So is the idea of the blue wall for democrats in the electoral college officially dispelled or is this election just a...

So is the idea of the blue wall for democrats in the electoral college officially dispelled or is this election just a once off thing?

This election is a once off because the white population is just going to decrease, and non-whites will vote for Dems in greater numbers as always

>Hillary couldn't even get the Hispanic vote

Almost 1/3 of (legal) latinos voted for Trump smart guy, they are the fastest growing demographic in the US, all Trump needs to do is lend them his pinky finger and that number will go from 1/3 to 4/3.

The blue wall is no longer impenetrable, but Virginia is forever lost.

MI WI OH and PA are really white

the rust belt can go republican for decades

trump didnt even need FL

but yes eventually mass immigration and birthrates will fuck us all over

maybe in 20 years

they will eventually flip texas and florida fucking the country

Wonder how whites will react when they realize they have 0 voting power in the future

West coast will stay blue wall, Northeast minus pennsylvania New Hampshire and Maine will stay blue wall, and Illinois will stay blue wall, the rest are now in play.

turns out the worker vote is pretty important

here was hillarys plans for the blue collar worker:

Depends if Trump follows through and gets jobs back. If the region rebuilds, will remain Republican this half of the century.

unless the beaners level up and become white

you realize that there will always be a power group that sways the outcome of the elections regardless of race, right? do you actually think the US would be solid blue if spics take over the majority and whites become minority citizens?

mexican americans, cuban americans, puerto rican americans, etc. all have different voting patterns and political leanings.

Texas won't flip for another generation (15-20 years)

nobody liked hillary you ding dong

the Parties are going through shake-ups and position reevaluations

if the Republican Party successfully brands itself as the worker's party" the entire midwest will be back in play for them


It's unlikely that any party will be dominant for very long, each party will just realign on the issues.

>Don't worry guys we'll still be able to compete for the next twenty years.

No fuck it, White Nationalist breakaway state is the only solution for the future.

Those jobs are long gone to Asia and automation and won't be coming back. They'll find out soon enough.

I mean, insofar as it was just some b.s. the Clinton campaign made up like two weeks before the election, yeah, I guess it's dead.

It'd be hard but not impossible to turn Hispanics into Republican constituents. Didn't they carry florida for trump?

Yeah, and that doesn't refute the point, only add a second one.

You may not realize it, but Hispanic voting pattern has a lot do to with how long they've lived here/where they live.
If they live near the border, they vote solid blue, but as they move farther away, into suburbs, they become less Democratic, and start voting more like white people (and acting like white people too).

Cubans usually vote Republican and are pretty much "white" hispanics, as opposed to Mexicans.

The reason Virginia goes blue is because of all the government workers who moved there, something you can partially thank Bush II for. Depending on what Trump does in the first four years with regard to the size of the government, Virginia may well go red again.