Sup Forums help. Where do I buy Trump's coat and/or shoes? Also his ties?
The man dresses like a legend.
Sup Forums help. Where do I buy Trump's coat and/or shoes? Also his ties?
The man dresses like a legend.
He dresses like your average salaryman, boring.
All of his kids
All of them
TRUMP ORG is run by JEWS
Why do you want to look like a cuck
That coat is too long.
He's Fat
He wears his ties way too low. Bugs the hell out of me that a man who has worn a tie every day for 50 years can't get it right.
That's because his dick is long
His suits seem awkward. I don't know what I'm talking about though.
The longcoat is boss though. Not many can pull it off.
Conway has some legs on her
It's clearly an image thing, if you look back at the 80s his suits had a much more personal flair and he wore shirts and ties of many patterns and colors, and the ties were the correct length. Now he's clearly, again, trying to project a look.
>The man dresses like a legend.
He wears a fucking baseball cap like a disgusting chav
>builds his campaign on patriotism/Americanism
>hurr durr he wears a BASEBALL cap
Youll just look like a faggot.
Do yourself a favor and dress normal.
>The man dresses like a legend.
The man is a legend.
He defied all fucking odds to become POTUS, I am still in awe he pulled it off, absolute madman. One of the few men I'd willingly take a bullet for without hesitation
The baseball cap was a cover-up for his hair for when it was windy etc. He wears a baseball cap because he can't come to terms with going bald and has instead adopted a fucked up comb-over. the baseball cap is a sign of weakness. Real men accept they're going bald and get a buzzcut.
No, average salarymen try to emulate him. He literally invented the red power tie.
You know who else wore a coat like that? Adolf fucking Hitler. Trump is a literal nazi. The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable.
dude on top in the middle is a meme waiting to happen
Kings have a long-standing tradition of marrying off their kids to other nobles to expand their power.
Do you think Ivanka's daughter is learning mandarin for fun? She's gonna marry her off to some shifty chink billionaire, just like Putin did with his daughter.
> have a fucking shave and wash your hair you fucking mooch
Why does bannon look so consistently disheveled? Does he even bathe?. Where is his self respect?
He wears Brioni suits, shirts, ties. They are cut a little oddly and he wears them loose - I don't think he tailors them. But he's also a fucking billionaire president so whatever.
Not sure what shoes. He says he pays alot for them. Allen Edmonds is a good shoe in general, abour $300, but for his level he's likely wearing John Lobb $4,000+