When will Sup Forums realize tht jews are actually the good guys?
When will Sup Forums realize tht jews are actually the good guys?
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we good boys now
>implying we don't unironically already
Care to explain how Satan worshiping jews are the good guys?
I'll gladly wait.
>t-thats blood libel goy
No, we the jews now. We control the futures destiny.
here's a revelation for ya....
*unzips dick*
>There is no "good guys"
Prove it
Why are jews like that? Do they have some kind of gene mutation that makes them 80% more likely to be antisocial?
Fuck Israel. They deserve to be glassed for what they've done to the US.
-t patriotic Jewish American
they have reptilian dna
Right after they will start to be good due to their culture, and not in opposition to it.
This isn't scotland m8
Holy shit. Based as fuck.
Whether it's socialism, communism, capitalism or nationalism - Jews go harder and do it better.
I'm saving this picture if you don't mind.
>1 post by this ID
>I'm saving this picture if you don't mind.
Have another
Are they good goy?
You're fucking retarded
Feel free to stick around just please don't post
Nah, they're good yids. Or good mensch.
Somethings in life you can't make up
Not mentioned: the "protesters" who sprayed the reporter in the face with hairspray and stole her camera.
Jews are dishonest, narrative-twisting weasels. They'll be dealt with.
lets not forget that the jews ran the Bolshevik revolution too
If you can't bear them, join them.
All you Anti-Zionists are heretic Canaanites
and some you can, like that Reno quote
Israeli jews are brought up into believing the entire world hates them, and every single country wants to see Israel fall. It's because of Zionism, and all the rich jews have ties to Israel. Jews I have met are friendly because they weren't from there
It's not as if I haven't mulled this over. I know it's weird, but I actually like to think about things before I reach a conclusion. Bottom Jews (like normal people who just go to synagogue instead of church) can be neutral or even good, but anyone who has moved up their ranks is definitely evil, as is their whole system. Although, like non-radical Islamists, these grunt Jews may not have evil intentions at heart, they're still ignorantly being used to legitimize an evil organization.
this is true
but im pretty sure americans also think this about muslims and russians
no can do there chief
>When will Sup Forums realize tht jews are actually the good guys?
When they'll stop acting like the bad ones.
>if my nose were bigger i could pass by a jew
al those shekels opportunities lost
Diasporic jews are good.
Zionist jews, well they are cheaty but I cannot morally condemn them for doing everything they can to further their nation-sate interests.
Right after they all die gassing themselves.