What about living in a big city makes people liberal?

What about living in a big city makes people liberal?

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Lack of the things which make rural folk conservative.

Disconnect from tradition and community

> no longer having to live in fear of nature
> having to live in absolute mortal terror of your fellow human being 24/7

Not living in a safe space shithole hick town your whole life really gives you some perspective on the world

too much negative energy from being surrounded by so many people. inevitably some cave in

Literally the jews

fluoridated water.........the Russians used it in the gulags too. Keeps the sheep nice and docile.........

Hey, buddy, I know you just started this thread and all, and you're trying to get it off the ground, but I have a favor to ask of you. You see, things haven't been going so well lately. Obviously I regularly come to this awful website, but there's more to it than that. My wife left me, I've been fired from my occupation, I have no friends, Bernie lost the election, and the semblance of a personality that remains is swiftly falling into my stormcloud of a mind. OP, would you kill me? I need someone to put me down. I'll leave you my email we can discuss payment.

this, it's very easy to get caught in an ivory tower when you only have to go to the rich parts of town.
It's also why the working class are often described as "simple minded" despite being very down to earth and street smart.

Christ I remember my english ex calling UKIP supporters "ignorant working class racists" needless to say we almost never talked politics.


Big cities don't make people liberal, liberal people live in big cities.

i think only morons enjoy being around people so it sort of self-selects itself out that way.

They want to disconnect from nature as much as possible.

Brainwashing reaches everywhere...




Even white spoiled country bitches.

Living in the countryside makes people more insulated and provincial.

Being disconnected from real life and real interactions

People go to social media to virtue signal instead

Disconnect with nature, basically. What the Unabummer called oversocialization.

I believe in reincarnation. You would just end up at the same place eventually.


So glad this creep isn't VP.

most typically conservative municipal governments want to cut services most people living in the city rely on. not just FREE SHIT LOL but things like slashing public transportation budgets, selling off hydro/water, selling public land to developers, and other slimy shit.

people are forced to align with liberal governments because they don't want every beneficial service to be privatized then gouged later.

You know that one meme needs to go. Someone post it in every thread and it gets old.

Liberalism is more accepted in cities because there are more minorities. period.

I live in a rural area and literally there are no liberals here. only people with common sense and morals.

But liberals like nature. If anything, it's conservatives who are against preserving the environment.
Surely you've heard the term "tree hugger"

>people are forced to align with liberal governments because they don't want every beneficial service to be privatized then gouged later
Literally this. I'm very conservative when it comes to finances and strongly disagree about the way my state (WA) is spending its money. That being said, I have to somehow support the Democrats because the Republicans in my state will gut all social services at the first opportunity. We would have also had lost restrictions on what could be built on superfund sites. Since my city is still recovering from over industrialization in the 1970s-1980s, deregulation like that would have literally gotten people sick.

We also had a streetcar initiative to alleviate the awful traffic in the area. Really expensive already, but the conservatives wanted to delay it another four years. Had to rally behind the Dems to get it passed.


City people rely heavily on others to survive. They need jobs, food, shelter, etc. from others since they do not have the ability to get any of that by themselves. Thus they also learn to be controlled by and obey others. They soon loose confidence in themselves and become sheep controlled by their masters.
Of course, when the wolves come and eat them they blame their masters for not protecting them instead of blaming themselves for being so weak.

i was just going to type that

Nice Washington quote, here is another.

it forces them to embrace diversity and teaches them what a wonderful thing it is

The primary causality pertaining to the urban invocation of the cuckoldry we refer to as 'liberalism' finds its origin in the 'ivory towers' of the upper middle class hiding in their social isolation from the shitskin hordes whilst simultaneously thinking they are amongst the huddled dark-skinned masses.

It is the problem of 'being in the world' but not 'of it'.

They never have to deal with the true problems, as they always have a safe place to go, transportation, etc......

If they found themselves in the grime and grit of reality, they would switch their wordview real quick

Not an argument.

Liberal propaganda is also most focused in the most populated places.

Cities have always been largely disconnected from the outside world. City dwellers are often wealthier and even the poorest of them live in better conditions than the poorest of Rural folk. Cities accrue the wealth of the country because they function as trade hubs and a large consumer base. Service industry jobs pay more than manufacturing or agriculture jobs. which cities these days often lack.

City dwellers are the aristocracy of the modern age. They make more money, their cost of living is higher, and they think they're better than everyone else for it. They try to ignore the fact that it's their lifestyle and their social class that are supporting the ever-increasing wealth disparity in this country.

They're basically blind to things that are right under their nose and in denial about it. They're like the upper middle class white girl holding a sign that threatens the "bourgeoisie" even though she's one of them. Complete lack of perspective.

>move to LA while in high school
>graduate and be typical liberal
>join military and move to Alaska
>start taking redpills, lean centrist now
>move back to LA

not sure how much longer I can stand it desu


living in a city necessarily means surrendering parts of individualism just so you can coexist with the many different people you'll be forced to be around. in cities there are social programs for the poor, and an influx of homeless to take advantage of it, so you see hand outs as a given. there is more violence in the city, but you don't want to alienate people you are forced to live near, so you blame guns for violence rather than blame people.


>What about living in a big city makes people liberal?
>2 posts by this ID
democrats bussing in niggers to vote illegally

that's literally all that makes them liberal in the usa

Exposure to all the things that conservatives use to make scared uneducated people in rural areas vote Republican.

I forgot how much of a faggot joke Kaine is. Fuckin pervert creep Kaine is.

People lose their shit in big cities, surrounded by all those liberal colleges and universities in big cities, really fucks your head up, then factor all those commie pinko retards and it wears off on you. I became red pilled hardcore when I attended a University in Manhattan, realized all the decrepit professors were just shit talking retards devoid of facts when it came to politics, would just parrot and repeat bullshit any time they could fit it into the subject.

I agree that's not an argument, but I'm curious what the explanation is. Maybe something like: Urbanites only think of nature as a quaint museum-like remnant of the past, they want it preserved but they never really experience it.

Seattle is nothing more than a hive of heroin addicts.

I wouldn't blame you, because of the horrific weather, but speed is such a better drug.

(It's the heroin that is causing the strain on social services)

t.former BellTowner

then how come liberals don't understand that niggers are criminals?

It makes them hate each other, living in such close proximity. You walk by thousands of new people every day not knowing any of them, you are disconnected from what makes you human.


you mean happy

I'd rather get killed by someone in Chicago then raped by my inbred family.

And here we have what passes for a cogent argument in bumfuck Utah.
Take your pics folks.

Because crime is driven by socioeconomic factors rather than race.

>I'd rather get killed than raped

really makes u think

Because they usually know black people in real life.


I respect you less than SJWs. At least they have some conviction.

how much does fbi crime statistic registries trigger you? be honest

Grief. City life is depressing so they become agressive self-hating cunts.

I'm used to applying lube to deal with my issues

And socioeconomic factors are driven by culture not race.

But cultural factors are driven by race and racial identity.

Whoops full circle. Crime is directly correlated to race.


>against preserving nature

Do you think you're dealing with neo-cons here?

We are the new breed.

Get with the program, newfag

>Centrism is bad.
>Compromise is bad.
>Seeking progress instead of victory is bad.

Impoverished whites commit much less crime than poor blacks.

>Seattle is nothing more than a hive of heroin addicts.
It really is anymore. I tried getting a tech job up there but it seems like they're only hiring from California.

The Space Needle is also starting to have visible rust.

>City life is depressing so they become agressive self-hating cunts.

In your case, the self-hatred is supplied by the educational system, amirite??

You kids "the new breed" are fucking retarded, you think old people purposely want our environment to turn into China's? Oil is the #1 only thing keeping America a superpower, why do you think we waged war in sand nigger land for 10 years?

>compromise is bad
yes. Why compromise when you can tell people to fuck off?

>seeking progress instead of victory is bad
yes. This is the central idea of why I leftists and SJWS are so fucking retarded. It doesn't matter what the result is, as long as its 'progressive' and 'moving forward'.

I'd rather get stuck on the side of a mountain and live there than fall to my death.

Fake and gay. Kys

They don't. I am well aware of them, I just don't treat people differently because of it. It show I've made friends with some of them.
You have a caricature in your mind that represents a tiny percentage of people who live in cities.

Nice shitpost.



Underrated post.

I'd add to it by saying that people get lost in luxury, because there isn't even as much you can buy outside of the cities, even with online shopping. You're not going to find a world class lingerie boutique for your model girlfriend in some town of 5000, and you're not going to find that girl there either. So really, it just becomes a quest to accumulate more and more comfort and privilege, and eventually, any morals people have give way and they'll find rationalizations to sell their beliefs out. If they ever had any in the first place.

Just don't make the black kids angry, right?

>why do you think we waged war in sand nigger land for 10 years?

And this is the difference between you and us.

We see the ways that you gen x and boomer faggots fucked us over. We see the effect on our futures.

And FUCK YOU for your weakness and stupidities.


Excessive density of T/R nodes in the memescape. Not even joking. High population density in a geographic space = more opportunities for nodes to come into contact in memetic space, and inoculate the next node with [insert idea here]. Instead of hearing [idea] and then having plenty of time for your brain to chew on it, maybe even reject it or forget it, you hear [idea] then you hear the same [idea] from someone else within a short time.

nonsense, there is plenty of jewish tradition and community in the city

No longer having the need to gather your own resources.

Liberalism is luxury.

When you live in a city you dont have room for a garage, a shop, a anything. If you do have room then you rent a dilapidated house in the ghetto and you are black and cant afford those things or the education to use them. So in both cases your ability to be independent are 0. You will rely on, mechanics to fix your car, electricians to change your light bulbs, plumbers to fix your shower nobs. Being completely at the mercy of the system is what liberalism is all about.

I'm not a boomer, I'm just not a retard. For America to sustain its status as a superpower we need to continue taking advantage of our grasps on foreign and local oil

This is honestly the closest thing to the real answer in this thread.

The strongest conservative trait is arguably self reliance. When you can differ responsibilities, you become more liberal.

For example
>I need to get work on time. So, I will drive my car. I will make sure to take good care of my car because I need it to take me to work.
Is replaced with
>I need to show up on time to work, therefore I will take the subway. The subway will take me to work on time, and if it doesn't, it isn't my fault and my boss will understand.

Typically you can apply this to virtually any responsibility and you'll start to see a pattern.

>I will own a gun because I do not live close enough to police for them to protect me if I need protection.
>I will learn to take care of myself because the cost of paying someone to take care of me is absurd in the middle of no where.
>I don't care if the government falls apart, because I don't rely on the government.


>For America to sustain its status as a superpower we need to continue taking advantage of our grasps on foreign and local oil

You and your ilk are pathetic and short-sighted.

We, of the American breed, always think of the next big thing.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're not one of us.

Portland doesn't have fluorided water tho

You're a fucking retard kek, you're not going to keep a country afloat with faggy smart phone app startups and t shirt companies.

wew lad I swear to fucking god teenagers get dumber by the fucking generation

>16 per 100,000.
Oh god I am shaking, I am now going to never talk to, or be around black people ever again.



keep telling yourself that, dinosaur

being "completely at the mercy of the system" is also called "diversification of labor" which is what we can thank for our high quality of life. There are 2 sides to the issue, my dude.

>hasn't read spengler


Then what are the outer suburbs? Eternal hell?

>Pick the worst possible example.
Still not scared of black people.
You realize that 80%+ of these crimes are committed against other black people right?

snapchat's valued at 25 billion right now, about the same as electronic arts. tesla motors is at like 30.

not shoveling cow shit every day or watching cousins engage in incest and hunting

You left out the #1 crucial aspect which is money.

Nobody can be a liberal without access to a lot of money. Cities take in a ton of property taxes and always use it for silly liberal ideology. My own city spent a billion dollars on a failed compost pickup program where they demanded no bio matter be thrown in regular garbage, actually sending around enforcement officers to look for banana peels tossed in household garbage. A billion fucking dollars, and they decided to shut it all down when it turned out it was a really stupid idea.

It's like universities. The more loans the government offers for university, the more tuition goes up, the more insane liberal activist groups appear on campus to take that money for 'social justice'.

No money no liberals

They have huge Universities and colleges. Thus,

>trendy bars and restaurants
>underground culture
>kids from rural areas don't have to face the pains of trying different things from their friends and senpai back home
>re-invent themselves so when they go home they are a brand new shiny thing
>proceed to interject every conversation with "Oh yeah that's cool, in BIG CITY there is this LIBERAL PHENOMENA that everybody does"

It's big business.

Its called being a worthless slob thats going to die in the first 24 hours when the lights go off.

Sexual frustration.

Literally fractions of fractions of fractions of the oil industry.

No, cuck. Modern "liberalism" is slavery.

The German answer is that by moving to the city, a person loses his rootedness, and connection to the land. Lacking any connection to the land, he is no longer in touch with his Volk. Rootless, and without a connection to his Volk, he lives a miserable, soulless lifestyle. More like a machine than a man. Not the way humans were meant to be.

This is also why the Jew is a born nation wrecker. The Jew is a Volk without a home, so he has no rootedness. He is a rootless cosmopolitan.

The exhaust gases.

I think this is the first non-shitpost I've seen that came from Canacuckistan in months.

They are parasites.

Living in the city has nothing to do with it, Conservative people born in cities get out as fast as they can. Liberals living in rural areas head to the cities as fast as they can.