Natalia Poklonskaya's daughter will be more beautiful than her mother

and hopefully she will marry a decent white man and have 14 babies.

Who's that???

Too bad Natalia has face herpes

I'd give her normal herpes as well if it helps even things out

Shh Andre DeDurrel Anderson
Don't infect this thread with your american way of dealing with traditional women

For a Slavic girl I'd rate her just over an 8, not a model tier (8.5+ are model tiers)
If she was an American, she would be easily modeling and a 9.5/10

Better keep her away from the Clintons.

It's not just her looks that make her so damn attractive.

>brown eyes


I think women that works in public office should dress more like her

for an 8.5, she'd need blue eyes, lose just a little more weight and not get any older. Otherwise, that even if she is a daughter of MUMMY with high status, a 8.5/10 is the ceiling of how I would rate her as a Slavic girl.

Girls like this does not exist in America and more often than not, if I rate a American girl a 8/10, she would be a 6.5 if I rated against other Slavic girls

if I rate a Slavic girl a 8/10, she would be a 9.5 if I rated against other American girls

Really makes thins to perspective when I rate girls.


what is kys mean?

>for an 8.5, she'd need blue eyes, lose just a little more weight and not get any older
>and not get any older
That's kinda fucked up man

I really wish I was born a girl. Every day I resent my wife more and more.

It is an alternative spelling for 'kiss'.


Kill yourself, some people use it for know your shit

IDK why I answer to internet illiterate person in Sup Forums. You know you can literally just google it?

report this jewish pedo

What's this Romanian faggot doing here, right now of all times, trying to get us to be attracted to a child?

Nice try you fucking subversive nigger. Report this thread. Not politics at all.

How about the Foreign Minister of Transnistria?

>responding for a obvious bait

>report this gypsy who started the thread in the first place and did not know MUMMY had a daughter


>brown eyes
into the trash it goes

cant wait to see her daughter get BLACKED fucking moskal scum

>not get any older
Repeat that 5× faster


"Scratch a Russian and you find a Tatar."~Napopopon Buenoparte

mum is so prety and cute want to suckle on mum

*suckle suckle*

i luv u mumy


Brown eyes or hazel eyes are superior. Blue eyes are literally weaker.

based britbong mummy poster. like fucking clockwork. godspeed you beautiful autist

I too value the right to place my ballet in the government sanctioned paper shredder. At least they're honest about it over there.

I want to eat mummy poop

>You can't say that you wish a good future for a young girl because obsessive pedo niggers americans will get hysterical