Drain the Swamp?

What the actual fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:


Trump is a businessman but you'll never see him become a corrupt lobbyist cuck

Hillary has done far far worse
Salty af libtards

Hillary Treason > Trump Bribery

This though. I never thought somebody could be this corrupt.

so we're OK with this?

All politicians are corrupt. All rich people are greedy. Without sucking lobbyist cock he won't achieve anything anyways.

Don't worry about the USA worry about Britbongistan

Sup Forums is okay with anything Trump does.

>Surely this clerical error will convince you that Trump is evil

Try harder, dear

If it pisses off libtards, I get off to it.

>Not understanding the 2018 supermajority


I love how people start vomiting excuses for Trump any time he goes back on everything he said.
>Finally admits Obama was born here.
Nobody cares.
>Finally admits climate change is not a hoax.
Nobody cares.
>Finally admits he won't deport all illegals.
Nobody cares.

This site is the best satire on the web.

Sup Forums lost its fucking mind when Shillary pulled shit like this.

Trump does it and you make excuses.

You're no better than liberals.

It's time you faggots grow up and get with the program.

Being fair is for retards

The delusion on this board has been off the fucking charts the last 2 years.

Hillary Clinton has done this countless times (though she was on the receiving end of funds) when she was Secretary of State. I don't like Trump, but he is way way way less corrupt than Clinton.

Trump isn't a conservative, he's a centrist and thank god for that. If he was some retard evangelical like Pence is, then this could be a problem. Fortunately, I think Trump is an atheist.

U might want to check that anal bleeding senpai, you seem very buttblasted over trump.

>linking to images on an imageboard

>Trump isn't a conservative, he's a centrist and thank god for that.
Ok then he is centrist who ran on a far right platform.
We don't know anything about Trump. He switches positions like he changes suits. He could be fucking Tupac in a fat suit for all we know.

Why do liberals work so hard to expose Trump, but don't even scratch the surface of Clinton's corruption, despite it being broadly displayed out in the open?

He's been talking about the exact same shit since the 80s, literally where does this meme come from? The fact that he doesn't have clear stances on wedge social issues that he has said are state issues?

You can't post duplicate images on the same board.

You seem like a logical fellow.

>Being fair is for retards
The entire history of our country disagrees with you.

Coop proof bro

Go read up and come back kiddo.
Trump flip flopping is common knowledge.
Nigga is worse than John Kerry.

3rd time I've seen this claim, never any broofs, so I guess that I don't give a fuck since for now.


No, provide some examples yourself.

pls no.

no. no no no no no.
I need to go vomit.

State electors are an absolutely unremarkable post.

...why does it matter of she's an elector?She has to vote for whoever won. He could give her a billion dollars and it still wouldn't change the outcome.

If you actually read that, and don't just post ">cnn" you will see, from his own speeches and quotes, that we have no fucking clue what he believes.

>linking to images on an image that are on the same image board you are linking from.

Who cares about that old hag now?

Lugenpresse gonna lugenpresse