We could potentially send the owner of this Twitter account to Federal prison.
We currently have 13,800 counts of violation of 2 U.S.C. ยง437g
Check out the fair use policy:
We could potentially send the owner of this Twitter account to Federal prison.
We currently have 13,800 counts of violation of 2 U.S.C. ยง437g
Check out the fair use policy:
Other urls found in this thread:
I have no doubt there's a super PAC behind this account, as well
GO tell r/The_Donald, they have more normies that can do something about it.
We need a legalfag to check out the federal code and see if there's a concrete violation. If Twitter serves advertisements on the account it could potentially be a commercial violation as well.
Here is the page to file a complaint:
I'm not tired of winning yet, let's do it
I saw this ages ago, looked suspect.
This should be enough to get the Twitter account suspended, but we should keep the account online so Twitter can't protect CTR from prison who is probably the org behind this
>no one donated $1488
>Congress created this restriction to protect the privacy of individual contributors
Surely, if they cared about privacy to ratify this law they would be extremely against posting this data on a social media site with a 30% stockholder stake from a foreign government?
Are they soliciting or using the information for commercial purposes?
We definitely do need a lawyer in here.
"Never stop you're enemy when they are making a mistake." -- Gen. "Mad Dog" Mattis
This. If they are doing anything wrong we want as much evidence as possible.
I fail to see how this has anything to do with soliciting for donations or using the information for commercial purposes.
Reporting publicly available information on a public forum is probably not going to be in violation of this particular statute. Maybe something else, but probably not this one.
No solicitation. No commercial usage.
>3. to seek to influence or incite to action, especially unlawful or wrong action.
If they are posting donations publicly, it makes donors more reluctant to donate to Trump's campaign for the fear of being publicly humiliated or prosecuted by their employer.
Apparantly op cant fucking read. sage
But it's all public information, right?
Whats illegal here?
>(c) The use of information, which is copied or otherwise obtained from reports filed under 11 CFR part 104, in newspapers, magazines, books or other similar communications is permissible as long as the principal purpose of such communications is not to communicate any contributor information listed on such reports for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for other commercial purposes.
no idea if this is true or not
Yup, this cuck Adam Kraft is behind these bots:
Check out alltrumpdonors.com
How did he "sell or use for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for any commercial purpose"?
soliciting donations and commercial purposes are two separate violations
>soliciting donations and commercial purposes are two separate violations
Yes. How did he do either?
that's fucked up
This website uses AWS, it would be a shame if someone queried the service and would have to pay an outrageous monthly bill :(
Yeah he lives on the north side of Chicago in some trendy loft apartments with a lot of exposed brick.
Should I dox him back Sup Forums?