If you don't have a college degree you should not be able to vote

Too many retards skunking up my country, there should be a literacy test combined with some sort of basic algebra test on top of showing your BA degree.

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Half of the Midwest would be disqualified

>literacy test combined with some sort of basic algebra test on top of showing your BA degree
>for every person casting his vote

I don't think this is something that can be practically achieved, user.


Not with that attitude, MAGA

Why can't people vote on referenda that they are interested in? We could have one each week. Pure populism. It would save us from all these riders and corps-are-peeps and save-the-aliens bullcrap.

Should the 3 millon illegals who voted take this test too?

I talked to some Sup Forums Americans before, and the consensus was that population is too stupid to properly handle instant-runoff voting. You want to introduce a fucking math test. Good luck.


because nobody would vote and constant change would leave us in total shambles.

>constant change

it's no different to now, except that the population is more aware of it. We don't actually need that many new laws each year, legislation as it currently works is an industry.

as for nobody voting, if this week was a vote on gay marriage week, and next week was a vote on border control policy, I am 100% sure that you would tick a box on your smartphone app and have your vote counted.

but you'll still tell me it's "too hard" because you found a grey hair yesterday.

>Implying a degree makes you intelligent

It doesn't, but it would be insurance against the stupidity of the masses by at least trying to accentuate some sort of knowledge of something- at least the people have passed GE's.



College is for retards. The really smart folks don't need to go to college to be something.

Also, I'm one of the retards. My journalism and law degrees don't make me smart, they make me in debt.

most folks aren't really smart, most folks are really stupid.

And no, They don't make you smart, but they ensure you know something about something- law is very good, you should get two votes.

>BA and not BSc

This is bait. Liberal arts losers don't deserve to vote either. Most of them are < 100 IQ.

Only people with stem degrees should vote AA or higher.

Or the non educated Blacks and Latinos? OP is probably a liberal arts major working at Target.

>if you don't go through 4 years of liberal brainwashing after the 14 years of regular brainwashing you can't vote

wow so redpill

No, no I shouldn't. I have one allegiance and that is to the constitution. Fuck you.

Spot the STEM memers, STEM doesn't know shit about how society works, how public policy works, how history has worked. They say they educate themselves on the side but that is just as likely as liberal arts learning math on the side- both sides of the coin are needed though. We need STEM and Liberal Arts to operate a society.

> someone with a women's studies degree can vote but a self made business owner out of trade school can't

>buys the anti education meme
Go into stem if you don't want liberal stuff senpai.

Go outside.

Dumb, a college education isn't required to make a living. Everyone has the right to vote because laws affect every citizen, regardless of their social standing and employment status.

If you don't have a STEM degree and didn't serve in the military, you shouldn't be able to vote.

lmao. We make society work. You use psuedoscience to wreck it. Fuck off and go get my coffee.

>thinks all degrees are the same

If it's not a BSc degree then it's literally nothing

>when he is not aware i'm a bio major

baby I can include trade school baby

Curious question, are STEM degrees essentially BSc degrees (Bachelors of Science)?

>when he is not aware i'm a bio major

Prove it

They are all the same, BA, BSc. its just a bachelor's with the added word/words. Most people will say BA usually though desu

Aw, do you have a worthless liberal arts degree? All the liberal arts/humanities degree holders make up the worst of society, i.e. government, history, political science, sociology, and psychology.

Great. So you know to wash your hands before you serve the coffee then.

Bait thread

No. BA is a Bachelor of Arts (pseudosciences like sociology and psychology as well as philosophy and English and gender studies and other garbage anyone with a library card can teach themselves).

If you have a STEM degree, you say BS or BSc.

so you don't think society needs social workers, therapists, psychologists, historians, statisticians etc to operate
bby im going to med school after this shit

>only those most indoctrinated by the system should have a say in it
i see you got your pepe from tumblr. you should stay there.


how about
>age 25
>own/rent your own home
>have a job

Completely false, they are too completely separate degrees

BA = Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences, Liberal studies and all the meme degrees that everybody laughs at)

BSc = Bachelor of Science (Actual sciences like Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering etc)

>tfw have a BSc degree
>tfw have fully fulfilled the STEM meme that Sup Forums brought me up on

Feels unfulfilling, finished University with a solid degree yet i'm still a degenerate NEET

You should only be allowed to vote if you own land.

Get fucked nerd

Go to grad school, become a wizard

If you haven't worked at least 10 years of manual labor you shouldn't be allowed to vote

>so you don't think society needs social workers, therapists, psychologists, historians, statisticians etc to operate

It doesn't matter what I think. Look up how many people are employed in those fields vs. how many people hold those degrees.

If you spend tens of thousands of dollars on a BA degree these days, you're a moron.

I'm not tipping for this. This is cold.

You should not be allowed to live*

machines will replace you by the end of our lifetime tard.

I honestly find it hilarious when democrat voters say shit like this while simultaneously saying that voter ID laws are racist.

>insurance against the stupidity of the masses

more like insurance against every poor person in the country, my god is that a stupid generalization. a HS diploma is enough

I like this approach. Only people knowledgable and enthusiastic on the issue at hand will be bothered to vote.

Voting everything on the same day attracts a ton of retards who only care about the Presidency and then vote brainlessly whatever the campaign ads stuffed down their throat for other positions and measures.

"“There’s a stigma associated with doing an arts degree,” says Sparavalo, “but students could do either [arts or science] and be in almost the same place.” The numbers suggest she’s right."


"The lowest unemployment rates were among elementary education (5%) and nursing (4.8%) majors, while information systems (14.7%) and architecture (12.8%) saw the highest rates of unemployment.
Computer science majors saw an unemployment rate of 8.7%; but drama and theater arts majors had a significantly lower rate, at 6.4%. (Regarding jobs in the information technology and computing areas, the report notes that “hiring tends to be slower for users of information compared to those who write programs and create software applications.”)
English language and literature majors had an unemployment rate of 9.8%. While that is relatively high, accounting majors saw a rate only one percentage point lower, at 8.8%.
The average starting salaries fell along slightly more predictable lines: For example, a recent journalism major could expect a salary of $32,000, compared to $50,000 for a computer science major."


Sounds good, taxation without representation means people that dont go to college dont have to pay taxes

>ITT anti education fedora neckbeards
Enjoy you ignorant shit infested voting

FFFFuck school ami right?

>he didn't go to college

oh honey

Does that study make a differentiation between unemployment and underemployment?

>tfw go on Sup Forums
>hear about meme STEM degrees
>go to University
>get a STEM degree
>still a degenerate NEET living with my parents at age 22

I ticked all the boxes Sup Forums, how do I stop being such a loser.

You get out what you put in, university isn't very difficult so it's quite possible to graduate in practically any field and be jobless.

stop going on Sup Forums

yes, also


Fine, but you're only allowed to vote if you earn six figures annually with your degree.

i dont understand what's so liberal about paying so much money to become liberally indoctrinated then demanding that people who don't follow that path not be allowed to vote . oxymoron

>If you don't have a college degree you should not be able to vote
kek, fuck that, are you retarded?
>Voters will be a bunch of useless sacks of millennial garbage filled to the brim with student debt.
>They didn't even get a degree in anything useful, just Humanities, gender "studies" and other easy to get degrees that constantly brainwash them into leftwing cucks.
Enjoy speeding up the end senpai, these "superior" voters will just ask for more gibs.
I'd rather have an uneducated patriotic redneck have the vote than give it to the cucks and the women that are ruining western civilization.
The only people allowed to vote should, ideally be men, but we know that won't happen sadly, so the only people allowed to vote shouldn't be people that have college degrees but people that work, pay the highest percentage of taxes, and own property, people that actually have a stake in the nation's prolonged wellbeing instead of people that drag it into the abyss because "muh feelings" for instant gratification at the expense of a non existent future.

Considering how ridiculous education is in most countries, a BA doesn't mean much anymore. And try making those same idiots do language and algebra tests. They will fail, unless the grading is extremely lenient.

If you are not white you should not be able to vote.

The USA is an extension of Western Europe. It is not Spain or Africa.

Why not just require an IQ of over 140 to vote if we're going down this road? These people surely will reach more rational conclusions in their thinking than some fuckhead with a liberal feminism degree.

>any Americans

You do know Middle Eastern and North Africans all are classified as White in America?

A BA is not a degree. Only BSc is a degree. A BA graduate has 0 special skills and can't do anything a high school graduate can't.

So only white men would be able to vote?

I see where this is going.

Sure, let's do that if you really want a Democrat dictatorship followed by a Second American Civil War.

>implying STEM isn't full of SJW faggots anyway

College is for cucks who think a piece of paper is what defines their success in life.

He included a math test, they don't have that in womens studies or liberal degrees.

My BA in Mathematics says otherwise.

IMO we should just scrap autist courses. Engineering can be done in apprenticeships. Anyone can use a computer, so computer science can go too.

Keep university for professional degrees and the established historical subjects.

>Computer Science nothing more than using a computer


This is (You).

CTR is evolving.

>some sort of basic algebra test on top of showing your BA degree.

It will be tailored to SJW degrees.

>How much privilege does Johnny have if he gets paid 33% more than Ta'Shawnda because he has a cis-het white masculine penis?

Make it a civics test.

Zero liberals vote.
No inner city voters.
No illegals vote

Question 1: USA laws are based on:
A. The Constitution
B. Feelings
C. Muh dick
D. Tortilla

Liberals BTFO.

nah it should be a high school diploma / GED and a basic 50 question civics test that you have to pass every 8 years which you can take at any time, not just during an election year



Intelligence and education are not the same thing.
I think that low intelligence people are more susceptible to the liberal indoctrination that happens in education, and that is how we've gotten to the point we are at.

>four years of left wing indoctrination should be required to ensure the correct outcome
you should be required to own at least one acre of property to be allowed to vote

If this was in place, Hillary would've won because educational SYSTEM, not EDUCATIONAL system. Colleges are owned by kikes just like the media. Now add to that the fact that even if you major in fucking pure math you'll still have some mandatory social bullshit classes, and voila.

>he thinks med school is a good idea
have fun on your field trip in shit countries user

If you don't have a job and pay taxes, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.