not our guy? i'm confused
Fake News?
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I like Alex Jones for him funny memes and I listen to his news everyday
I wouldn't say its any more fake than msm but he does bend the truth to benefit his agenda
He's too high energy for me.
Alex is based but at his heart he's still a jew. Never forget that
t. nu-male beta non-american
digits check out
Alex is too high energy for this timeline.
>listening to a FBI plant made to look people questioning the NWO look like lunatics
nu/pol/ never cease to amaze me
Jones is a crucial piece of the puzzle that's unfolding right now.
>Kellan Gerken
>Ryan Cheng
Remember their names.
It was already agreed here that Alex Jones' ratings skyrocketed because he mixed newstainment with pro wrestling
>living in what is supposed to be one of the most safest countries in the world but having the highest rape areas in the worls and being cucked by pro-islam terrorists,
soory, meant for
t. mediakike butthurt
This, Alex has been a tool of the Jews (Infowars being owned by a Jewish organization) forever.
But keep meming le ebin water filter shill some more.
who are gerken and cheng?
>Leftists trying to maymay
our guy, kek confirms
did anyone mention BUHUT LEFTTISTS?
I can't give too much away.
Cheng is KEK, but in human form. This form was realized after the the power Sup Forums collectively gave to him throughout the election.
Gerken is KEK's newest puppet, now that he is beginning to let go of Trump. If you want to appease KEK, you must get behind Gerken.
More importantly, you must get behind Cheng.
More information will follow soon.
He says some ridiculous stuff and sells some snake oil but for the most part he's usually right and our guy
Jason Bermas, Aaron Dykes, Jakari Jackson all left or were fired because Alex Jones is a sensitive little shit who doesn't like to be challenged at all, and he likes to throw himself around and act like he's macho as shit when really he's a balding, wrinkly old slug and a con-man who tells people with cancer to not take treatments that could potentially help give them more time, who cons people to not trust their doctors, who cons people to buy his mercury tainted supplements and then fires his crew that question him on it, then hires new people and gets new supplements with less mercury so people don't hassle him about it, and he has all these crew members probably on lockdown with non disclosures, but Infowars is controlled by the government, it is a Stratfor operation, and Alex Jones and Rob Dew have family within the intelligence community, so basically what Alex Jones does is rabble rouse up dissenters, and now that people want to dissent, he calls them all communists so they can all go get locked up and put in FEMA camps he has been beating his chest about like a monkey for 16 years. Alex Jones is a fat sack of shit coke fiend tooth grinding buck tooth bitch. And the Watsons are dick sucking faggots.
If Alex Jones is your guy, why don't you build a damn time machine and go back in time and join some suicide cult because that's all Alex Jones really is. A suicide cult. Alex Jones....... I'm willing to bet he has some sort of relation to Jim Jones. They're fucking cancerous.
you are so transparent
People should call in to Alex Jones and expose all his frauds and lies he's ever fucking done including having mercury in his damn supplements when he first started pushing that shit, this is back when he was pushing that stupid tangy tangerine bullshit and having Aaron Dykes dress up as a fucking orange because Alex Jones is a dickhead who deserves to be punched.
I'd rather be transparent than be some crypto-fascist
Why is CTR so scared of him?
it probably isn't fear broseph its probably just false opposition just to get attention and coverage. The two sides are the same, they just have a different way of marketing bullshit to the public.
Ron Paul's fake journalist list....
He is just a salesman. He doesn't have real news. Watch Styxhexenhammer666 for real news.
I think its sweet how Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton met on infowars and became husband and wife.
Shit, I didn't see the name of the picture. Nice fallacy fag I don't support Hillary. But I am transparent.
4channer who says a lot of the same shit.
stop shilling your channel you long hair black nail polish wear queer.
lol. my trips of truth win though.
so a man has to make his own money without adverts.
that makes him a fake shill? grow up.
By selling mercury tainted bullshit? That's moral?
Fuck you dude that is not acceptable. And that shit got covered up QUICK.
I hope Aaron and Melissa speak out against Alex. I really, really do.
Bump for |REAL TRUTH|
Bump for |REAL TRUTH|
Bump for |REAL TRUTH|
Mercury actually appears in a lot of medical products.
Here's a list for you:
Also, it's present in fruit and vegetables you eat, because trace amounts of most elements appear in pretty much everything.
Most elements, including such amazing ones as lead or arsen too.
That's how things work. Now do fuck off.
I think the FBI, lol, like you said is not as keen in dismantling the Jones persona, because he indeed becomes a poster boy for the demographics of "tin foil" but I believe he is speaking straight from the heart.
I think that Alex is real but the FBI (or whatever) cannot get rid of him, so they work within, along the truth seekers ad questioners of the NWO and fellow anons from Sup Forums, etc and from which like a torjan horse they infiltrate the idea that Alex is just a crazy lunatic so these energized "truthers" get turned off.
Simple in my mind, i guess.
Anybody has "you're in the wrong neighborhood, globalist"?
Here you go m8
np here's one more for you
No way you think this fucking cartoon character jones is really a true patriot. No way. Let me guess you bought his Super Ultra Male Vitality (tm) with super mercury boost right? That's the only thing that will explain your level of stupid.
Alex, did you know there is a conspiracy against trans fat?
Eat trans-fat every day Alex I hear it cures baldness. Seriously. Do it.
this is now a METEOR thread