Are jews just aliens attempting to quietly take over earth?

Are jews just aliens attempting to quietly take over earth?

>Ancient race with distinct features
>They live very long
>They seem to have a hive mind
>Hebrew writing looks like alien runes
>They hate Jesus because he ascended into "heaven" aka he discovered their ayylien plot

jews are alien robots.


If they believe in materialism is the sol measure of success, so much then why don't they just Nerve gas Africa?

No they work for (them) as the plantation managers.

tfw just slave labor for the intergalactic jew

No, psychopaths are.

Khazarian Jews just happen to have a very high proportion of psychopaths (around 60%), which explain their prominence in world matters, but the real war is between psychopaths and humans.

The main difference between a psychopath and a human is the lack of the 'third-eye' (in modern science, that basically means the prefrontal cortex) which makes them unempathetic and reckless.

Psychopath genes tend to degrade quickly against ours, and they know this, so they are also fighting for their survival by trying to convert us into mindless drones. I speculate that psychopaths are the last remnants of the Neanderthals (which were in war against us for tens of thousands of years


They also have shapeshifting lizard people as pets

It's not about taking over, it's about making sure prophecy is manifested. Their role is to get the human race to a certain point.


So we can do it all over again.


Aliens do exist, but they're only accesible through ritual (well that's obvious, that explains every fucking religion in history). Don't fall prey of the shape-shifting bullshit.

Even if that was true, we'd get rid of all reptilians by purging every fucking psychopath on earth (obviously not all of them are reptilians, right fuckers?).

Remember where's the real war.


You're a fucking idiot.

>>Ancient race with distinct features
Like every other ethnic group

>>They live very long
When they have access to the best available health care

>>They seem to have a hive mind
Only to the same extent that any other ethnic group does - fuck all

>>Hebrew writing looks like alien runes
You have never seen "alien runes"

>>They hate Jesus because he ascended into "heaven" aka he discovered their ayylien plot
Nonsense heaped on top of nonsense

t. jew alien CTR

>Hebrew writing looks like alien runes
Do you have a sample of alien runes to compare to?

>tfw you realize Earth is the Milky Way's prison, and Jews are the guards

Like Australia, the White Population of the Prison became so advanced and successful they're having to be taken down to prevent a breakout

>tfw Jew
>tfw called many things
>tfw never called an ayy lmao before

You realise the rothschilds control the world economy and most countries of value, right?

Who else /schizo/ in here?

The real "redpill" to swallow is that the Jews are indeed "The Chosen" by God, and they are indeed the 'Master Race'.

They may not be physically the strongest, but their extreme intelligence has allowed them to take complete control of key institutions, functions, and industries. They undermined Empires, and they defy all odds to continue on while continuing to not only survive, but prosper and dominate.

>+the whole 'samson option' is just a true show of "well fuck y'all"

They're here for the gold.

Notice how you're only "actually" Jewish if your mother is Jewish? I've read somewhere before about it being to do with the fact that the particular what "otherness" it is (whether that be alien, reptilianhuman, or human parasitical mindtype) is only carried by the mitochondrial dna. And notice how "half-jews" are inevitably less jewish than you'd think given their halfness? Just activation for your almonds


It will smell really bad when the bodies start rotting. You need to starve them out first and teach them all a religion which makes them burn their dead to take care of that problem over time. Billions of rotting nigger bodies would ruin that entire continent.

Intelligence=/= Cunningness and willingness to enact long-term cunning plans

Whites & Asians are both very mechanistically minded and autistic. Its just that they dont have the same tendencies towards USING that intelligence for such plans. Jews are part of the semitic heritage from the fertile crescent in which the earliest large cities, wars and therefore merchanting and royal backstabbing occured, they were also repeatedly conquered and re-conquered whislt retaining a somewhat constant cultural (even if not 100% genetic) heritage. This has ensured that those now who identify as "jews" have been selected for such qualities as sneakiness, manipulation, cunningness, infiltration, etc. Its neither anti-semiticism or demonstration of jewish "evil" its literally just evolutionary adaptation at work.

Look at how tough these people are.

Moshe Peer got gassed 6x and lived.

Jews are clearly unusual.

You have to go back


Watch they live and other Jewllywood movies ,notice the alien writing looks like Hebrew ,I do believe there is a Jewish elite who actually do believe that they are descended from alien reproofs who seeded the earth ,they keep conveying this message in their movies

>its literally just evolutionary adaptation at work
Came to much the same conclusion. As a result of the Religion/Race hybrid tied to the very Tribal and traditional Talmudic law, it has created a very unique mindset in the group, which works much to its benefit. Definitely the best of the Abrahamic descendant spin offs. The infighting between Orthodox and secular is quite interesting aswell

It was 12 ,no 14 times you fucking nazi Palestinian anti-Semite. Read that article again it says " AT LEAST 6 times"

We are all the creation of superior aliens. What do you think God, angels and demons are? They have rules we can't even comprehend so when intellectuals try make sense of it they sperg out and say T rexs became chickens instead.


There's no Jewish conspiracy. They just value elite education & high-status jobs above everything. That bothers stupid lazy people.

Yes well those Jews must believe that they were the only ones created by ayy lmao's or that they are created by them differently that goyim or that they were created by one species of alien and we were created by another species

>muh six gorillian

Theyve also been successfull by being exclusive; they have equal or greater control than the entire muslim despite "true" jews only being a single digit percentage population. When you can pick and choose who is the "real" jew then you concentrate your nepotism hugely and make internal coordination and cohesion better. The human mind was not meant to identify and feel sympathy with hundreds of millions of people. Ironically I tihnk t he "six million" figure is part of a subconscious awareness that "about six million" is the maximum reasonable size of the jewish ethno-cultural "lifeboat" and so more than that is seen as extraneous population to be cut down. A parasite requires more non parasites around them than fellow parasites, so they would never actually want to be a complete majority; only in Israel is this needed and thats because its more like the headquarters of the international diaspora, the "breeding ground" not the permanent home

It's all starting to make sense now

Sure this Shlomo

"Nepotism" has nothing to do with laziness. Being part of an exclusive society valueing education, wealth and social influence that has existed for thousands of years vs those descended from illiterate tiny groups of sheep herders 800 years ago really does make a difference.

But our DNA literally shows we all have a common parent ancestor, as in an Adam and Eve.

kys christfag

The part people don't realize is they are religious themselves
>and some were created not birthed
So they basically are what the bible describes the as
>if u weed out the lies they tell us about (((science))) u will see mythic teachings are closer to the mark anyway

>Be goy
>Work for Jew
>Get paid
>Spend it on custom engraved AR lowers, heroin, tats and bumper nuts

BBBbuuuuuuwwwaaahhhh! Greedy Jew don't pay me enuff!!!

I said what they believe I did not say I share their beliefs

An interesting point to ponder you've raised.

Really making my synapses engage

White crims are the jews biggest threat.

Hitler made the same mistake as British jews made. Trying to ship them off just makes whites more powerful.

300 farmers in America as colonists rose to a nation.

>Ancient race with distinct features
So are Indians,abbos,ainu,maori and bushmen. Also jews differ from eachother accorsing to ethnic subdivision. Your point?

>They live very long
What? We live and die the same as any other western peoples.
>They seem to have a hive mind
Lol no. Jews hate eachother and are extremely divided. Learn more about orthodox,reform,secular,Hassidim,Litaim,Leftists,nationalistic religious, etc.

>Hebrew writing looks like alien runes
Hebrew writing and latin script share the same roots- Phoenician abjad.

>They hate Jesus because he ascended into "heaven" aka he discovered their ayylien plot
No jew I know hate Jesus. Most are indifferent at best. Only ultra religious orthodox seem to care about Jesus.

That doesn't stop two or more sets of aliens/demons/Angels injecting their own essence into us.
>and yes the variation would explain our genetics because they make no logical sense
>rh- blood
>austro hapgroup being present in Australia and upper Eurasia
Also we are hybrids - check all other odd count chromosome species they are also
...finally "out of Africa" is a fucking myth
Funded by the same people behind Clinton, Soros &a the MultiCult.
>tfw they are trying to kill off the bloodlines of the old gods and the reason they target blue eyed blond hair kids in the pedoring is because it was Jesus' bloodline
>black pill


Scientifically proven that Jews live abnormally long lives
Soros , Kissinger , Rockefeller
As anecdotal examples
You can find articles about Ashkenazi centenarians being a higher % than other ethnic groups

These fucks also can afford 9 heart transplants

Also when your population is constantly genetically bottlenecked, youll get selected for in terms of more robust health. Not necessarily alien, just human genetics. African-americans also live to retardedly long ages if they take care of themselves, moreso than jews and without the huge wealth and control that enable it, again because their genetics were selected for robustness and physical hardiness

pic related. is you

wouldnt that just make the soil more fertile?


Paco Steinberg, plz go

>Khazarian Jews just happen to have a very high proportion of psychopaths (around 60%)

care to give details on how you came to this conclusion?

>the jewtism intensifies.