What the fuck is up with Kanye man he's flipping shit and he came out and said he would've voted trump and people are...

What the fuck is up with Kanye man he's flipping shit and he came out and said he would've voted trump and people are pissed as fuck at him for that, now people are saying he's crazy for trying to preach and expose the elites for their game what exactly is he fucking thinking. google.com/amp/s/sacbee.relaymedia.com/amp/news/local/article116056623.html?client=safari

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=kanye west song lyrics&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBzszht7nQAhVPxCYKHU7hAvsQ_AUICSgC&biw=1920&bih=919#imgrc=OCV009YTPwCk5M:

Redpill hitting him too hard

Either he has been woke, or he sees how the country is shifting and is trying to stay relevant. Either way he has built his career in an environment completely brain washed by the media and they do not feel what he is saying.

Kanye is not a stupid man but he is mentally underdeveloped in the sense that he has a very difficult time understanding the way that others see things. Whenever he is passionate about something, he just spits it out of his loud mouth assuming that everyone will think the same way he does. When they don't, he becomes confused and angry because he believes that they must have an ulterior motive for opposing what is, to him, the only truth.

Making a career out of selling bottom-shelf pop music to brainwashed retards and them getting redpilled does not work well for a person like this.

Rap is just disgusting banana-yodeling. I could go to the zoo and shit on a monkey for half the price of one of that eggheaded faggot's albums and still get my bix nood's worth. Sage/ Kill yourself / Etc.

Kanye West is the guy who everybody in media has called a genius for a decade and literally every one of his songs sound like they're written by a retard.

google.com/search?q=kanye west song lyrics&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBzszht7nQAhVPxCYKHU7hAvsQ_AUICSgC&biw=1920&bih=919#imgrc=OCV009YTPwCk5M:

Look at this shit

What did he rant about that ended the show?

He's going through something dude. He's been semi-woke for years, it's just now that it's probably all weighing down on him. Maybe he feels like since Trump exposed the corruption in media, he can expose the corruption in the music industry.

He's been living within it for years, let the man scream out. It's weird, but he's kinda our guy right now.

Is kanye autistic?

same thing that happened to Trump, he wasn't all the -ist -ism bigot xeonophone, nazi.

UNTIL he started running for president, then all of a sudden he became all those things

He must not of followed the election that closely and him being an elite i cant blame him. He did not see the fire that is burning from the left. They are so pissed and i think he misjudged that. The shit he actually speaks is right on though. Not preachy of pushy just telling it like he see's.

He obviously feels the electorates pulse somewhat but he didn't see the hate present on the left.

>Even mildly entertaining the notion that this eggplant deserves respect or attention

I found the shit tier normies, guys. Right there.

so umm question
why didn't he vote for trump

He ranted about the state of the United States after the election and what's really happening in the world, then he came out and said he didn't vote but if he did he would've voted for trump and it went all downhill from there now people are calling him crazy for trying to expose the elites.

Kill yourself.

It's almost like having your woman get brutally raped by muslims in Paris changes your perception of the world.

Not gonna lie, former Kanye fan here. This is fucking hilarious watching Kanye crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man promote fascist ideals!

Holy shit those lyrics are fucking awful


Kanye west is a genius. He is more significant to music than Kubrick was to film.

Kill yourself

I think he's just setting up his run for Presidency in 2020. I really do. I think Kanye is smart for a nigger.

Shit tier troll. Or you're a nigger. Either way, kys

kanye is


gay f i s h.

These threads about this mumble mouthed nigger are getting old fast
i don't know why hes so fucking popular now on Sup Forums but im tried of the threads
maybe if he could speak in some sort of coherent manner, you know something that doesn't sound like a bucket of chewing gum thrown into a upside down running push mower blade

>>Even mildly entertaining the notion that this eggplant deserves respect or attention
>I found the shit tier normies, guys. Right there.

He's a black hippy liberal retard who massively pissed off a crowd of fans by talking about trump.