To think this all started with a woman smearing and lying about virgins on wizardchan.
To think this all started with a woman smearing and lying about virgins on wizardchan
Other urls found in this thread:
What was she smearing? Feces?
>no context or any type of hint to point out whatever OP wants to dicuss
The fun are you even talking about ym
>this newfag
>says the newfag
Who ever the fuck is she's too new to be recognized.
>being this new
lurk more
It's unbelievable such a monster in the making that was SJWism got stabbed in the womb, even it's leftovers have caused so much trouble
lurk more, holy fucking shit
>this all started
Maybe for you, but this cultural marxism has been going on for 50 years now at least.
Can you read?
can you understand simple sentences?
>tfw you fuck five different guys for a video game and claim to be a victim
Wizardchan is painful to browse because the dudes there are so miserable. I felt really awful for them when they were lied about. I have heard a few wizards killed themselves when she did this but I can't verify it.
The wizards are probably the most miserable men in the west, what she did was actual cyber bullying. We all knew those poor lads were suicidal but she fucked with them anyway.
It's funny, all they had to do was leave my video games alone and my chinese cartoons.
Now I want every damn mudslime out the country.
I can't even go there, you faggots are depressing, but that shit is woebegone.
Reminder Zoe did nothing wrong ;)
Are we really seeing the end of SJWism?
I want to hope, but I'm cynical.
>tfw I'm the person who doxxed the five guys that cheated on her when her bf posted it on r9k to get revenge for our brothers on wizardchan
>tfw this may be a falsity and will not hold up in a court of law
Don't you normies dare mention that website here.
>>tfw I'm the person who doxxed the five guys that cheated on her
slept with her*
5 guys cheated on her? WTF is wrong with her.
hahah zoe quin, wizardchan. Fucking 2009 again. We wuz pixils an sheit. What's next? matrix references?
ew user ur so gross!
I thought this but I didn't think to actually write it down. You're great.
Trust me, the birth of SJWism was planned for years, I remember the days when the tumblr ideology was an absolute joke. This was years and years of planning to get the entirety of the left and the media on their side, and halfway through they get foiled by some faggots on the internet.
Now the Democrat party is split, which led I believe to Trump's victory. If they continue down this path it will destroy the Democratic Party itself, if they don't SJWism is dead. It's a win-win
it started as nothing and ended as nothing
same with Anita
id smear my cum all over her face if you know what i mean
I don't understand how this is good for us though...if they destroy the Democratic party, that fragments it into those little faggot single (((issue))) parties like they have in Germany and snow-nigger zones. As we've seen with Mutti, this seriously retards a republic's ability to fend off sand-niggers and general jew-hijinks
You got any sources on what you're claiming?
I want to believe.
what did you mean by this?
Your assumption is the Democratic Party would split into multiple single-issue groups, draining away Republican Party votes to make 5-6 parties. In reality because of the way our system is set up, what will happen is either the regular liberals or the progressives will leave the Democratic party, and either leap the Green party or to make their own. Republicans on the otherhand, while fragile, are united against these insane immigrant lovers. If what I mentioned comes true expect Trump with an even bigger landslide in 4 years
some good sources come from this and some of my own involvement and observations of the progressive ideology. It's really amazing how far they've come, and it's funny to watch it crash and burn.
I would ejaculate on face and then use my penis to rub the cum all over her face.
there was this one huge thread about it that goes on for several pages that talks about the gameification of education and why SJW imp-slaves are important etc for the coming new world order and how we're in a war with russia and how Hillary is going to kill su all but---
Berenstain timeline now, gas the starniggers! New placement of kidneys in the ribcage. Trump wins timeline is the best timeline.
you mediumfag autists are always vaguechanning. I have fucking literally no idea.
Lurk more fagget.
I will never trust a woman with unrealistically colored hair ever.
I did it one time and i regret it.
I think it's a little soon to write off the whole democratic party. We haven't even formed our admin or had one day in office yet. They'll probably congeal around some mexican dude or something. I've already seen pics of some skinny beaner. That might be their ticket. Hopefully we can deport enough of those meztizo gypsies so it's not so much of an issue. 4 out of the last 5 presidents have served 2 terms. Here's hoping. But more to the point I hope he really disarms SJWism...totally vanquishes it with redpills everyday for 4 years straight. How can it survive such an unstumpable Trump Farage Barage?
It's kind of obvious in hindsight, isn't it? Fuck with wizards, they break out the heavy-duty magic.
what are the odds that she jumped timelines too? just thinking about it, the odds that something this insignificant could uncover so much shit are practically zero unless you had some inside info to begin with
was she /ourgirl/?
She came from an alternate timeline where SJWs won but society still fell apart because feminism and socialism is inherently unstable.
She tried to fuck up our timeline but she failed before it even began.
Trump should present the Presidential Medal of Freedom to her.
Not Zoe, of course, but her vagina.
fucking back to faggeddit and never come back
>when the lies get a little bit out of hand
This is why we always tell the truth. You can end up driving your entire political spectrum into the wasteland for the next eight years.
>this whole shit started because of a bitch banging 5 guys to get favorable reviews for a video game
>eventually led down a rabbit hole of censorship, social engineering, and now satanism
I wish I could go back, honestly. We're in too deep now though. Only way through is to keep going forward.
I hear they are making a Morpheus prequel, so it's in the air.
>>eventually led down a rabbit hole of censorship, social engineering, and now satanism
they were already doing that.
The actions of Zoe Quinn and her crew (accidentally) redpilled people allowing us to fight back.
Oh newfag.
We had always thought that was what was happening, but we were brushed off as conspiracy theorists and tinfoil hat wearers.
Now we have real, tangible evidence to suggest all of this. All in 2 years.
wtf you guys talking about? When SJW went mainstream or why trump won?
This is when I learned that Sup Forums was always right. The consequences have never been the same.
>when your false-flagging and Kotaku casting couch shenanigans snowball the biggest far-right internet revival and meme le LITERALLY HITLER business guy into the Presidency of the most powerful country of the world
It's too bad she can't fuck a respectable movement into existence.
Have we found the video of her sucking D yet?
Look, i dont know whether you will EVER get it and finally face it :
Women are inherintly evil !
They have no empathy, no honesty, no sense of fairness, they never ever care ybout who they throw under a bus, etc .. the ONLY thing that females care about is : their profit / advantage / "me! me! me!"
I cant believe >we won. Those cunts even went to the UN.
But we did. She's back to being a talentless hack. Lipshit became a tranny. Harper and John Flynt got their 5 mins of fame and that was it
And we got a fucking internet troll elected president
I cant still get it
Dear lord, don't post that set here
who would ever fuck her though she looks like a tranny? i don't understand why men accept this shit.
hopefully someone will eventually. those types of chicks suck dick like absolute champions.
If I ever get rich and powerful, I will pay Zoe Quinn to let me fuck her in the mouth, pussy and ass while simultaneously watching a re-run of Trump winning the election while a second prostitute sits on the bed reading out loud the transcript of the Gawker vs. Hogan case.
Patrician fetish
How new are you?
You sure?
>a fucking swastika
Jesus Christ I'm new but I'm not even this fucking new. Commit seppuku already senpai.
>being this new
>he doesn't even know about the whore that started it all
The fuck happened to her jewlywood movie? Is it still a go?
I noticed this early last year and couldnt stop laughing at the whole circumstance. Without this lying slut our memes would not have been nearly as lethal as they were since we wouldnt have had the practice. I gotta thank her one day, she managed to avert a US vs Russia conflict by being an irrelevant whore.
>New placement of kidneys in the ribcage
No fucking way
That image is a joke right?
>Bitching on feminists becomes popular on Sup Forums
>We laugh at them and share funny Twitter/Tumblr screencaps
>Anita Sarkeesian becomes one of the most prominent figures for modern feminism
>We start laughing at her ridiculous shit on a daily basis on Sup Forums
>She claims victimhood, feminists jump on the bandwagon to help her out, suddenly everyone including the media is talking about feminism in videogames
>Even my normie friends pick sides
>My friend group gets torn to shreds
>Zoey Quinn and Gamergate happens, it's now a huge clash
>Sup Forums is the breeding place for anti-Feminist discussion
>Sup Forums gets shilled into National-Socialism/Libertarian-right politics
>Feminists claim they've won the battle at Gamergate
>It becomes a trend to laugh at feminism
>New-Right Nationalism is picking up globally
>Brexit, Trump, Front National is winning badly, PVV is winning in my country
>Massive feminist outrage
>Women like Zoey Quinn have to look at the world they've created as all they ever hoped for in life slowly crumbles
doesnt trump do that same hand gesture?
They dun goofed.
absolutely gross
>people generally don't care too much as long as you leave them alone
>but no, they cannot even keep their one last hobby that hasn't been infested with lefty shit yet, it has to be taken away!
>deep down in the see, Kek opens one eye
>Lipshit become a tranny
Joke or seriously?
No, she didnt start the fire
She just found the flint
Everyone else fell into place
I'm saying it didn't start with gamergate. Gaming isn't the only thing that SJWs have infected and people got pissed over.
nope, have you seen the soldiers in that latest AAA title BF1. They'rte teaching kiddos that wewuzkings niggers we're the main soldiers in WWI as well as giving dindus a reason to gloat(these are the same people that think Cleopatra was black,nevermind that she wasn't even Egyptian but Greek from a dynasty famous for inbreeding etc etc)
Battlefield series is made by Swedish people so...yea.
Newfag detected.
Haven't looked into BF1 in awhile, but it was obviously alternative fictional WW1 turned up to 11. I don't see how anyone would take it seriously.
I lost my shit when they wanted migrants as revenge for Chad. Fuck that, I got my powers last year and I DON'T want to press 1 for English.
>anyone would take it seriously.
OH you'd be surprised
Is that you Styxhexenhammer666?
Poon is Poon to some people
2 obvious, even IP says: BOY DRC
I honestly wonder how she's feeling right now. I wonder if she realizes just how badly she fucked up. Or if she has some sort of cognitive dissonance and she doesn't realize that she's responsible for galvanizing the alt right. We should send her a thank you card on twitter for bringing us Trump.
If you're not bullshitting, then I will say that... saved the world...
It wasn't really doxing anyway, just standard investigative work.
That was mostly a marketing ploy. Most of the campaign characters right now are white and the Harlem Hellfighters only show up in the intro, IIRC.
>Hype up ethnic minorities and lesser-known fronts of the war during pre-release marketing campaign
>Can't operate as German colonial African troops with Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck
>Can't RIP AND TEAR as a Gurkha
>Can't IT AIN'T ME as French Indochinese
>No Indians present in the Gallipolli missions
>No Chinese rear echelon laborers
If anything, DICE actually failed to follow up on their diversity promises.
What's she start? I know it's Zoe Quinn, I know about the gamergate autism spectacle, but what are you referring to with "This all started with"?
No, that's where your kidneys are. In this timeline, evolution decided they were too important to leave in the squishy area between your ribcage and hipbone. Probably a smart move, desu.
>started with this
This started with Zimmerman you newfag fuck.