Asperger syndrome

Sup Forums's thoughts on Aspergers?
Is it the same as autism? Are folks who have it thusly autistic? Why does it seem so many people who post here have it?
I totally didn't get diagnosed and am miserable right now or anything.

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I probably have aspergers
It just means you don't care about anyone else and no one will ever like you

I thought High Functioning Autism was where you can't empathize and Aspergers just makes you have trouble doing it


I think aspergers is just the new term for high functioning autism.

I have a low form.

Doesn't effect me at all, just feel bad I have it.

It means youre a spazz, oh and HAHA LE FUNNY SOUTH PARK EPISODE XD

People tend to self diagnose. I was the same way. Thought I had Asperger's. Get tested. Much worse. Find out I am "Sociopathic". Awesome.

All I notice is I have a bit of trouble telling if or when I piss people off, and I fall under all of this shit which comes with Asperger syndrome.

I pity my dad when he had to give me directions as a kid.

aspergers is no longer in the DSM. Everything is under the autism label.

I was diagnosed by a Doctor.

>no autistic gf

What exactly causes autism?

Yes. A clinical psychiatrist and then a group of psychiatrists and psychologists after the first became concerned and wanted second opinions. Now I have to meet with someone weekly. It blows.


>It just means you don't care about anyone else and no one will ever like you
That's bullshit. That's just because you're an asshole. I care about others. I just can't empathize very well and never really sure what they are thinking. And it makes me not want to socialize much. And no one likes me. Welp.

It's terrible. When scouts turned into a daycare service all the parents with autistic kids flooded the troops. I mean they're alright when they're on meds, the minute you get into a multi day campout when the parents arent around to administer meds. OOOOOOoooooohhhhhhh boy.

I don't know for sure but I am pretty sure I am on the spectrum. I heard a couple of years ago that there was a study finding that continual PC use can lead to autistic traits or encourage them.

Aspergers is just a more mild form of mild autism.

Drug industry wanting to peddle you more needless psychotropics.

It's the reverse.

Girls with Aspergers are cute af

>twn totalitarian gf with Aspergers wants to rewrite the constitution with you

When I was in cub scouts I was friends with a Jewish kid with tourettes since we hung out on the outside of the main group.
He used to roll down the window when my dad was driving us places and tell people on the sidewalk to go fuck themselves and "FUCK YOU". I didn't get it and thought his parents just let him do cool stuff.
My mom said there was a time he went around and kissed all the boys on the lips involuntarily but I don't recall that.

It's pretty bad desu, although I'm better at memes, they're pretty much my only redeeming quality, and girls only talk to me out of pity, because it makes me look vulnerable and cute.
I'm also not one with the hivemind, so I don't know what the normies are talking about, and I'm not athletic at all.
Teachers have always liked me though

>diagnosed by a clinical psychiatrist and had it confirmed

Ya, that's not a thing you dip. Someone who actually had, and was diagnosed with what people call being a 'sociopath' would know what it's actually called.

Unless I read the DSM and all my textbooks wrong, in which case I need to lose my job.

>tfw Dyspraxia
>they said I'd always be too fatigued to do anything, but fuck it, I'm becoming fit and working a decent job anyway
>they told me I'd never be able to type properly, but I've managed to train myself up to 90WPM with less than 1 typing mistake per 100 words
>they said I'd never manage to have legible handwriting. They were right about this one, but not a single person at my University knows of my condition, and I can still do all my work fast enough that I have time to spend trying to write legible copies of it
>I can't keep track of my words in conversation very well, but fuck it, that's not going to stop me
>Even with melatonin, sleep is next to impossible for me. I get roughly 10-14 hours of sleep a week at worst, 15-25 at best
>literally more successful already than 90% of the people who told me I would never amount to anything
>the government said I would never amount to anything
>but they wont give me autismbux, because "you can still function in society" (aka I didn't give up right away like everyone else)
>still feel like I'll never amount to anything
every day is suffering
but I can't let those people win

You found the answer all by yourself! Have a good boy point.

Pretty much everyone on Sup Forums thinks he "probably" has Aspergers or something else on the autistic spectrum.

Newflash: autism is a meme and you're just a bunch of faggots.

>inb4 autist

>tfw I do well talking with chicks who get mental shit
>tfw almost all of those chicks are Leftists

Thank you internet psychologist. I realize that's not what the pros call it but that is what it is.

This is the most accurate feels I've ever gotten on this site. Hold me comrades.

Most of your life will be like this. Don't worry about it senpai, you just hide it and try really hard in conversations and you can hit friends with the autism card a couple years down the track.

Sup Forums took this test a few days ago and pretty much everyone scored below 30 (autistic)

did you know lack of sleep and nutrition emulate symptoms of autism and bipolar disorder

>gee maybe I should eat right and not edge till 2am

There is no medication for autism.


diagnosed when I was a child.

Never had a gf, always had trouble making and keeping friends, always had trouble finding and keping employment, prone to bouts of anger or depression, never lived away from home, got a whole lot of wierd idiosyncracies etc

Though looking back on my life, I sometimes wonder how much of it is really autism and what is just me being a lazy faggot. Knowing I'm on the spectrum means that attribute everything wrong with my life to that and it may have made me less inclined to change things.
Sometimes I wonder if I would have been better off not knowing at all. I guess thats the trouble with labels

Yes, you would have been better off.
Your parents probably used it as an excuse not only for your mistakes, but for their own as well.
I know from experience.

Where is the porn of this girl?

Rule 34 NOW!

So who is literally autistic here, and why?

Its one of the many high functioning autisms.
People who have it can be perfectly normal contributing members of society, or they could be total fucking weeb loosers.
They can be very inteligent (because they truely care about knowlege, or their autistic obsession drives them to learn about a certian subject more than anyone normally would), or they could easily waste their life playing videogames, like so many do.

It causes a number of problems in life, for example not knowing social ques, not being able to read body language, hear tones in peoples voices, and recogize faces. These can obviously cause a world of problems, especially depression because humans are social creatures but this condition leaves them unable to socialize.

Other probelms often experienced by these individuals is trouble with sensory input, bright lights, loud noises, allot of noise, scratchy fabric some clothes are made of, the texture of some food.

The issues with noise can actually drive them out of school, where they could have suceeded in the absence of sound. Its sometimes described as a non painful little shock that destroyes any train of thoguht that was going on.

What circumstances led to a clinical evaluation with the doctor being "concerned" with the results to the point of bringing in several others for a group opinion?

My thoughts on it are that I have it.


>Is it the same as autism?
According to the DSM, yes.

>women with autism
this meme needs to die

My dad was 47 when he had me.

>Knowing I'm on the spectrum means that attribute everything wrong with my life to that and it may have made me less inclined to change things.
I have the exact same issue. It's why I bury it, never tell anyone. If they have normal expectations of me I'll be motivated to do better.

Just took it. Scored an 8.

you, for posting 2d girls on a tibetan stamp collecting board

Row Row fight the Powa!


Yes there is.
>get off Sup Forums
>take up a contact sport
>stop being a faggot

Yeah, it was an interesting experience. Having to play minesweeper like "Who's autistic because the parents didn't tell us" on campouts. Being a camp counselor was even worse. Whatever, life training I suppose.

I get what they're going for with her looking puzzled that she doesn't 'look autistic' but let's be honest; we all know what he means.

Really sounds autistic

I got aspergers.

There are some of us who are complete fucking wastes of life.

You have to try to learn to act human and play towards your strengths.

Not bad for an actual sperg.

I support Trump for his fight against vaccination. I believe that i was given autism on purpose at the age of 12 for being blonde and intelligent.

>Now I have to meet with someone weekly.
Who the fuck said?
That shit better be free.

Do you actually have feelings or do you just not care sometimes? Have you ever actually felt love for another person?

What an inspiration.

I salute you, you magnificent bastard.


Damn, that was close.


Got diagnosed years ago.

Before that I used to think myself as fairly normal or average. Then after the diagnosis I asked my friends if I was weird, they gave me an awkward yes.

But what it means is that you don't get naturally how you're supposed to be, while everybody else around you seems to immediately understand what to do or read them mood. Besides that we all probably have normal abilities and intelligence.

Ha, leaf, I got a 25!

Wait, fuck.


My friend is a sperg. He wants to be a kung fu master

ha got a 16. Look everyone i did better than this guy!

Wait, you mean me freaking out internally hearing my ferrets walk on hardwood floor is Asperger related?


I scored a surprising 26. I really thought I'd be higher especially how relatively more sensitive I am towards animals.

You guys could try this one too, it was just posted on /his/


I got 23 there.

>was never diagnosed

>thought I was perfectly normal


These test are always bull shit.
I can tell how people feel, I just don't give a crap about their feelings.


What was your score my man?

Just barely.

I was never diagnosed but that might be because the mental health service is dogshite here.

Your Empathy Quotient score was 5 out of a possible 80

Well, fuck....


Here's a blank template for all of you

Something like 80% of aspies cant hold down a job. And those who do don't work full time.

Genetics. I have aspergers, and my mum was recently diagnosed with autism, and we suspect that her dad had it too

>inb4 "stop breeding"

If its just that one noise probably not, though I not rulling it out.
Any other symptoms, does life to you sound like that video?

>Claims to be autistic.
>Maintains constant eye contact throughout the conversation.
Yeah ok...

i scored an 11

Why would you not breed? Aspergers is not the worst thing to have. I mean you have sub 85 IQ migrants having 5 children each in your country,

A lot of them have autism or something else too. I suspect that non whites are more prone to it anyways

It doesn't exist. Like dyslexia and AD(H)D it's just an excuse for middle class parents to use when their child turns out stupid or badly behaved.



>Is it the same as autism?

Fucking God you silly amerifats can't even google medical records or history of illnesses and ask for OPINIONS over matter that has been studied.

Aspergers no longer exist as a diagnosis, it has moved to spectrum of autism - they are neurological differences caused by childhood uprising and some part to do with genetics too. It affects behaviour and interprecting other peoples emotions.

It is not something "of a thought" over internet forum, but serious medical issue, which can be read without "opinions".

People with autism can be smart or can no be autism. There are no stereotypes, other than certain behavioral patterns - nothing to do with IQ. Not all autists are savant, actually very very few are. Most have lower IQ than normal people. Neurologican issue.

Not much of a human contact early years, neural synapses can't develop what is considered as "normal". Also genetics play thir own part

Autism is not treated with psychotropics as it is not psychiatric illness but neurological atype. Can be treated with some medicines usually affecting attention definity disorders, on top with some of behavioral pattern therapy. Can't be cured, it is part of human that has been cemented before age of 12. Can be treated and learned to live with

OP here

First of all.

The bare minimum for either is basically lack of ability to distinguish nonverbal cues at the level of an ordinary person, restricted or repetitive thoughts or actions, odd language use (in some neutral to good ways, but also in bad ways), and impairs the ability to learn things by demonstration.

They usually have Auditory Processing Disorder too.

Aspergers and HFA are the same in the new DSM, they are just called Autism level 1, but in the old one Aspergers meant no delays or significant problems with language development, and HFA meant that there was delayed language acquisition as a child.

I'm not Autistic by the old definition but I'm pretty sure I'm a sperg since I am a huge fucking nerd, obviously have Auditory Processing Disorder from issues I experience in relationships and at work, and can't learn very well from viewing people doing complicated actions.

From what I can tell I'm very self aware for a sperg, and while my philosophy and worldview were impacted as a child and teenager, I now have a more acceptable outlook informed by the knowlege of my condition. Actually, compared to other huge fucking nerds at work (I'm a software developer), I have less of a chip on my shoulder about dumb shit like grammer and spelling rules because I hit rock bottom at a young age and bounced back.

I also get along with the operators better because I'm from a lower middle class background and conservative.

I have never needed any therapy or special treatment, and make 90k/y and have a wife who is not mentally ill. (though she was a shutin virgin which is why we had some stuff in common)

Too lazy to pick anything between agree or disagree.

No joke, I'm pretty empathetic, plenty of friends but socially averse

Apparently that's autism/aspie

Are you guys happier being conscious of your autism or do you wish you could live without being aware of it?

I bother my friend about going to the doctor about it a lot

What the fuck is this comic even? If someone told me I didn't act autistic at all it would be the fucking greatest thing for me to hear tbqh.

Girls can't be """autistic""".

When I see animals suffer I feel bad for them, I view them as lesser creatures who don't have an understanding about why something had happened.

When I see people suffer I don't give a shit because I view humans as higher organisms that have the ability to comprehend things but in the end still make stupid choices.

Social skills are ultimately more important than intelligence if you literally no one wants to be with you. Those migrants will actually have happy lives.