So it begins. The greatest battle of our time.
So it begins. The greatest battle of our time
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Why does it take a woman to uncuck France? Are there no men with balls left in France to take charge?
>french men
>have balls
pick one (1)
I met a French guy 5 years ago, hated Muslims. Said that Germany was better, they wouldn't be treated as shit in their own country by foreigners. Guess he was wrong.
Le Pen's gender is irrelevant. She has the mind, the political family and background, and the Catholic conservative sensibility wrapped up with an analytical personality and presentation. She also happens to be absolutely fearless. She is the right candidate for the right time. Gender has nothing to do with it.
vive le pen.
But for there to be literally zero, in a country with 60+ million people.... it boggles the mind.
>Flag Unknown
Way to miss my entire point.
Le Pen will win.
Not bad
It figures. Turks really are huge chickens.
What are you?
Frauke is best girl
Where do you live, Crimea? What flag do you get posting in Crimea?
>ignorant fags ITT don't know Timor's flag
Allez allez Marine Le Pen.
This. She's a capable and courageous proponent for our cause. I fully support her.
Marine is a globalist kebab loving bitch
She will do anything BUT uncuck France
The stupid frogs fell for the meme because they like jacking off to her niece
Not even in the right phylum bro
Checked and fucking winessed
Kek has spoken,
Le Pen can't win.
>makes it to second round in elections
>every other party pulls out to avoid stealing votes from the only party that can beat her
memetic alteration device
Yup. Crimea ffs
Fucking THIS. I support Based Marine ALL THE WAY.
Based af
I ran out of le pen stuff.
Here's D.VA
Alright lads, let's recharge our meme-magic batteries for Marine Le Pen!
If the French would stop hiding and being defeatist we could get somewhere
Yes. What matters is SUCCESSFULLY saving Europe for its people.
Bickering about anything else is irrelevant.
can fap t oboth, np
You people are idiots. France needs a dictator. Unless she's the second coming of Adolf Hitler, France has no chance. It's literally pitchforks and torches time. In 10 years it will be too late to do anything about it.
You have my shitposts.
No that will be the fight between brothers Putin and Trump that is inevitable.
Yea, Le Pen will win.
>that video
How did we let this happen...
See now, see?
We're not misogynist like the media loves accusing us!
Why would we support Le Pen if we were?
Go Le Pen! Fix France, kill Europe!
Who else would like to see these two in a MILF porn movie?
I pray for several generations of predominately Right-of-Left Western Civilization - and also for a successful Anti-Communist revolution in China.
wouldn't be the first time a woman ended up having more balls than all frenchmen
>image familiar
Only men from a certain private paris school are high ranking politicians. Could be hundreds of men more qualified with the balls to lead the country but they do not get a shot because they did not go there.
I would rather it be Jean-Marie Le Pen that became president. Shame he's too old.
Japan reporting in.
I giv you my stray dog stew recipe for your pepe
Shinji is a fucking pussy
Her niece is so fucking hot
I hope Le Pen curve stomps that bitch
>What is World War 2
*curb Mohammed, Curb
This whole "Make Europe Great Again" thing is so forced. You yurocucks will never change. Eat shit and die and let US/UK/Russia take over your shitholes
>France needs a dictator. Unless she's the second coming of Adolf Hitler, France has no chance. It's literally pitchforks and torches time.
We know this, but we don't have that candidate, or that public mood yet, do we?
You have to develop things step by step.
Learn to love the process. It's a journey.
Keep your eye on the prize, my friend, eye on the prize.
Why so smug, Pepe?
damn that's a nice pepe
No, another Charles De Gaulle would be perfect, he was a staunch opponent of Atlanticism
>We don't have that candidate, or public mood yet
That's the problem. The public mood should have shifted long ago, and the people should have risen up and exterminated these animals by now. I predict France will never uncuck themselves in time. They will probably have to be rescued by the Russians like said.
while this is true, shinji is a complicated character
>yfw you realize the west is splitting into teams, nationalism vs. globalism
>yfw you realize Britain, France, Russia, and the USA will once again team up as allies, this time for team nationalism
>yfw you realize Germany will again oppose us, and lead the globalist coalition
>yfw they will once again be BTFO
if the eu isnt dissolved then half of the human population is doomed.
listen newfag, redditors are homo faggots but that is not relevant right now. be constructive or go back to being arrested for having a opinion.
A complicated pussy
I give you permission to save this rare Pepe
I pledge my shitposts to the cause
pic somewhat related
It took a woman to uncuck the USA, too. If she hadn't been as awful of a candidate and as unlikeable as she is, good old Donny would never have become president.
Trump would have beat Sanders too.
>not one Frenchie has posted
We either work or are asleep mate.
Yesterday was the first round of the republican primary, Fillon was leading by a huge way, and will run against Alain "Ackbar" Juppé for the second round of the primaries.
It's very likely that leftists voted in the primary to block Sarkozy, as it would have been the best chance for Le Pen to win.
Consequently, it is more than likely that Le Pen will face Fillon for the second round of the election, so be prepared to meme accordingly.
that really tickles my fucking almonds
They lost their balls after WW1
>at work
Top kek m8. Wow.
Merkel will win again without a doubt.
But it will be a very week gov with barely a majority in reach. The best environment to foster a right wing opposition.
Le Pen, and Hofer are just beginning of this final battle against the EU.
The last stage is redpilling the German public and clearing its lands of Muslim invaders. This will take some time and work to get to that point.
But getting these other reactionary leaders into power in the meantime around Europe, in order to make the EU crumble, is the first couple steps. Then each country can begin to address their new problem individually. During this, we will spread anti-globalist and anti-migrant media into these countries and decondition the public from all the progressive indoctrination they've undergone since the end of WWII. And during this, we'll constantly make them more and more aware of the very real sexual and mortal danger in allowing this third world scum into their homelands and communities.
Dude, because they get to work 35h only those poor bastards work two jobs to survive. Have some compassion wirh the third world.
Holy shit we are in the greatest political revolution in our time
>trump winning presidency
>next the uncucking of France
Same in Australia.
Remember how people freaked when it turned out Trump had won the white women vote?
Turns out that despite their social media postings, white women have taken one look at their standard of living here, under white men, and seen what the brown nations offer, and have decided to force us to all go out and be right wingers and engage in society again.
Not a fan myself, would rather play Xbox, but then you get no sex, which isn't nice.
Not a songle chance. The dems inflicted it on themselves.
What shillary lacked is a proper grassroot base eilling to fight for her. Bernie had it. Donald had it. She tried to buy it, but couldn't.
Australian Timor or Indonesian Timor
Do you even "Frontalier"?
Yeah right. Time will show wether those people pol is pushing will really do anything. What's more, they will need support in parliament. My prognosis is far less spectacular: they will get into power, get bogged down in infights and by parliaments stacked with cucks, the energy will fizzle out and in 4 years we'll be back to the same point, but there will be much more sandniggers to deal with. The only viable way is to take the initiative outside the political process: referendums, protests, maybe even set something on fire. Otherwise its just another day for the elite, they have set up buffers to deal with exactly this kind if scenario.
I'd say that getting some of them in political positions legitimizes our side more culturally, while at the same time the more important thing is to start getting large, legitimate media sources launched that can start swaying a much larger voterbase to the right and anti-immigration. The key is normalizing anti-immigration views, and legitimizing the argument for native European identities as something real and worth preserving. As the institutions start to have to recognize this, we can surprise them perhaps with even more sweeping moves that seize the power in more direct ways and take the migrant problem into our own hands.
La France au Français !
Have we woken him again? Will he help us once more, or are we asking for too much? Will this be our end?
This. Everyone should be thankfull that there are at least a few women out there, who have the fucking guts to speak out their redpilled mind.
We live in a society, where "whites should be killed" and "everything's rape".
It's good to see, that there are still decent women out there.
Politicians are spineless whores terrified of losing their jobs and sweet lobby money.
Nobody thought Brexit would happen and now it has the government is pandering like fucking crazy to the lot that voted it in.
Sure, no one wants to work with Trump, or Euroskeptics, or the National Front - but if that's what voters want they'll listen.
I think the reality is that most people don't actually love those people either and there's an expectation they're probably a bit nuts/ineffective, but they can move everything to the right a little and start paying attention to matters a lot of people care about.
You get liberals trying to pay lipservice to it going, "we need to be aware of why people voted for Trump because a lot of people feel disenfranchised," but all they ever do is talk. They'd never doing anything to change things because they actually think you're a fucking idiot. Getting nutters into power is the only way to make change.
where can we donate?
loue kek
Most French who work full time do more than 35hrs a week. I'm a fonctionnaire and I do 39. My gf do 45 to 50 hrs a week. Enough with this meme.
>muh colonies
What was that Alberto?
Lepen is a kike controled whore, France only hope is a racial war, and the elimination of leftists in the process.