectionism and regulated markets.

> hate blacks for blaming white man
> blames jews
I'm not a racist

> advocate for Christianity
> never attend church
I'm an atheist who is sympathetic to traditional pagan faiths

> whine about safe spaces
> spend your entire day in an echo chamber
There are still differing views here