What Video Game best understands Sup Forums?

What Video Game best understands Sup Forums?

I think it's Fallout


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I don't play video memes
I watch KINO

Michael - normalfaggots
Franklin - niggers
Trevor - Lovable psychopath who wants to be friends again with Mike but hates Mike's bullshit - aka Sup Forums


>mfw Tenpenny Tower was about immigration
>mfw the "good" way of solving the quest ends with the refugees slaughtering the "evil" anti-immigration natives
>mfw this Redpills the normie on immigration


DCS world

Get out

Touch a nerve?

The Scandinavian Front, a mod for Strike Fighter 2.


>Fallout 4

Holy fucking shit leave

that quest was redpilled as fuck



>tfw you realize the Enclave was right


One of the first games I played all the way through. I played it all over a weekend. It was some good shit.

>R* has an option online to report for hate speech


LA Noire

No wonder I always liked the BoS.

Also, MGR:R is pretty good, as long as you recognize that you are not playing as the hero.


>Dahnald, I have some delegates for you to take, I marked the lication on your map

Would the brotherhood be a good base to strive for? Their Isolationist ways end up killing them in the west, but maxons/ lyons brotherhood is a powerhouse. They use what they have to protect the wastelanders but also expand their power, thats what America should do.

Papers, Please

Touhou. Reimu Is redpilled about Youkai nature

>nobody here supports the Railroad

For fucks sake people it's 2287, why don't you want synths?

I just replayed bioshock, and it felt a bit redpilled.
>genius guy build city underwater to create a brilliant economy
>had to be built under water to hide it from the "parasites"
>Was ultimatly destroyed by some cunt giving charity to poor people

t. weeb
touhou is literal cancer

Metal Gear Solid.
The plotline is basically a mirror of reality at this point.
We just need a secret AI that runs everything.
Owait we have it, social media. It even censors you for trying to talk about (((LA LI LU LE LO)))

I picked institute because family is family

Institute is the best though?

Too bad they were all pussy beta nerds who relied on robots to protect them

Science didn't help them when I trashed their safe space with my BoS brothers and sisters

Its just a shame that Balgruuf had to go.

I still enjoy lonely hunting/exploring sessions with the music set to full. I cannot envision any other elder scroll game being in as beautiful and comfy a setting.

Me too m8, the entire story was about finding your son and being a family again. Turning on him and blowing up his life's work is a really shitty thing for a father to do

That and the potential good a General of the Minutemen leading the institute could do to the Commonwealth

Also the institute is the only faction that can create obedient synth waifus

>video games

wow pollards really are 12 years old...really makes ya think

Institute is an insular group of elite parasites who don't understand the atrocities they're committing by their very nature

They deserve to burn in their own nest

>The only people who think family is more important than the right choice are living in the 3rd world

Rapture is Ancapistan

Arguably the best quest line Beth have put out

>smart cunt outlaws religion cuz max fedora
>black market gonna black market
>brainwashed meat puppet bashes brains in because too beta to an hero
>ultimately gets his perfect utopia destroyed because he is a micro managing cunt who founds a city based on personal freedom but gets butthurt when people have different ideas of what personal freedom means than his own
>playing god because you can

No, he was everything he hated and in the end it blew up in his face.

This is Radio Freedom

A delegate is requesting your assistance nominee

Oblivion wants to have a word with you. Sure, it looks a little aged, but with texture/character mods it looks pretty amazing for a ten year old game.

The brotherhood in the east is not unlike the ncr in the west. They grow beyond their reach. The problem with the ncr is that it expands roughshod over people who do not want them, in order to tax the shit out of them and conscript them as cannon fodder, so they can grow over the next group and do it again. The brotherhood east is working along a similar principle as well, using the bullshit ideology of protecting man from himself, as they seize and suck up any bit of technology they find and kill any who oppose them. They said "fuck it" to most of the tenets of their ideology for a misguided power grab in the east.
Fuck the ncr, and fuck the brotherhood east.

*Yesman 2020* keep the wasteland about the same again

Actually the real "good" ending to that is asassinating tenpenny and the ghoul leader, that way they dont kill eachother and just live in peace

>implying the Institute isn't the right choice
>implying that not caring about family isn't killing the first world
>implying America is a first world nation

bioshock is leftist crap. I mean just look that infinity full of white people are evil and blacks are innocent slaves

Say what you want about the gameplay, Skyrim had the best atmosphere by far.

Deus Ex.

Infinite is not comparable to the first 2

It triggers me whenever MGS2 is referred to as "Metal Gear 2" despite there already being two other games called Metal Gear 2.

Great game though. Dropped red-pills about meme magic in 2001.


>implying America is a first world nation
There's no implying about it, moormonkey.

>implying that not caring about family isn't killing the first world
Didn't know that opinions of people living in the 3rd world are fact.

>country where it's normal for people to get shot
>first world
Sure thing Paco

Its just retarded

Andrew Ryan is based on Ayn Rand and the whole game is a criticism on her philosophy I just said infinite cause it was more obvious

That's right goy, family doesn't matter! There's already enough people, so you don't need to breed white man! Family values are regressive, remember!

America invented the term first-world to describe itself and it's allies, retard.

tbqh I chose the institute as well.
The brotherhood were douchebags, and I couldn't assassinate preston garvey and make the minutemen great again.

Halo is pretty red-pilled

Fuck off cunts minutemen are the best

>irradiated wasteland covered in subhuman ghouls and synths
>only one organisation looking to restore civilization responsibly
>build safehouses across the wasteland
>bring back electricity, clean drinking water, entertainment, trade, medicine, agriculture
>save others, populate settlements
>restricted movement of supermutants and fuckhead raiders
>begin sowing the seeds of civilization once more

Meanwhile the BoS are generic space marines with questionable motives, railroad are edgy anarchists and the institute is insular and selfish

Minutemen are the most redpilled its just that preston is an annoying fuckwit

Back when it was 90% white.

Now it's less than 50% white.

>still first world


Only one and two and new vegas. Tree and four are complete shit. Besides they are sjw propaganda.

Fuck off brownskin, your opinion doesn't matter and neither do you or your shit country.

>not Legion

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

The game is red pilled as fuck. Mocking feminists and liberals.


Too late when I realised that.

t. video game hipster

Infinite did reveal the blacks as ignorant, bloodthirsty savages in the end. The nilistic player-character just had to fuck paradise up first so we could see it in all its glory.

>not Mr House

>saying Fallout
>meaning Fallout 4

Pick only one.

Solidus did nothing wrong

Institute is and Minutemen aren't very good examples. Neither is BoS for Trump as he's not very militaristic/interested in cleansing.

Useless cuck option for Bernie is spot on though.


You do know where you are, right?

>our country doesn't matter
>tfw you wouldn't be here if we didn't matter
Bow to the Iberian master race.

Pls tell me why crapout 4 is good. It's a fucking downgrade from new vegas.

But Portugal is a founding member of NATO you retard

>The concept of First World during the Cold War and included countries that were generally aligned with the West and opposed to the Soviet Union during the Cold War (including all NATO countries). Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the definition has instead largely shifted to any country with little political risk and a well functioning democracy, rule of law, capitalist economy, economic stability and high standard of living.

While we have our minor issues in urban centers, and with other areas which are heavily non-white, America is obviously a first-world country.

>not even Sup Forums is safe from obsidiots


Surprised this hasn't been posted yet.

It's good for Bethesda and has better gameplay than NV.

Still pales compared to when Obsidian get's a go at a franchise.

Where did I claim you're not? I'm just refuting your claim that America isn't a first-world country. I have nothing against you. Stay Muslim-free.

>hurr 50% white meme bullshit
>Bigger gdp the the next 3 first world nations combined
>not a first world nation

Don't dignify that bullshit with a (you)

Crusader Kings II

You can literally kick out the jews.

Also this.

CK II is glorious.

>let ghouls in to decimate residents
>come back and kill the ghouls
>now it's my tower

minutemen lterally love ghouls and synths
They are the worst faction, goody two shoes idealist fags
>led by a nigger

The amerilard calling brown to anyone else.
Iberian master race.
Im sure you are just mad because you live in a melting pot with no history or culture


Dumb spic is too dumb to realize you can let them in without bloodshed

>minutemen lterally love ghouls and synths
>They are the worst faction, goody two shoes idealist fags
>>led by a nigger
Why did you make your character a nigger?


preston is the nigger
not my character

Some of the gameplay is better because the engine although shit is way better than new vegas one. But the lack of karma, hardcore mode and reducing possible "choices" to four (they're all the same shit) fucking up canon (like the jet origin) really fucked up for me.

its as good a sequel to 3 as you could ever expect. still hoping for new vegas 2

We are Muslim free since the 13th century. The refugees that come here sneak away to Germany or Sweden. We're too poor to afford being cucks.