Fellow nonwhite Sup Forums users is it possible we're taking the alt right too lightly...

Fellow nonwhite Sup Forums users is it possible we're taking the alt right too lightly? Its all fun and games and Jew memes now but if they gain power they really might try to purge us.

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"In this moment I am euphoric. Not because of some phony businessman's blessing but because I am enlightened by my whiteness."

White countries are for white people.


I'm not worried. White people are pussies.

Purge niggers acting up only. We'll just send you back to your homelands and cut all gibmedats.

So long as you fuck off to your ancestral nations, you won't have a problem.

Not worried, certifications make me somewhat invulnerable to a lot of things.

Most men who wish to see the world be a better place than what it is have all races in mind. Many who are well read on the subject know what happened to the german people. The boat man will be very busy when things finally come to a head

You have always been useful idiots. You knew this day would come

>Letting yourself be purged



The alt-right is mostly just autistic incels using flimsy racial science and won't leave the basement so you don't have to worry about them having any long term social influence.

Well i'm a pretty dark Greek and i'm not scared, i'll fight alongside the altreich, people are smart enough not to turn on their allies and gain new enemies.

Well, you can always go to your homeland and make it great. Again or for the first time.

I'll take you in as my BBC slaves (:

America is for everyone though

pretty much, the fact is that most trump supporters aren't racist idiots and the media is illustrating the alt-right as strictly a white supremacist organization for idiots, when its not.

the alt right is unmoderated populist ideology that although attracts a minority of racists, theres more unbiased intelligent critical thinkers

then there is the facts you will even have shills here pretending to be alt-right screaming white nationalism to discredit the movement , they should be purged.

all non whites are going to be dead soon

What are you scared of?
Realistically the only people who should worry are muslims,illegals,and the gays if Pence gets his way.


this guy gets it.

until you push them to the edge, then they're precise and ruthless killing machines.

You all deserve it 2bh

The alt right is not a place for idiots, but Greg Johnson is correct when he says that the Alt-Right is either white nationalist, or it is nothing.

One of the most influential twitter accounts of this election is red pilling his 157k followers going full on White nationalist. You people should be very afraid of what kind of ripple effect that is going to come in the future years.

Don't worry, we're going after the fags first

Believe me, I'm not happy about this kind of thing. It's too early to be revealing true power levels to the normies. We haven't even gotten our hands on the levers of power yet.

>Fellow nonwhite Sup Forums users is it possible we're taking the alt right too lightly? Its all fun and games and Jew memes now but if they gain power they really might try to purge us.

No need to worry m8. It's just we rarely used the name, it was just a whisper in the wind, everyone knew about it, but no one spoke about it. Ever since Hillary mentioned the Alt-Right, suddenly everyone is getting scared.

If you knew what the Alt-Right was, you'd realise that everyone here is considered alt-right. We're against the mainstream political parties because they no longer have the interest of the Westerners in their hearts. Do we hate non-whites? Definitely not. Do we want them to better themselves and their own countries? Yes. Are we against the people that don't uphold Western traditions and values? Yes, or in other words, fuck off, we're full.

We are fed up because the mainstream political parties across the West no longer has our interests in their hearts. They've turned against their own people. This doesn't just affect the West, it affects everyone. Trust me when I say that we are 'fed up'. People can keep calling us racists, sexists, bigots or whatever they wish. One day, those words will no longer work, and you saw the way white people were in WWI and WWII. I'm not being an armchair warrior, far from it, I'm only speaking of what'll happen in the future when the backlash finally occurs.

>guy bleeding out
>Hey sorry I had to kill you but lmao check out this gun I did you in with

>being this much of a stupid faggot
Leaf, let this through your thick skull:

The term "Alt-Right" was created by Richard Spencer in 2010.
Richard Spender is a White Nationalist and head of the NPI, an organization that exists to further White Nationalist interests
The term is used to put a positive face on White Nationalism to make us more media friendly, and help attract a younger generation of Nationalists aside from the 40yr~ old Stormfront crowd

Alt Right is White Nationalism.

Breitbart, Milo, Crowder, McInnes, and all those other Twitter personalities are not Alt-Right. They are merely coopting the term that existed for years before GamerGate ever started. They heard a fancy phrase and started using it just like with the TeaParty.

We are not discrediting anything. We are White Nationalists and always have been.


I was gonna write a response but this guy explains it perfectly

>help attract a younger generation of Nationalists aside from the 40yr~ old Stormfront crowd

40 is probably being generous. Reading Stormfront feels like someone's got one foot in the grave and they're trying to drag you down for a conversation about The Land Before Niggers.

until they aren't

Tbh, I don't think its nonwhites that need to be worried, just people who hate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

>Robbing me
>I seriously hope you guys don't do this

I just realized that 2011 was five years ago.

If you're using alt-right as an umbrella for everyone politically right who's not into mainstream conservatism, then it's pretty fucking useless as you have people ranging from dedicated evangelicals to gay anime nazis

Anyone who identifies their self by race is basically nigger tier as far as I'm concerned. Most people in general are fucking stupid. I've met based people of every race before. Most people in general are garbage people just tend to notice it in people of other races. Like seriously most white folks are trailer trash or annoying as fuck honkies.

I really don't care if you are unhappy its happening.

Don Jr. Follows him
Sean Hannity follows him
Ann Coulter follows him
General Flynn follows him
Paul Nehlen follows him
Ben Garrison follows him
Mike Cernovich follows him
Roger Stone follows him
Paul Joseph Watson follows him
Kim Dot Com follows him
Katrina Pierson follows him

Well said, kangaroo boy...

>I really don't care if you are unhappy its happening.

You need to stop drinking Jared.

Also none of those people will be following you in the morning.

Richard spencer is a literal bisexual nobody.

The only relevancy he has comes from the fact that the media wants to shine a light on him in order to try and show 'the alt right' as a white supremacist movement rather than simply a nationalist , anti-globalist, anti- campus leftism (ie SJW stuff) movement .

The only relevancy he has comes from the fact the media want to use him to discredit and Internet-savvy conservatism or right wing views.

Your opinion really means nothing. This train has no breaks. People need to wake up and they are.
Buckle your seat belt jew boy.

>Your opinion really means nothing.

And now neither does yours.

Who is this twitter account that you speak of? Haven't been paying attention

>It's too early to be revealing true power levels to the normies
Kek. It's never too early brah. We're all gonna make it.

nope. pussies. you proved it by being triggered jst now.

Check the catalog..

Who dumbass

It's the swing political pendulum. Things will start to reverse once actual Nazis take power and the patriots will save America once again. I doubt there will be any ethnic purging but I'd bet on physical removal of communists and feminists once people realize they can't be reasoned with. If the West is to remain relatively free there will be bloodshed, or we will inevitably be enslaved by the ruthless and tedious elites who use commies and SJWs as their useful idiots. By purging them, we cut off the hand of the elites that seek to do us harm.

>Kek. It's never too early brah. We're all gonna make it.

Nah it really is. Strategically we need to have our foot securely in the jackboot before we start the oppression games.

White nationalism doesn't imply genocide.

White supremacy does, but white nationalism is rather benign, contrary to what the mainstream opinion will tell you.

If you assimilate, not isolate, you have no worries.

Purges bring purity to all races. Anyone who tells you otherwise either hasn't done their research, or is brainwashed.

tl;dr: What you think is a bad thing for your people, is actually a good thing for your people.

This tbqh phamilia. There are way too many stupid people, too. They're good for the political heavy lifting as long as you can create and reinforce a narrative that appeals to them. Which is exactly what Sup Forums's been doing for the past half-decade or so.
>tfw we /jews/ now


Chill out dude, the Day Of The Rope is scheduled for 2020, you got some years left.

>You must be glad you will be killed

I was never, am never and will never be joking about genocide of subhumans.

Now, for plausible deniability : this post is satire :^)

the plans laid long ago

Eventually, yes. Enjoy the results of what you've done.

The best thing the left could do, right now, is get Milenial Woes or Spencer to talk in public TV and spew their racebaiting.

Alt-Right would lose all its hopes to be a credible organization in an instant.

The alt right doesn't exist.

>Any possible response, or lack of it, confirms my opinion

>Nigger intellectuals


They must have sent all the 90's to the uk.

Im a 1/4 gypsy, ill be fine. We"re like cockroaches

Just sending the illegal aliens, who are also convicts, home will be a decades long project, so calm the fuck down.

Read the rest of the thread. Being purged does not mean genocide, or in some cases even death at all.

People just need to go back to where they came from. It's that simple.


how is this a problem for me?

ps: im white

>nonwhite Sup Forums user
I eventually knew this place would bring in a huge amount of faggots one day, but not like this.

I could give two shits about race this or that or race mixing. I only care about my country

Last time racist whites and racist blacks got together to vent their frustrations at eachother in an intellectual setting it produced what they call black rage, and white guilt.

But black people had a lot more to be upset about back then.

Lmao I hope not. Doubt it because the white guys on here are all pussy social rejects that don't lift. Nonwhite Sup Forums users like us are just scholars.

fucking msm invention
you want to prove that we are literary hitler, because then any attack, any violence, any dead policeman is justified -- you are defending against hitler
fuck you, fuck your plants david duke and ops faggot and fuck off


>another one of these stupid faggot posts
It really like you're regurgitating a script.

> blue eyes
> white hair
> 186 cm (6'1)
> ancestry traces back to northern Russia and Poland/Germany
> Sup Forums thinks i'm not white anyway

I've given up on this long ago. Stormfags unironical posting can't be discerned from leafposting nowadays.

>Doubt it because the white guys on here are all pussy social rejects that don't lift.


Alt-right are the usual stormfags who got popular because the media lumped all right wingers who are pissed at conservatives together.
Once people differentiate they will realize it's just a loud minority on Sup Forums and youtube.

which is why you just don't talk to them.

i am a meme war veteran faggot, i ve been on Sup Forums all summer

Educate yourself:

Agreed, there is also radixjournal, TOO, vdare, TRS, AmRen, Counter-CUrrents, occidental dissent, mpc which is the bulk of alt right sites.

There are also dailystormer and unz.com

Many different cultures have thought they could conquer the White Man.
The Persians thought it in 500BC.
The Punics in 250BC.
The various Moors and Muslims throughout late antiquity and the middle ages.
East Asians in our new, modern Era.
Countless other fools have tried, and we have conquered you all. Then? We set you free. The only force that could ever bring us to our knees was our own.

You think a brief moment is a sign of our downfall? Our blood was forged in the frost of mother Europe, tempered like the extremophiles which became the archetype of all true life.

We suffered the plagues, the famines, the fires, the wars, and the ruinous ideologies which sent us into darkness countless times. And every time we fell, we found a way to rise again.

Do not mistake our cuts for mortal wounds or our slumber for a lifeless corpse, unless you want to make the same mistake that all the other opportunistic hordes lost throughout the ages have made.

So by all means continue with your heckling, continue with your defilement of our legacy, continue with your delusions of victory. The sooner you wake the sleeping giant, the better.
It doesn’t matter how many of us remain when it happens, we have turned the tide against greater calamities before. Mother Earth will once again feel our marching feet on her surface, perhaps this time in true unity and perhaps this time, to your lament, with less mercy.

Richard Spencer had drinks with Julia Ioffe and then took a selfie FFS

>ywn live in Spencer's Autismal Pan-Europan Reich

It's for the best of humanity. Sorry paco.

Yes, we're dangerous you should move as soon as possible.

Don't worry, they won't do shit

It's unlikely that Spencer or Taylor or any of their ilk will even try to purge non-hwhites, let alone succeed. The danger will come when a lower-middle class uprising is infiltrated by elites then diverted towards a scapegoat.

In the US, the lower and middle classes are a combination of white, black, and hispanic. The upper classes are mostly white with quite a few Jews. This differs from Germany, in which Jews were relegated to the middle and upper-middle classes. Jews no longer make a good scapegoat for an elite seeking to deflect blame.

Given that the upper classes will seek to protect themselves, who will be targeted this time? Asians? Muslims? Leftists? Rightists? Academics? Christians? Gays? It's really a game of spin the bottle.

Be a Patriot and send Illegals home. I consider any white, black, Asian or w/e American more kin to me than anyone from Mexico.I am proud of my Mexican ancestry but criticism of it's major flaws is not self hatred.

Alt-right will kill all muslims. As a hindu, this is all I want from them.

something something 2nd amendment


We're being provoked once again, and it's never pretty for those who try. Oh well.

You wouldn't feel the urge to gloat if you ran into her on election night and you were acquainted and semi drunk?

Her story was pretty embarrassing for him, I think Anglin is just being an alarmist and trying to wrest control of the alt-right meme back to the more antisemitic types.

I am personally not worried
Manlet islander such as is not threatening enough to be purged

It is the chinks I'm worried about

Well, let's humor this fantasy, if that really happens at least I look white. Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin. I'm guessing they'll let me live

If you're worried about the chinks, why aren't you worried about european self-genocide ?
You are aware the only reason this planey isn't 100% east asian is the european's pathological altruism and virtue signaling, right ?

people wonder why i want to move to Brazil where non white outnumber white by large numbers