Can we have a discussion on what went wrong?

How did she lose even after all the shit trump pulled? How did she fuck up?

Other urls found in this thread:

killing people

letting millennials run her campaign

He had Kek and memes on his side

You cant buy out the media and think people are too stupid to notice the lie.

More people voted for her.

You still haven't caught on?

The people who voted for Trump don't believe a word you and yours say
You backed a clear criminal and passed her off as a rose and then literally attacked people who called you on your BS

From the get go, Trump gained popularity among people who were fed up with being drowned in bullshit...and your strategy was to toss more bullshit
Doomed from the start

>shit all over bernie and his cucked supporters
>no real change or policy
>felt entitled and even said things that implied her entitlement
>anti-white rhetoric
>acted like an absolute cunt to regular people to their face
>Liar like Bill and acted smug about it

Because she was the embodiment of the corrupt establishment in an era where people wanted dramatic change.

If the Democrats had run someone with anything vaguely resembling anti-establishment credentials, they would have utterly stomped Trump.

moloch and hubris

>all the shit trump pulled
Name exactly one(1) thing Trump did wrong.

end of story

More people voted for her.

She good a holding fundraisers, but sucks at rallies. She's not a leader: she fails to inspire people. Also, she's an unfunny, corrupt bitch who accidentally let it slip how much she hated a quarter of the voting population when she called half of Trumps supporters "a basket of deplorables".

I don't know, what shit did Trump pull? I was too busy listening to what each of them said to pay attention to what other people were saying they said.

Wrong, leaf.

More people voted for her.

some more

Wrong strategy from the word go. Hillary was trying to mimic Bill's strategy from 1992. Bill played the part of the leftist in order to win the primary but then painted himself as a charismatic moderate, winned over some republicans, and won the presidency.

Hillary's campaign was exactly like that, you can see even by how tone deaf she was to the internet that her campaign was from a different era. Only she fucked it up every step of the way. She didn't secure the progressive super left elements of her base by any stretch, in fact she pissed off too many bernie supporters from every voting for her. Her shift to the middle for the general election was just as mishandled. She tried to appeal to republicans like Bill did years ago but she failed to realize that republicans hate the Clinton name now, her in particular.

She couldn't secure her base and failed to reach out to anyone else

>millions of illegals, dead people, niggers voting multiple times, and Donald Duck voted for her

Hillary won the popular vote in the Democratic primaries against Obama, why did they let the nigger be the nominee?

Her existence is a fuck-up, that's why.

Winning a US election:
>Get more than 270 EV

How to do this:
>Target states with smaller populations that are critical to getting 270 EV

How not to do this:
>Target stronghold states that have high pop but are unlikely to yield EV

It's actually pretty funny watching you guys blow yourselves the fuck out

Corrupt and ran a campaign based on shitting on trump instead of giving people an incentive to vote for her.

>Hillary was trying to mimic Bill's strategy from 1992
I noticed this too with the third party candidates.
Ross Perot was the whole reason GHWB lost his second election.

She still lost where it really counted. She only really had support in urban areas.

What is the liberal "argument" against all votes requiring a photo id


What is their "argument" for everything? There is your answer.

Liberals believe niggers are too incompetent to get ID's

She messed with powers she could not comprehend.

Kek willed the Trumpancy, Kek's will is law. The darkness must fall before the light.

chronic liar

We have the Electoral College for reason, Leaf.

Its an institution as old as the Republic for equal representation of states in the federal government.

We have a system of mostly INDEPENDENT States which have the liberty to govern themselves.

If we went off the popular vote this nation wouldnt have lasted this long and if changed it wont last long.

This is our system. Stay in your cucked frigid shithole.

Having the main guest of honor at your very last rally come dressed as a Nazi............

If you really need to ask the question, you are retard.

Hillary was a corrupt, unlikable cunt.

Policy didn't matter at that point.

this. she should have listened to Bill. The millennials running her campaign thought pandering to fringe minorities and using celebrities would win the election for her. Fringe minorities wont win you an election

she's a woman, fuck men
is what went wrong

How does voting without an id even work?

Do you tell them your SSN, and they take it on faith that you are the person that SSN belongs to?

If someone else votes with your SSN and you vote with your SSN, do they detect it somehow? Could you get in trouble because of someone else?

did people actually care about that? i didn't think anybody anywhere cared about what lady gaga does in the current year.

that evil fascist bastard rupert murdoch had spent 8 years spamming the bluecollar pleb news channels about obama ruining the country obama hates america obama is a muslim bent on destroying white culture obama purposely destroying your job, then hillary comes on as obama's third term. nuff said.

nice try, bill gates, how many miilion dollasq you juste made, ???

At least 3 million Clinton votes were cast by illegals or fraudulently by noncitizens. She came no where near winning popular vote even if an audit shows "more people voted for her."

>Trump talks at his rallies
>jobsjobsCHYNAjobsjobs, I love you guys, isn't America good? It could be better though.

>Hillary talks at her rallies
>hodgepodge of nuffin and empty feelgood lines that Obama had already rolled out (and rolled out again for her) that didn't help anyone

She literally just needed some minor economic promises in your "rust belt" and she had the election wrapped up.

it is a smokescreen for republican voter suppression, republicans can only win with voter suppression and rupert murdoch's 24/7 spewing,

why does texas allow a gun permit as voter id but not a college id? because they dont want liberals to vote. duh. read about poll tax and literacy test etc

>wasn't Trump

>Expected anything to work out in her favor


complete and utter breitbart tier fakefacebook news bullshit

"It's the economy, stupid" said the one Clinton who was elected president twice. His fool of a dykewife ignored that bit of advice.

>We have the Electoral College for reason, Leaf.

I don't care.

OP asked "what went wrong"

Nothing "went wrong", she averaged 70% in urban areas and got more votes.

The only thing that "went wrong" is that your system favors rural votes, which is something she had no control over.

Did you bother actually watching any of the mainstream news networks? They were all in the pocket for Clinton, literally cheerleaders for the last 6 months of the election. Not a fucking one of them, Fox included, were anything but vitriolic anti-trump-spewing propaganda machines.

And "Voter Supression" =/= Voter ID. We have a huge population of illegal aliens and dead people voting, whether it's 3 million or 300,000, it's a huge influence and disgusting that we don't do anything about it.

That isn't a partisan issue, it's like allowing anyone on the fucking planet to cast a vote for our republic.

1) Hillary focused on division -- if you didn't sign on to her agenda, you were "racist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, sexist, fascist," etc., and no one likes this argument. It's a losing argument. It even alienated her older supporters. It is simply so out of date to beggar belief that they chose it as the signature feature of her campaign.

2) Hillary was "in the shade" most of the summer, avoiding the public and media, and was told that if she just laid low, people would elect her, which was obviously false.

3) Collapsing on 9/11 and being chucked into the van "like a side of beef" was a deeply terrifying spectacle for all to see; truly this was one of the most disturbing historical films of all time.

More illegals did.

4) Hillary hectored and lectured, never offered anything substantial in her poorly attended rallies, and seemed weirdly focused on children and families, issues that don't resonate at this moment of time except with a small sub segment of working mothers.

5) Hillary took so much for granted. She never visited Wisconsin and rarely visited the other states she thought were reliably blue. It wasn't on her radar because she thought she had it locked up.

6) Her campaign manager, Robby Mook, was a silly self-centered and inept spokesman, and she surrounded herself with shady and criminal people. Her hiring of Huma Abedin still a mystery.

7) I am waiting for the definitive explanation of what happened between the media refusing to call Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and John Podesta going out to the stage on election night to tell Hillary supporters to go home. What was really going on? One theory suggests that white hat observers of the election could see a hack taking place at that moment when the media stopped calling stages for Trump. They traced the hack or vote rigging to CIA headquarters. CIA was told to desist or else they would be literally bombed. If true, could explain why Hillary was purportedly raging on about a "mutiny" when told hack wasn't going through and she would lose election.

ok buddy

>Nothing "went wrong"
She lost the election you dense leaf, pretty sure that's the ultimate 'gone wrong' in an election

>The only thing that "went wrong" is that your system favors rural votes, which is something she had no control over
This implies she was playing checkers when the game is chess. Maybe she should have appealed to rural voters which is what you alleged the systems favors

At the most basic level, she doesn't know how to run a properly effective campaign. This is evidenced by the fact that she got more popular votes (im not saying "won" because she didn't actually "win" shit, lol) but still lost the electoral vote, you know, the one that /actually/ determines who gets the presidency?

i saw it put really well by an user in another thread: "Hillary was playing team deathmatch while everyone else was playing capture the flag". and i think that's an oddly accurate way to put it

another way she fucked up is she and the democrats have basically spent the last few years demonizing and alienating the largest voter base in the whole country, white men and women

You need better education on our system. The Electoral system doesn't "Favor" rural votes; EV quantities are directly proportional to populations per state; the easiest solve is proportional EV's per state.

Getting 99% of California gives you 55 EV's.
Getting 51% of California gives you 55 EV's.
Because California is worth 55 EV's.

All states except 2 are winner-take-all, so you can get a big disproportion of the public vote. If we had direct democracy, candidates would only bother campaigning in California, NY, and TX because those 3 states make up close to 50+% of our raw population.

We are a union of states, not a singular republic.

Winning 80% of a state's vote should give 80% of that State's EV's. The current system is fucked because of that, not because the EC exists. EC makes sense in our system. Winner-take-all everything does not.

Its really simple

People are tired of career politicians

If the democrats werent retarded they would have countered the republican outsider with a dem outsider and voted in bernie

My thesis at this point is that the Clinton camp really expected identity politics to beat out everything else. I don't mean to beat a dead horse by crucifying her or the dems for believing in it, most of the conventional wisdom before this election was that you have to play to the brown/black people as their votes will be much more important. I really think she thought Trump was digging his own grave with all his comments about women and Mexicans, who cares if he chips into Clinton at the rust belt when 75% of women and 90% of Hispanics vote for Hilary? Unfortunately for her, that didn't materialize, and Trump did pretty comparable to Romney with minority groups. Then his appeal to the white working class became absolutely decisive in winning those crucial states in the Midwest.

tl:dr Hillary though she'd do better with minorities than Obama; she didn't.

Its literally the same as saying "even though you check mated me I still had a few more pawns left". Why do liberals keep going on about how she "won" the popular vote? She lost the election, there is no winning for hillary here

Dumb asshole fellow canadian, some states dont require photo ID to vote. Obv illegals voted for her

You're a retarded nigger, aren't you?

Rural people are against secularism, education, rationality, environmental measures, free trade and pretty much everything else she represents.

The only thing that went wrong is some people actually voted for her

Flawed strategy. For some reason she thought all the niggers and young people who voted for Obama in droves would just turn out for an old white lady who colluded to steal the nomination from the guy young people really liked. That didn't happen and then all the blue-collar whites her party took for granted went Trump.

Also, she's a corrupt bitch with a last name synonymous with scandal.

Austria's president is elected trought popular vote.

Just look at us, it's a faulty system. Because of leftist rigging the vote, we have to vote again.

Americas voting system is actually quite clever.

LgdPtQQL is just shit posting for attention

Liberals fucked around with Pepe and showed the world how deluded they really were.
Would you elect a president who is afraid of a little green cartoon frog...

liberals are fucking butthurt crybaby morons, that's literally why.

It doesn't matter. The election is not legitimate.

I agree, with leftists rigging the vote, out election was not legitimate.

because theyre all sore losers who don't seem to understand that we're not a democracy we're a republic. they also don't seem to see how a direct democracy like the popular vote would provide us would be fucking terrible for everybody in the long run

What exactly did Trump "pull"?
He told the truth and it offended irrational freedom hating idiots. You shills need to take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself where things went so wrong.

>being mad when a system not designed with regard to the popular vote elects a candidate without regard for the popular vote

>You're a retarded nigger, aren't you?
No I'm pretty sure its you m8

as another user said:

she literally flew over the fly-over states

Blacks didn't see a black face and stayed home.

word, winner take all is a retarded system, albeit better than a straight popular vote

>How did she lose even after all the shit trump pulled?
- burger electoral process is broken
- she won the vote
- she didn't have a shtick, like drumpf did
- burgers a celebrity obsessed autists
- burgers are mysogynists
- nigger males boycotted coz kang nigger didn't gib enough dats
- voter suppression of niggers by redbloodlickens (*matters when its so close)
- she lowered herslef to drumpf's level -- a battle she could never descend low enough to win
- she simply isn't a likeable, believable candidate
- she wasn't oboonga's trap
- she blamed everything from FBI (legitimate -- clearly corrupted) and M$ Paint frog memes made by 12-year-olds
- pabulum policies when burger vermin want fantastical, biblical promises

etc., etc., etc...

Yeah, if you count 3 million illegal aliens who voted for her.

Without those fraudulent votes, Hillary LOST in a landslide both electorally AND in the popular vote.

probably the main thing was blatantly stealing the democratic nomination
a huge number of left wing folk were hugely turned off of voting for her once it came out that she literally bought the nomination

nailed it

>- burgers a celebrity obsessed autists
If this were true then Hillary would have won given all the celebrities that shilled for her

bad time to be the establishment when all the voters in the swing states hate the fucking establishment

>implying illegal aliens would ever do something against the law

u make me sick, TUCK FRUMP!

>would have won

She got more votes.

NOBODY CARED about any of the Celebrity shilling that was done for Shillary. Celebs like Gaga, Katy Perry, Miley and Beyonce made absolute fucking fools of themselves shilling so hard for a fucking criminal people hate. They celebs LOST millions of fans by picking the losing side.

Regan, Arnold, Ventura...

it's not about who endorses them as much as it is WHO THEY ARE... had clit-tonne been, say, Katey Perry, I'd wager 20,000 Vietnamese Dong that the dumbocruds would have won in a landslide

Not at all. She was running as a moderate until Bernie started winning states. She's on camera claiming "I'm a moderate", but changed her tune to "A progressive who gets things done" once she felt the Bern.


They think black people are too stupid to understand how to get an ID, and therefore any voter ID laws are raycis.

>3 million illegal aliens who voted for her.

The "factual" basis for this claim is literally unsubstantiated reports from people who downloaded a "Voter Fraud App."

It's an absolute joke.

She lost the election. Its not difficult to comprehend

I disagree. You've missed the biggest component to Trump's victory which was appealing to rust belt voters. In that regard his celebrity status is irrelevant

Would it still be "voter suppression" if we just straight up copied India or Mexico's voter ID laws?


white supremacists



She would not get past the primary in a normal year, no one actually liked her.

Clinton won the popular vote on a national level, but Trump won the popular vote in more states.

Trump was winning the popular vote when the election was called. It was California and New York that put Hillary over the top.

>Can we have a discussion on what went wrong?

Nothing went wrong. She was an abortionist. She lost, she went on about the Latino vote and forgot that many are Roman Catholic and agree more with pence than her. Her support of late term abortion is repugnant to a lot of people as was her unconditional support or planned parenthood which is at best an ethically challenged group and at worst profiteers from misery.
What mainly destroyed her were her 'supporters' a narrow bigoted and extremist set of idiots.

>Clinton won the popular vote on a national level, but Trump won the popular vote in more states.


As Trump said, if the popular vote counted, he would have campaigned in New York and California much more and then won the popular vote.