Jared Wyand Red Pill Tsunami of Nov.20/21 2016

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130k followers took the red pill


Who is that guy?

ids habbening

dancing in my room like a faggot

first for ponies

see previous thread


Handing out the red pills.

alt-Right Twitter personality finally revealing his full power level

After a really shitty day at work this is what i like to see

this video always makes me smile, soon brothers, soon

>tfw Jewish
>tfw can't tell if this is memes or not
>tfw feel something's bad going to happen
Either get beheaded by Ahmed or get gassed by Jared. Not a good looking future 2bh

meme magic is real....

I don't know who this fucker is, but this shit is goddamn glorious.



u could always gas urself u fuckin kike

Should've told your people to ease up on the cultural subversion, then. This is what you get when your gentle nudging turns to a shove.

christians btfo forever

and don't forget the Sup Forums anthem


nanananana ahahhhh

juden juden fight the juden

Since when Jared was jew-wise? wtf?

If I were you, I would start packing for Israel ASAP. Trump knows exactly what you guys are up to and will probably deport you anyway

Jared is a friend of mine. He has been on the red pill for quite some time and deliberately hid his power level due to the elections and wanting to still have a unified voting base. The last ban byou jack pissed him off and he doesn't give a shit anymore about hiding his power level.

He's been well aware of the JQ for a longer time than he let on.

So this is what they planned all along. Have they got UN support to ban false religion yet?

Literally one of the biggest right-wing accounts on twitter

Sean Hannity follows him
Ann Coulter follows him
General Flynn follows him
Paul Nehlen follows him
Ben Garrison follows him
Mike Cernovich follows him
RamzPaul follows him
Roger Stone follows him
Paul Joseph Watson follows him
Kim Dot Com follows him
Katrina Pierson follows him
And fucking Donald Trump Jr. follows him

I'm laughing my ass off

Go back to your containment country, god knows we paid for it.



You can fool some people all of the time, you can fool all people some of the time, but you can't fool all people all the time.


holy fuck he named the JQ

pretty refreshing considering how tolerant Sup Forums has become recently

No one can give a solid answer that justifies why we should care beyond
>he's big on twitter

g-d wills the destruction of white countries

>tfw 1/2 Jewish
>Grandfather escaped to Palestine
>Still had all of his assets
>Living in mansion speaking of the holocaust
>Be me, recently red pilled about Hitler & Nat Soc
This ride is bumpy. Do we start red-pilling people about the Jews?

This dude has some fucking balls dropping these red pills with his following.

The one thing many on the right are always shy on touching is the JQ, and he went right into it.

It's not a good fucking idea before he's inaugurated and the EC has yet to meet on the 19'th to make it official. If something happens to Trump before then, you can fucking forget about all the joy you felt on November 9'th. Forget all the hope it gave you, because he'll die with it. This bun may have left the oven too soon. The most important thing on earth right now is to ensure Trump stays safe long enough to accept the full power of the Presidency. If saying as much makes me a top goy, then oy fucking vey, but I've got more foresight than to assume one of those mental cases out there wouldn't try something over this.

Go back to Israel or stop being a kike

What have you done to further the cause of White Nationalism today?
This man just gave the red pill to over 100,000 people in a single night.

Soapbox preachers eat your fucking hearts out.

Good, be afraid

GTFO kindly.

Oy vey, they forgot to teach this one to keep his mouth shut.

The majority of those you just named agree with him privately but can't voice their support just yet.

twitter is toast!!!!

who is jared wyand, and why is he allahu akbaring himself on twitter?

That's a big problem for their kind. Anytime they get ahead one of them has to run their mouth.


He was allowed to leave.

Dude, he's just a guy. He built a following by being a Trump supporter over the last year, nothing too complicated. He has 127k followers. Also, And now that the election's over, he's going with the nuclear option.

There needs to be a separation between Neo-Nazi beliefs and actual Hitler Nazism. We all share the common enemy, the Jew, while race doesn't matter at all when it comes to nationalism and trying to do well in the world.

What neo-nazi's forget is that Hitler cared for people who cared about their countries and Germany. SS wasn't just white boys. Right now, we've been branded racists and we got to figure a way out of that to make our message of the jews more acknowledged.


you are copy pasting your shit from cripple chan.

you need to try harder.

we aren't listening to your fucking lampshades


>altright twitter personality

so in other words preaching to the fucking choir

if it was someone with more than a hundred thousand untouched minds viewing their twats it would be important

>tfw jewish with guns and israeli passport
Which exit strategy should I take just in case this whole voting trump thing turns out badly?

>mfw I've had this conversation with multiple Jews in private

Meant to put quotations around Palestine. I watched the greatest story ever told, know about that.

The way I see it, we've already won. Trump getting elected was just a vehicle for white people to wake the fuck up.

gas is a jew meme you fool

It's not all the Jews, it's those in the inner circle.


Are jews going to lose their protected status in our lifetime?
Are they once again going to be able to be criticised?

The world just keeps getting more exciting.

No you havent lol

neo nazis are just a bunch of druggies anyway

hitler nazism was about germany

I wouldn't consider myself a natsoc, but I do recognize that jews have a disproportionate influence in our society to it's detriment

It's great that they have their own country now, they should go make it great. I just want my own, and a safe future for my children.


you retard that is important, that is 130000 people who will retweet it to 100 of thousands more

he could get literally millions of impressions before he gets shoahd

its about a billion times more redpilling than your cuckposting will ever achieve


You will disappointed when he get's his collar and leash just like what happened to obama trying to attack the top 1% when he realised they are actually his boss and they allowed him put in obamacare for a big price.

Shoot yourself in the head

>Right now, we've been branded racists and we got to figure a way out of that
Better idea: Normalise racism.
In the past couple of months alone the word itself has already lost its sting. Slowly but surely we can push it further.


Stop and think about that, for just a second. Not trying to be rude, just consider it. What happens if someone kills him tomorrow?

Of course there will be violence. You can rest assured that violence will be put down by King Nigger, who, while no longer able to do shit with bills, is STILL Commander-in-Chief. He's stacked the military with snowflakes and loyalists, and has told those anti-Trump rioters to "carry on." Then what?


From Mein Kampf:
>To outward appearances it seemed as if only one group of Jews championed this movement, while the great majority disapproved of it, or even repudiated it. But an investigation of the situation showed that those outward appearances were purposely misleading. These outward appearances emerged from a mist of theories which had been produced for reasons of expediency, if not for purposes of downright deception. For that part of Jewry which was styled Liberal did not disown the Zionists as if they were not members of their race but rather as brother Jews who publicly professed their faith in an unpractical way, so as to create a danger for Jewry itself. Thus there was no real rift in their internal solidarity.

It's all of them.

>muslim china


This rant was amazing. My only complaint is that he didn't do it during peak twitter hours. It would've been smartest to do it with the highest percent chance of one of his really famous followers seeing it.

Still great.

Better of being a muslim than a slimy kike
>kys already

thing is i doubt trump will get a collar and leash because he knows damn well who to play nice with and how to stack the government to his own end

Maybe you shud stob being jewish :DDD

Neo Nazis are extremely few and far between. They're a handy thing for the media to point to, but in reality they don't even commit crime like any other minority gangs, even of those with comparable sizes.
They're just frustrated people looking for an outlet and identity.

The real solution is to simply take away power from the label. The (((media))) and groups like the ADL.SPLC, etc can wield the power of shaming and exposing people only because they fear the scrutiny.
Don't be afraid to openly say that you're a nationalist and you support the interests of your own people.

Disarm their knee jerk reaction buzzwords.

Some of them are big into drugs, but that generally comes with the gang territory.
Not all hammerskins are hardcore gang members.

You seem incredibly angry with me

Is it because I voted trump?

wait so their plan is literally world domination
jesus fucking christ

Goddamn we need to give them a taste of their own poison.

So does the Holocaust and Hitler give the Jews protection from being outed forever? There's no way this will ever be public or anyone will do anything about it because it'll just be spun as anti-antisemitism.

What about his family and their future are they safe from being a leverage point? I feel like this is what happened to Obama. It must be a massive redpill to swallow when you become pres but you have to deal with people more powerful than you.


any chance of links to the accompanying vids?
or webm for citation purposes?

By their own admission, its a central part of Judaism.
They believe it is the Jews' role to perfect the world.

They make no attempt to hide it. Its only the goyim who are forbidden to discuss it.

The term has been losing power forever. The Left has overplayed it for decades, and the average person knows that all the screaming about everything being racist is getting tired. They shout the same shaming buzzwords until they grind them into the dirt.

They have pretty much won at this point. Feminism created 50% more wageslaves and the demand for employees fell and in turn wages. Add in refugees and immigrants and suddenly being employed is NOT ok, if you don't start up a business and become the jew, you are screwed.

The only people unaffected are employers/business owners.

the only thing that stopped me from believing this shit about the jews running the world was i couldnt see a motive, but holy fucking shit they're cartoon villains


I'm angry because your grandfather didn't get gassed back in the 40s, so now the world has to deal with your manipulative bullshit.

>Born Jewish by Jewish law
>Not a man by Jewish law

Man... I just want to have potato pancakes and smoked salmon.

Why've the rest of my people gotta be so terrible?

Hell the Founders of this country were "racist".

Look up the Naturalization Act of 1790 and you'll see that Washington, Jefferson, and the like did not want America to be "diverse" at all.

>They have pretty much won at this point
The worst part is they probably wouldn't have been able to pull it off if it wasn't for Hitler turning them into a protected class.

Do you think the kike overlords regret omnipresent social media yet? Or is it going to take more trolling?

I love it when the hideous face of Jewish Supremacism reveals itself

nice 1488 get and i think he already has provisions in place for that as a good chunk of his family will be living in trump tower for the next 4 years

working in the cutthroat nyc real estate market probably taught him very early in life that theres always bigger fish

Jew memes.

You are absolutely right.

The only thing I can think of doing is what Hitler did early on which was point out that the media, foreign governments, bankers and global elites are the problem. If it just so happens they are mostly jews well that's a strange coincidence to deal with later...

I would rather these assholes come out against the insanity of the left but all of them have gone into hiding only to pop out and throw fuel on the fire or send dumb asses out to be human shields. Where's john Stewart's cancer ridden ass to preach peace and unity now? Well fuck him and fuck them.

I actually have. It went something like this
>Jewish friend mentions how racist Trump is and he's just like hitler etc
>I wot because I didn't expect that from him
>I ask him why he thinks Trump is Hitler
>he wants to target a specific group just like Europeans and Christians have for centuries with Jews
>I tell him that white Christians literally gave the Jews Israel
>says the Jews are entitled to it for their survival
>ask if white people are entitled to their own countries for survival
>he says that we deserve to feel the persecution Jews have felt along with all the other people of the world at the hands of "white racist colonialist bigots"
>I ask him if he considers himself racially white
>muh holocaust
It went something like that. Safe to say I haven't talked to him sense


wewlad nice get

If it makes you feel better my great grandfather got blown up in the red army and my family has paid way above average in income taxes accross many western countries.
Also what jew is manipulating you?