The American Indian Holocaust

known as the “500 year war” and the “World’s Longest Holocaust In The History Of Mankind And Loss Of Human Lives.”

Death Toll: 95,000,000 to 114,000,000

Pol will deny this.

nobody cares, go huff paint

I don't deny it, I don't care

>Muh 114 gorillion!

We actually inspired Hitler

we wus nazi n shit

Hitler’s concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America’s extermination – by starvation and uneven combat – of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity.”

— P. 202, “Adolph Hitler” by John Toland

Fuck Indians

>Be a proud people with a rich warrior heritage
>Get marginalized by liberal revisionist history as hapless victims in a Holocaust (oy vey!)

Christ, the American Indian is rolling in their graves with how weak you're portraying them as

the white man wins again!



500 years isn't a genocide, it's a demographic shift. There was no such thing as "Indians" before White people discovered them, there were just shitty podunk ethnocentric tribes that considered each other nonhuman and worked as hard (as could be racially expected) as any White man to wipe each other out.

White people merely achieved by gentrification and whiskey what feather-niggers had been trying to do for 10000 years and failed.

Besides that,all the real Indians worth half a shit are still with us. They're called white people, cause they got with the program and got fucked, so now some illegal invading spic descended from spanish slavers can call the Indians racist just because they have blonde hair and blue eyes and finally realized they should build a wall.

>eath Toll: 95,000,000 to 114,000,000
hey go wild, add a few more zeroes

>implying holohoaax actually happened

I was taught it and frakly im glad i mean people who did nothing but fight over hunting ground and shag buffalo deserved to be put on a trail of tears anyway they cant even grow eyebrows what the fuck

This post is autistic and wrong.

>autistic and wrong

pick one, spigger faggot


Dang did we get the high score?

>Overwhelming majority killed by disease


RIP Chief Zee

>Pol will deny this.

Reddit will go back

No denying it, it happened. Your point?

What makes you think we won't do it again

There was only one holocaust that happened.

Native Americans were murdering each other before 1492. Roughly 1/3 of adult male's cause of death was murder. In some communities and time periods it even spikes to 2/3. So no, we didn't subject them to a violent world, we competed and won in the same violent world.

They weren't exterminated!!!

Only Jews were!!!!! Feel BAD for the JEWS you BIGOTED FUCKED UP LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!

95 to 114 million? I seriously doubt those claims. They'd have had to kill at least 10% or so of the world's population (as it was in 1850 and before) in order for these numbers to be correct.

Try *50,000,000 tops and 90%+ of that was disease. Tragic but not genocide.

>gg no rem

And it didn't matter whether it was conquistadors and colonists or peace loving anthropologists that disease still would've swept through.

All nations under great britain produces race holoaust


It was no where that big a number and all advancevent that they made was after they stole it from us. Learn metallurgy

Don't care.