Black Friday

Americans make me sick.

Their entire fucking lives revolve around consumerism.

Other urls found in this thread:

what was it that australia did during ww2 again?

I have never participated in black friday

I have scavenged the carcasses late night on friday but I have never been in a human stampede

that's where you're wrong

my whole life revolves around memes

and memes are free

>literally zombies


This isn't America.

That isn't America, looks too shitty
Also they're all shitskins

Consumerism is the lowest form of existence.

Nice damage control. Look up 'black friday stampede' on YouTube if you need more footage to reaffirm your doubts.

Not get the shit kicked out of us by an uninhabited island?

post >yfw A FUCKING LEAF killed Americans in WWII


Some of us don't have any money.

>that isn't America
>they're all shitskins
Good one burger

>not watching live streams of black friday shoppers losing their shit
Black Friday is my favorite day of the year.

Your OP is literally not from America though. Those are all Asian employees. At least shitpost well dude.

Don't call me dude, dumbfuckistani prick.

Implying Americans would behave any differently than in the OP. Probably worse actually.

Cherry pick one battle and ingore the hundreds during the island hopping campaigns.

Kiska deaths were due to mines and the elements. Not unheard of after the nips abandoned it

That's what they get for trusting leaves I guess

>Implying Americans have money to spend anymore
I can assure you all the money these days is about B2B, which means corporations are trying to consume themselves. We've got 2-10 years before a big shake up, with a full collapse within 20.

I think this year, black friday will be all non-whites.

Kill yourselves

Shut up eh.
Don't let those hosers wise on to us.

Then why not find a related image in the first place instead of having to cry about it and speculate like a lying fool?

The one I posted has a deep contrast between the bright yellow workers and the dark background, thus the better choice when it comes to getting people to reply to my thread.

I hope there's a happening.

Pic related: my captcha
Is KEK giving me a sign?

Saved your kinsmen without any regard for their own life.

>On July 30, 1943, during an American assault against the Japanese on Mount Tambu, more than 50 US soldiers were injured. Two medics were killed trying to retrieve them.
>The Australians were not supposed to be involved in the fighting, but having witnessed so many casualties, Allen, a stretcher-bearer, was determined to do what he could.
>A Ballarat filmmaker who researched Allen's story, Lucinda Horrocks, says what the soldier did next was extraordinary.
>"So this is the point at which Bull decides to go up and start carrying men out one at a time over his shoulder, through this terrain, facing the snipers and the machine gun fire and the mortar fire," she said.
>Amateur historian David Cranage says each time he went back for another rescue attempt, soldiers would make bets on whether he would return.
>"Backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards. Magnificent courage, unbelievable," he said.
>"I've never heard anything like it before in my life and I've spent many years studying military history.
>"Remember, he was carrying men from another country.
>"His heart was so big. He just hopped in. It wouldn't matter where you came from. That's the mark of the man."

We got shot at by Canadians and still accomplished the mission.

Your military literally lost a war against EMUS. You're the laughing stock of the Anglosphere. Even Canada has a far better military than you.

>post not americans
>claim americans would behave like that
>claim they possibly would behave even worse
6 says you're a faggot

>99 Americans killed
>4 Canadians killed


how will the US ever recover?

>aussie criticises American consumerism
>yank cunt spergs out about muh dubya dubya 2

Fucking kill yourself my man

Nice of you to save a few of our guys after we saved your entire country. At least we thanked your guy. All you've done is become famous for shitposting.

People are only coming to your thread to call you a lying idiot based on your deceptive image, though, especially since the background is an even lighter shade of yellow wall paint and bright metallic shipping doors.

>saved your entire country

>Only got involved when your people started dying
Yeah mate, don't try the moral high ground. The Australians suffered for 3 years before you ever did something. You only cared when you started to suffer.

Don't worry burger, we all fuck up sometimes. We once cut one of our own ships in half with an aircraft carrier.

Maybe this is why we don't have aircraft carriers anymore?


At least the Emus were there at the time m8

by invading you next

>says the man living in a country that was nearly conquered by the nazis before americans came to save the day

>I hate America
>Let me post on an American site on the American Internet about it

That's right, ignore your own consumerism or better yet, blame it on the US.

We have the best consumerism. Honestly, Australia, if you don't like it, too bad.

>before americans came to save the day
>By letting the Russians do the heavy lifting on the eastern front while you killed the children and old men that were left

>Americans make me sick.
Me too, bro. Me too.

>be in favor of free speech
>but only if agree with what you say
Kill yourself

I hate black Friday.

You used to actually be able to get deals and now they just call it Black Friday and have a regular weekend "sale" so they can make more shekels.

I agree though, consumerist culture here is pretty shit. I really hate all these retarded Americans in here who defend their muh red white n blue no matter how stupid or shitty it becomes.

then go back to mexico pablo

Well, the stereotype holds true for a reason.

1) stopped the japs in PNG
2) got shat on by macarthur for doing so

and thats why we call you seppos

At least we didn't break 7 brand-new destroyers in one night.

Or lead a war so badly that a bunch of jungle chinks defeated the worlds most powerful military force.

lad your country is bogans and abos huffing petrol. You're not one to talk.
>I still love you tho

>A leaf killed Americans.
>"If you kill your enemies, they win."
>Leaves set in motion the events that would MAGA.

If the Vietcong defeated the US so decidedly, where is the Vietcong today?

What sort of culture would you prefer the USA have?

Integrated into the Vietnamese Army.

Vietnam is still a communist country. So, everywhere.

>I still love you tho
Right back at ya bruv, ANZUS alliance forever

BLACK Friday has nothing to do with consumerism. It's about fighting people in a store and pretending you are a looter.

the real question is how many people die in such a stampede and can you weaponize it?

Someone gets shot at these things at least once a year right?

>the voluntary transfer of resources through trade makes you sick
Fucking pinko bastard.

Once per store parking lot, yes

ruling Vietnam

It's not even the best sale of the year. Burgers are tricked by the power of marketing.

Vietcong was dissolved when the government sold out to capitalism and became a Socialist Republic.

It's like the 4th of July.

Last time I checked the Aussies got their asses handed to them in Vietnam as well.

Don't worry we protect the Pacific. Just make sure the abos dont breed

A guy got trampled and killed once. He would of survived if the paramedics didn't get trampled as well.

We could have just nuked them, but we don't for some reason


China is also not communist, they are simply socialist republic, because true communism has never been tried right Mr. Goldberg?

A congress known as national assembly and elected president, prime minister and other elected officials rule vietnam.

kek...they're gonna' be mad at u

>Ass handed to them

Under American leadership.

It's like saying it's Australia's fault the Gallipoli invasion was a failure, except it was under British leadership.

It can't be tried no country exists in a vacuum and people are too complicated to coherently organize from the top down on a global level.

Found the marxist.

You both suck gigantic niggercock and we (Sweden) will go into war with you faggots the coming 40 years. We will launch an operation named Jamal and we'll send every nigger down to your country.
You don't beleive me? We go plenty of those niggers. They'll rip your pants right off and fuck you dry in the ass after being isolated from anything remotely looking like a hole for years. Instead of bombeplanes carpetbombing you with explosives we'll be dropping Achmeds with parachutes, they're more mobile you see and can more effectivly take out targets as they are socially invulnerable due to the fact that no one wants to be labeled racist and can't warn other civillians of the approaching danger.

You fucks have ridiculed us for years but you have been warned, you will get enriched to the max. You have one chance at forgiveness and that is if you reply to me with "Thank you Sweden, I'm also gonna be tolerant.".

You have been warned.

all of them were Vietcong and NVA back in the day
go visit

I have never gone to a single black friday.

My brother went to one once just to watch people flip out.


Serious? Australia had their own sphere of control and were mostly advisers anyway.

Gallipoli is a bad comparison

Settler/Pioneer Culture that we were founded on.
>Living off the land
>Nuclear family

literally hitler, literally

You guys got literally cucked by the U.S.

>Asses handed to them.

I'll stop shitposting for a second to remind you that the Australian casualty rate was among the lowest of any force involved and that the tactics pioneered by the SASR became fundamentals within MARSOC and SEAL teams.

Americans and Aussies baiting each other ITT, for what? The American-Australian friendship is a strong one, fuck off haters.

It was just playful bants by us. You emotional seppos took it personal.

>own sphere of control

>bunch of islands with some retarded native cannibals


>Told a US MP to fuck off because he was being an asshole to his own US troop
>MP gets his ass beaten by Aussies and they all run into a building and hide
>Aussies start beating the shit out of Americans who get in the way, Aussie MPs and civilians join in.

Yeah mate totally cucked.

But we're good people, one of your own even wrote
>But after that, it sort of settled down and you go into a pub and an Aussie would come and up and slap me on the back. "Oh, wasn't that a good ruckus we had the other night? And have a beer on me."

Cyber Monday seems irrelevant now as well since most stores have Black Friday online.

Fuck Black Friday hordes. There's a reason my observance of that day is to sit down, relax after Thanksgiving, and routinely check the Black Friday Death Counter.

>American soldiers get all the ladies.
>Americans have cool uniforms and get payed a shit ton of money
>Aussies have to wear rags and no pay because all the material is sent to the QUEEN in England.
>Aussies are mad
>proceed to attack an American soldier and kill 1
>play it off as bantz when Americans started to retaliate

There's a reason why half of Australian woman came to America after WW2. They all married American soldiers. We literally cucked your army. They were furious!

Aussie men had to fuck Abos instead. Abos! That's why you're half-breeds subhumans.

why not just put an electrified plate/boundary on the ground? if you walk over it before it gets deactivated, you get tazed to all hell.

Keep whining while I enjoy my new 52 inch HDTV for only $150 Aussfag!

Pay for the wall paco.

>visit various stores on black friday
>filled carts are lined up around the store waiting for checkout
>my friend grabs terrible DVDs and slips them into carts by the handful
>nobody notices because phone drones
>mfw these people get home and realize they purchased 4 copies of pic related

You tried

New products and those that don't have price drops (Apple products, PS4, XBONE) are the only items worth getting.

Kindle Fire HD 8 is about two months old and will be about 33% off.

Getting a computer, laptop, TV, or other major electronic is just crazy as there are new models every month with just as many older models being clearanced.

what a pleb i've have a 55 inch HDTV for 10 years

> According to Australian historian Barry Ralph,[8] on 26 November an intoxicated Private James R. Stein of the U.S. 404th Signal Company left the hotel where he had been drinking when it closed at 6:50 p.m. and began walking to the Post Exchange (PX) on the corner of Creek and Adelaide Street some 50m further down the road. He had stopped to talk with three Australians when Private Anthony E. O'Sullivan of the U.S. 814th Military Police Company (MP) approached and asked Stein for his leave pass. While Stein was looking for it, the MP became impatient and asked him to hurry up before grabbing his pass and arresting him. At this the Australians began swearing at the MP and telling him to leave Stein alone. American MPs were not well regarded by Australians because the Australians thought they were arrogant and used batons at the least provocation. When O'Sullivan raised his baton as if to strike one of the Australians, they attacked him. More MPs arrived, blowing whistles, while nearby Australian servicemen and several civilians rushed to help their countrymen. Outnumbered, the MPs retreated to the PX, carrying the injured O'Sullivan. Stein went with them. In the meantime, a crowd of up to 100 Australian servicemen and civilians had gathered and began to besiege the PX, throwing bottles and rocks and breaking windows. Police Inspector Charles Price arrived but could do nothing as the crowd continued to grow, with the American Red Cross Club diagonally opposite the PX also coming under siege.


>Drunk American walking down the street and starts talking to some Australian soldiers.
>U.S. Military Police ask American for his papers.
>MP arrests the drunk American soldier.
>Australians tell the MP to fuck off.
>MP goes to hit the Australians.
>Brawl begins.