Britain no!!

Look what you've done Brexiteers!

>The worrying rise of Britain's modern day 'Hitler youth': Neo-Nazi referrals to the Government's deradicalisation programme are overtaking Islamist extremism cases in parts of the UK

>Almost 300 children referred to the authorities for far-right extremism
>Of those, 16 were children under the age of 10 according to new figures
>Security minister Ben Wallace said he has seen a growth in far-right cases
>Comes amid outrage in Liverpool over 'Nazi-controlled zone' stickers

Other urls found in this thread:

1700 rapes in Rotheram

We must take more refugees :)

You know, I don't think anyone on Sup Forums has ever heard that one before.


Tends to happen when you specifically target Whites for decimation, demoralization, dispossession, deconstruction, and derision in their own nations, while also forcing them to pay for it all.

Tends to have negative effects, that does.

Wait.... what does this "deradicalization" program entail?

It this a fucking "reeducation" camp?

The government purposefully transformed the demographics of this country over the last 20 years on a radical scale, without the consent of the people. This will inevitably lead to radical responses from the people.

It's sad, unnecessary, but predictable.

kek the fire rises

>without the consent of the people
Good one.

Hey Rabbi, whatcha doing?

Most likely.


Looks false flag as fuck.

They would never write "nazi" on their stickers

Those fliers smell like Soros.

Supposed to be these guys

It isn't

reverse member

No, you leftists did this. Even if it's real (which I suspect it's not) you are almost entirely to blame. You characterised Leave as a vote that only a racist xenophobe would make so now the actual racist xenophobes feel like the majority of the country is with them in their actions.

Anyone who believed those signs would be super gullible and too dangerous to live without supervision.

>so now the actual racist xenophobes feel like the majority of the country is with them in their actions.
They are, they just don't know it because they refuse to listen because it's ingrained into them that it's wrong.

Yeah, just found the site. Nice graphics.
More info?

>Even if it's real
See what I mean. Someone actually entertains the idea there are Nazi controlled zones in the UK.

>Sharia controlled zones in the UK
>"Hehe xD that's so cute" - UK Government

>Nazi controlled zones

This is the UK we're talking about here, they went full Island Prison status last week.


eh, at least nazi's believed in rule of law, instead of the arbitrary will of of a pedophile sand god enacted in religious courts.

Fuck a sand monkey coming to my neighborhood and telling me i'm following their shitty sand monkey laws.

>government controlled re-education programs to snuff out undesired opinions in children
Wake me up!

Fucking finally.

>Fuck Charlie, ever since we decided to assist Communism and helped bomb Europe into oblivion, our country has being invaded by hostile foreigners and all established powers are intent on committing genocide on us, what do we do??
>Nazi stickers, Nige. Nazi stickers.

Solid looking site.
% chance of honeypot?