How do we get rid of the altright homos on Sup Forums?

How do we get rid of the altright homos on Sup Forums?

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Add upboat/downboat arrows for a week and ban anyone that uses them.

I seriously don't think anyone here identifies as "alt-right".

Media don't know shit about anything, as always.

fuck off you kike faggot, none of us homos would be degenerate enough to join the alt-right

the alt-right is filled with virtue signalling heterofags

This is actually a pretty great idea but I don't think the mods would ever actually do it.

>tfw can admire a beautiful man but would never take it up the bum or give it up the bum

I think /fit/ have screwed me over.


alt-right is a false flag meme to divide the right with imaginary witch hunt

Think we're stuck with these faggot lovers and kike sympathizers. Know any good places to chat about news that isn't filled with "le alt right xD fug women stupid bitches"? Was browsing around 2014 and came back for the elections and found nothing but furries, pedos, faggots and kike sympathizers.

By discussing peer reviewed scientific papers. They become a non-issue that way.

Find me a qt bf and I'll never come back I promise

>none of us homos would be degenerate enough to join the alt-right

This is not even remotely true. Like 90% of the altright are literal faggots.

this. The right must be united under the far right.

Meant to respond to

Like this?

>How do we get rid of the altright homos on Sup Forums?
>Sup Forums trying to people off the board
You can't stop faggots from coming here.

0 and 6 on this scale are mentally ill people.
You are probably 1 or 2, and are forcing yourself to be 0 for religious or ideological purposes.

You need to differentiate between Alt-Right and (((Alt-Right)))

There are tons of us here. We've been here since /n/.

Pence is going to fix them all

>You are probably 1 or 2, and are forcing yourself to be 0 for religious or ideological purposes.

I don't understand what you're saying. I'm not religious and I don't want to buttfuck other men.

Sorry lad, i'm here to stay.
I love big daddy Trump too much.

We can only hope.

LOL the vast majority of all living people are a 0.


>yfw Milo and #trapsfortrump get executed by Pence on live television while Trump in true emperor fashion washes his hands like Pontius

Gypsy faggot

>Cops come to try and arrest right-wing fags
>They get filled full of holes
>Night of the Long Knives/Homosurgency begins

I don't think our timeline is quite crazy enough for that.

I hope it doesn't get that crazy.

>insulting my flag because i educate you

Okay lad.


There are maybe 10,000 right wing fags in the entire country proportionally speaking. Dont be delusional, it would be over pretty fucking quickly.

You didn't educate me on anything you just said that people aren't bumdrillers explicitly for religious reasons which is complete nonsense.

>try and arrest fags
>They get filled full of holes

I said that in any actual study, and not a self reported statistic, people tend to show some signs of attraction towards well masked or even openly shown male features.
Thus people tend to be ranked at least somewhat homosexual, and in some age groups more so than in others.

Men have a "gay phase" of their life, different for different men, with different length, and the only reasons they don't indulge are ones of morals, not ones of desire.

I hope you are pretending to be simple, and aren't an actual moron.

>fags end up fucking the bullet holes

Wouldn't be the first time they stick their dicks in places they weren't meant to go.

Care to give me a link to any said study? I've never heard of any of this.

Ban everyone who uses the phrase "alt-Right"

we don't hate gays, we just don't want them prancing down the street in their gay pink floats and shit.

I have a few ideas.

2 is a qt desu



Looks like the altrightists already found this thread.

Lots of queers don't have anal sex. Just get a cute guy to suck on your penis desu.

Google it and pick one? Just check to see its not self reported.

>How do we get rid of the altright homos on Sup Forums?

You know you want this, you son of a CTR.

He's straight though.

Why don't you just show me fucking one of you're so sure of yourself you double nigger. I'm not going to go scavenging around for your ridiculous claims.

whats with the photoshop ruler

Stop saying alt right and it will go away you ducking idiots
Cancer. Do you wear those cuck hunt and Pepe T-shirts in the real world? Off yourself nigger

We will never go away.
We're gaining members and growing faster than any White Nationalist movement since the 1930s.

Just google it, you cock coblin.

2% of men in the USA self report to be homosexual.
6% of men in the USA self report to have had sex with other men.

For women its even worse, at 1% and 12%.

Far right is a meme to force people in "nationalistic" socialism "because i want to stay as far as i can from socialism as I can" on a scale of political spectrum meme.
A cheap rhetorical trick.

No such thing as political spectrum, no such thing as far right.

Right is the classic liberal. As in "people should run themselves as political nation - not corporations, not political classes, not some elites, not dictature". You cant be any kind of far here.

You can argue about structure of the nation. You can be radical provokateur, that spews some shit about "let`s hang all niggers", when people are discussing assimilation mechanisms. Where @radical stays for @marginalization. Not even because hanging niggers is non-PC, but because it`s ultra-low priority task, that is close to impossible to do. Solves nothing - not (((education))), not (((media))), not jewgle+jewtube+kikebook literally censorship.

And if you argue about dictature, that it is acceptable, then you are not in the right. You are jakobin-left -- a terrorist, a useful idiot, that will undermine your nation for interests of Anglo. And when they`ll come to power, they`ll just kill all the useful idiots. Because power transmission personnel from nation to dictator are not helping the new regime to sustain itself in power in any way.

(((Kinsey))) fuck off kike. Go peddle your jew nonsense elsewhere.

whats wrong with being a gay white nationalist?

>hurrrr give me a source
>okay here is one
>durrrr that doesnt count

Because fags are mentally ill. It's like saying what's wrong with being a white nationalist with down syndrome. We have no need for untermensch.

Your source is a proven kike fraud.

My coffee my keyboard. Make the conection

>Kinsey Institute is a bad source for Kinsey Scale research

So google the issue and pick one you like. Any source I post you will dismiss by saying you dislike it.
Thats why I am letting you research yourself, as I am confident you will come to the same conclusion as me.

fuck off this is our safespace

The poster with the tag OyVxvc0y, who by the way authored 40% of all posts in the thread, is clearly very insure about sexuality.

You can't homos have been fully integeated into alt-right. Peter Thiel in Trump administration is one among many proofs.

thats like republicans cutting off their right hand. Gay is their way

Homos are an abomination, they will surely suffer the second death in the hell fires

>women leaders

Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.

Into the trash it goes.

>relys on quality journalism from breitbart

Fall is ending, go away LEAF

Kinsley scale is retarded shit. You can be 100% straight and suck a dick.

Incorrect assumption, faggo. I get my news through telepathy.

>how do we get rid of the altright homos on Sup Forums?
by finding them boyfriends? They can't do a whole lot of shitposting when they're concentrating on the homo sex. Of course, there will be a need for some dedicated Sup Forums volunteers. Sacrifices will have to be made for the cause.

lol, I would like to know the circumstances involved in an accidental dick sucking

If you just want to taste semen. Nothing gay about that.

pretty sure nobody likes the taste of semen. semen tastes like all that is evil and wrong in the world.

Maybe yours do. Spread the happiness, eat fruits, drink semen.

anti- altright threads are made by Liberals. Altright made Trump win. ALtright is a legit threat to multiculturalsim and liberalism. Twitter will allow heroin addicted neonazis or kkk members on twitter because they are a joke and no threat while they banned all big altright figures. Neonazis and KKK are controlled honeypots, Altright is not.

umm... yeah. I think I'll pass and will keep eating asparagus and drinkinng coffee.

This is why everyone hates you.

A maximum of 50,000 people tops sure is a problem.

Better idea just report the mongoloid Sup Forumstards that respond to the "your mom will die in her sleep tonight" or rolling posts. It is a great filter I do this all the time and have gotten plenty of shitposters banned.

>anti- altright threads are made by Liberals.


> Altright made Trump win. ALtright is a legit threat to multiculturalsim and liberalism.

No, alt right is a made up lefty label to all their opposition, including from the left.

You can be a person who voted liberal every election, if you disagree with SJW idiocy, trans identity, immigration - you are immediately labeled alt right.

The fact that useful idiots like you identify with the label just makes it better for them. Now they can hold up people like Milo as "leaders of the alt right", and impose his stupidity on you. They can also dismiss all criticism that alt right isn't real. Good job moron.

You'll never get rid of us, were just as used to the shitposts and insults as you are, the actual faggots run at the first sight of the word fag, the good gays are the ones calling them fags

>implying Sup Forums isn't entirely made up of homos

>inb4 super fags will defend their heterosexuality on an anonymous online message board because super fags


/polgbt/ really is the final redpill

every time i always never post and yet my mum is still alive reeeeeeeeeee

>falling into the media trap
newfags are ruining pol

I agree that 100% heterosexual is the best but why bring up the alt right in this?