g-guys, /our guy/ Kanye West is having a mental breakdown after supporting Trump.
He just cancelled his california shows and is spamming hundreds of pictures on instagram right now
G-guys, /our guy/ Kanye West is having a mental breakdown after supporting Trump
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>just cancelled his California show
He'd probably get shot by someone after the shit he's said. Californians aren't the most understanding of people.
>autistic black is /ourguy/
oh right, union jack poster.
no refunds
post screen caps.
Well, they ought to be used to that by now.
I thought he was broke or something
Snoop dogg's reaction (lol)
I wonder how long till (((they))) suicide him?
>see's all these celebrities getting getting publicity for anti-trump bs
>Is a fucking genius and knows how to play them so they work for him
You will see he is going to make more money off his next whatever he does.
It's not like we're gonna go to instafag to see. Your thread is crap
he deleted all his pics except one and is just posting fashion
link to instagram?
apparently he's going to be on alex jones
guys kanye is in danger. he needs ur may may magic to protect him. check 'em
they have guns in california?
Kanye is a madman
these are some incredibly blurry and poor quality photos
is he just taking photos of photos? there's barely any detail
holy shit he just cancelled the entire tour
they do, just not the whites
thanks kek
Kanye West - No More Parties in LA
>Had my life threatened by best friends with selfish intents
>What I'm supposed to do?
>Ride around with a bulletproof car and some tints?
>Kanye West
into the trash it goes
he's a shitty kikebook tier meme
Only the criminals.
wish i had that sensible chuckle gif
he didn't delete anything, he just created the instagram a couple months ago
they prolly "Assange'ed" him. All pic's and messages from Kanye from here out should be considered compromised. DO NOT LEAK info to Kanye, they will identify and prosecute all whistleblowers
He's pro-trump and now being called a racist by everyone and an anti-Semite by ADL because of it.
press F to pay respects
>our guy
So basically him going full autismal sperg mode qualifies him to be /ourguy/. Got ya.
Boring PR stunt and even more boring Burgers falling for it.
Dave Chappelle cut off by oprah for saying they are doing it on purpose at 11:42
Dave Chappelle on them
MJ pic related. He was a full blown Nazi
Snoop's a fuckin legend
kanye west is being a VERY bad goyim right now
He raps about being an egomaniac and married a trashy reality tv star so it all makes sense
>MJ pic related. He was a full blown Nazi
That explains why he was a pedo
he likes ben carson and thats why he supports trump.
oh no
Kek bless Kanye!
He just doesn't give a fuck.
Dude where did you go from what Kanye was ranting about to this. He's just mad at his uncle Jay Z and throwing buzzing political bullshit in there just to get people to go "hm this really made me think".
>having a mental breakdown
who isnt, hell i think we all live on the brink of suicide everyday, even if you are "happy"
Here's the best version of his Nov 17 rant.
This nigga is making some serious sense. We have only seen the beginning of the redpills. He's going to shove it right up black americas ass.
No he's not...If he was he would've, at some point, put it together that they did this deliberately
of course not that would be against the law
So this is the power of kek...
How do we stop the Redpill OD epidemic? I don't want what happened to Tila to happen to Kanye.
I don't get Kanye fans. He's been like this since ever.
First Jared, now Kanye.
My god the spirit of Kek is flowing through everyone right now and it's shorting out minds.
californian fag here
fuck. Yes.
and i live in LA too. everyone has a gun. everyone.
or pic related
I'd fuck his wife desu
Kanye probably browses Sup Forums and /fa/
He was a full blown Nazi because he spent his life protecting kids from pedowood and they did what they always do.
They accused him of what they were doing...You have every 90's child star saying he protected us from the real pedo...Every single one
Since when are Americans anti-Trump? Am I on the wrong website?
Wtf is happening guys??? Is this timeline the best or the worst one?
>had tickets to the LA show tonight
>he canceled
I just wanted to hear him yell make america great again and laugh when people boo him
>what did he mean by this
Those are the biggest nipples I've ever seen on a man.
Sup Forums has been raided by soros shills, and also some genuine leftards thinking they can come here and convert us to their marxism
video of rant for those who havent seen it
These are the risks you take. If you can't stand up to the redpill. You will be broken
How badly does Kanye want to be white?
>The rant is the second in the latest series of public meltdowns the rapper has had on his "Saint Pablo" tour. On Friday, West was booed at a concert in San Jose, Calif. after telling fans that he would have voted for President-elect Donald Trump — if he had voted at all.
It's a "meltdown" to say you'd vote Trump.
Yeah, atmosphere seems completely different when people are acting like this is facebook/twitter hating on Trump, Kanye for supporting Trump.
Kanye west is turning himself into a martyr
>He's going to shove it right up black americas ass
This. The man who defined an entire generation of niggers and nigger orbiters supporting the man they've been brainwashed along with the rest of the country's lazy-dems into thinking is evil incarnate? Shit's top shelf laughs, and you bet your patootie a good chunk of wacky negro hip-hop culture is going to listen, even if they stay quiet.
It's a meltdown to lecture your audience and end a show early when they really just came for music. But I'm kind of siding with Kanye now. These people need to hear this shit, fuck that they wanted to dance around to bullshit.
Just Kanye being kanye
I just listened to his 10 minute rant. Little bits and pieces made sense, but it was like a completely incoherent mess. Like actual gibberish.
Does this guy have schizophrenia?
He is not /our guy/ kayne is a fucking nigger and of the most stupid bred. His music and "depth" appeal to the most retarded double digit IQ wastes of society. Just because he tried to be contrainan and "vote for Trump" if he would have voted at all. After he had already won, doesn't mean he is an ally. He is just some faggot that despite all odds is famous.
the first one or second?
t. nameless neckbeard
Watch Dave explain what they do when they don't get their way.
They use the media to attack and then they wait for you to have a "meltdown" because you are under attack, then they double down on the attacks.
niggers and idiots are EXTREMELY important democrat demo to keep brainwashed, every single faggot rapper and degenerate went all out on Trump, my friend put on fucking Eminem yesterday and he was bitching about Trump
the Hollywood kikes have strict orders to maintain complete narrative control over the cool hip goys
think how many normies respect Kanye more than every philosopher, living and dead. Kanye supporting Trump is a NIGHTMARE for the ZOG
fucking godspeed you edgy nog
after trump, everybody started making articles about how Sup Forums had memed him into office, so every tumbler and reddit fag came here, dont worry, by the time of trump's inauguration they will be redpilled or gone.
He's right. Kanye used to be an inspiration to all young black men living paycheck to paycheck in a society that's persecuted them. He was the voice for the average brother. Gangster rap was the thing back in his time, around the early 2000's, and he was one of the only ones who put out conscience rap, that really resonated with almost everyone. He created a whole new movement and inspired all these new age rappers like Drake, Cudi, J Cole and so many more. He used to be a completely different person to what he is today. He's doing the best he can to keep his relevancy, and he's seen some success but he's had to some pretty desperate and pathetic stuff on the way.
One of his most beautiful songs from his peak
I recommend listening to his album Late Registration, it's some of the best stuff hip hop has to offer.
>gets instagram notifications
>instagram is even installed
get the fuck out, normie
Fuck this nigger
So literally your first year on Sup Forums?
>best stuff hip hop has to offer
kekd, thank you but no, ill stick with the GetoBoys
>conscience rap
Ever notice how many people involved in the conscience rap scene had complete breaks with reality?
Really makes you think
I thought so, but I'm beginning to think we might have made a mistake and unleashed Kek's power in an unholy manner. We've introduced an amount of chaos and entropy into the environment that seems to have created bigger problems..
I think that second one where he keeps saying "YO FUCK MTV IM ON THAT DONALD TRUMP SHIT" and "JAY Z GOT KILLAHS"
Like it's actually just incoherent gibberish. What's wrong with this dude?
this place fell off a long time before that mae
>g-guys, /our guy/ Kanye West is having a mental breakdown after supporting Trump.
>He just cancelled his california shows and is spamming hundreds of pictures on instagram right now
He must be desperate for publicity.
What an irrelevance he is.
His 15 minutes of fame are nearly up anyway.
He is not 'our guy' and never will be because he is an idiot.
>You might not like it, but they gotta hear it. I ain’t here to massage you with a fake truth, telling you that Hillary gon’ win over and over and over and then you wake up and you still can’t believe it! You know why? Because you was lied to by Google. You was lied to by Mark Zuckerberg.
>This is the future. This is the way of thinking to make America great again!
>There’s a Richard Pryor interview that you can watch about people coming into power and not changing everything and just becoming a part of the power. That’s happened with musicians because they’re scared. I’m not scared. I’m here to change things. I am here to change things. And things won't change until people admit their own falsehoods. I got the visions, bro. That’s what I’ve been blessed with. My vision. I’m not always going to say things the perfect way, the right way. But I’m going to say how I feel.
>Right now, press get ready to write your passive-aggressive, LeBron James, racist comments. Season 4, racist comments. Get ready to have a field day, press. Get ready, get ready. Because the show’s over.
Whatever happened to J5?
Amphetamine induced psychosis, most probably.
He doesn't support Trump, if you listen carefully it is not exactly a pro-Trump rant but can be construed that way on the surface.
It's how he puts himself in the news, similar to stealing the mic from Taylor Swift at that awards show, putting a drama lyric about her in a song, all the other bullshit he does.
This is how he gets attention and makes money.
Or as Scott Adams says, "3D chess"
>Donald Trump has revealed he is a fan of rapper Kanye West's hypothetical run for the White House in 2020, deeming it an 'interesting' idea and saying: 'I hope to run against him someday.'
>In a new interview with Rolling Stone, the 2016 presidential candidate said he was watching the MTV VMAs on Sunday night when West spectacularly announced his future bid for president.
>The GOP frontrunner suggested he could have inspired West's move, saying: 'I was actually watching, I saw him do it, and I said, "That’s very interesting. I wonder who gave him that idea?"'
>He also said the 38-year-old singer - who is expecting his second child with his wife, reality TV star Kim Kardashian, 34 - is a 'nice guy' who has said 'extremely positive things' about him in the past.