I am a general shit kicker on a major construction site.
Doesn't stop me from booting pajeet of the job site though. feels good man.
What does pol do for work?
Shut the fuck up Donald Drumpf supporter.
fuck tradies
What do you do for coin?
Cheers for the bump seppo
>some asshole underpaying his workers
yeah I'm 25 and retired. Kick me as hard as you want you won't get jack shit.
Your bait sucks newfag
Lurk moar faggot
How'd ya retire at 25? life time compo?
Senior systems engineer for one the most influential companies in the semiconductor industry
I could personally destroy Intel
Not a bait thread.
fuckin doll bludger
Fuck ay, howd ya swing that gig?
Shithead is just upping his number of posts made by this ID. Saged
Keen to have a chin wag about work mate. sage yourself kike
Security guard here
Shitposting on the job makes it tolerable
I applied for a job nobody else applied to while having 1 (one) years of experience
Straight out of college really
Lucky. Got a few over night guards at work they do fuck all just walk around.
One brings a dog and I seen it barking at some refos today. asked this shelia oh yeah whats ya dog barking at? yeah noise my arse. that based German Shepard knew those Africans are no good
Lucky. most of our jobs get taken by either women or hopeless foreigners. Useless cunts walk in without hard hats no steel caps and wonder why they get told to fuck off.
18 yo user here
Lumber associate at Home Depot
10.50 an hour and I'm loosing weight working there
I do alot of woodworking and maintenance on the ranch I live on. Also help a friend with his wedding rental business, basically just setting up nice unique furniture at different venues.
I was self-employed and now I live on gubby funds.
No chance I will ever pay tax in my life fuck Australia, it never helped me. I was homeless while applying for uni dorms and they told me to piss off because rich foreigners needed them. So I became a dealer, selling to the same people I hated so very much. The more that dropped out the happier I felt, and richer.
Most of the guys I know don't give 2 fucks since you can get fired for nearly anything and the pay is shit unless you're armed or middle management
I'd like to eventually do bodyguard/protection
Onya cunt.
Home Depot is one of the better bullshit jobs you can get. Just don't get stuck there.
>ITT Aussie posters make clear what a fucked up country Australia is
Well mate, I hope that ya vn commo and ya dope keeps ya happy. Hey my taxes probably covered ya doll check once or twice. Should get a job go on abn. pay your own tax if any..
code monkey reporting in
i lurk much
Yeah better stay out mate, we're full
>we're full
You don't know what it's like to be full m8
What kind of hours you cunts do? 10-11 a day for me including weekends.
I'm a programmer, make web applications for local government.
Private investigator in training, comeing from working as security for a while.
got an abn, never used it. got a mortgage for 220 a week, centrelink goes straight into that and the rest is for my beer and food. I don't want a complex life.
my personal belief is that ALL centrelink payments should have a picture of the taxpayer on them. like sponsor-a-child. "This benefit was provided to you by the Smith Family of Emerald, QLD" and a little photo, some hobbies and goals, etc. Then they could get little picture of me and a rough outline of my budget and all the same stuff. If they think I spend their money poorly they should be allowed to apply for a different sponsor-welfare recipient.
Well, that is my pipe dream for australia. Not destroy the community with low-quality bulk human imports.
Yeah nah fuck ya.
Full to the brim cunt. your own fault for letting so many shit cunts in
I'd rather my tax spent on white Australians. everyone else can go and get fucked. every bloke needs a fuckin coldie on the reg.
Sales and service at an aussie owned busines
What exactly do you investigate?
Should investigate your government desu.
Melbourne and Sydney have population densities over 10,000 people per sqkm. Considering just the grassy, useful part of australia, there's already a rough range between 7~24 people per square kilometre, and that's too many to support food-production.
so we're not just full, we're over capacity by about 150%
>Aus business
owe you a mango.
Lead graphics developer
Basically I oversee projects, sign off on paperwork and generally just sit in my office shitposting on Sup Forums and Sup Forums while my interns do all the heavy lifting with no pay.
Asphalt Lab technician
In the US Army, it's pretty nice and they let me see the world so I can't complain
Infedelity,insurance fraud, bump shoulders with police if they need an extra set of eyes. Those kind of things.
100% agree. last time I left tasmania I was heartbroken. the entire mainland is like a an open-door free for all.
Seems a lot like the job I do. get told what to do 24/7 do it and think about jumping off a scaffold
Old people welfare consultant
Your not RM are you? Those fuckers almost belted the piss out of eachother the other week. I was across the pitch with a reo bar erection waiting for a blue
Nobody believes you are employed, convict descendant trailer trash.
I refuse to hire Mexicans as a general rule. Chances are it'sjusty going to end up adding more blue votes to California, as if the next election isn't going to be absolutely insane, so unless the person is super white washed, they have to go back.
They have a wall to build.
How many six arm children did you run into down there?
Nah I work for Downers EDI in Adelaide
Toilet Inspector General at a major university (sandstone). My job is to conduct tribunals for pajeets accused of not correctly pooing in loo. Hearings are open to the public (caution: smell).
Mate down here we got so many fuckin hopeless cunts its not funny. I would probably die from seeing a spic 'work''
i was doing security guard with dog at construction sites in Brisbane
my boss sent me to do the armed guard course and I was the only white aussie
some Iraqi numbnut on the pistol range shot the side screen and I got the ricoshay [can't spell it] in the head
permanent disability pension now
Stay down there.
Coincidentally one of my interns attempted suicide last year. It was some bogan style family drama, I kicked that one out the door though. I love Australia, there's an endless supply of jobless teenagers looking to intern and you get to hold them by the balls while they're interning and the moment they fuck up you just kick them out the door. It's essentially free labour.
Just be grateful he was a shit aim and didn't get you at point blank.
Always a fuckin refo. Mankinds biggest issues are always caused by women.
IT for state gov health, the benefits for being a perm are amazing, salary sacrifice for life, fuck the tax man!
Amen, I come from a tradie family and I still hate fucking tradies, overcharging ignorant fucking scum.
Stupid pussies not doing labour construction or demo. cant get sacked. just get told to fuck off
That explains your spelling and grammar
Based Brisbane you fuckwit
his shit aim was the problem
Shit mate, thought it was just brain damage - didn't realise you lost your funny bone too.
>sit down all day, ehh hard day at work every day
>Cant understand why tradies are jews when it comes to a pay check
Neck yaself
but it doesn't explain your problems
Bahaha. The only thing Brisbane comes close to is the dogshit I find in my yard.
Radelaide is where it at boi
People like you are the reason I sell drugs at schools. Instead of wagecuck slavery their mind is open to the possibility of lifetime welfare.
have a kek
feel better?
You go champ. You keep telling yourself its his fault yourself drugs
I bet he turned up with a dodgy white card that another Pajeet fraudulently produced for him,
Its his fault you sell drugs*
And you think that women run shit hole is superior? really gas yourself.
Not a bit, worked quite hard on that punchline and this has just been a deflating experience for me. I'm going on disability myself just from the stress of it.
becoming a doctor. not sure what i want to do specifically in medicine. maybe neurosurgery or emergency
Nah m8 he was a trolley boy trying to cut through a job site that has big fuck off signs that say DO NOT ENTER CONSTRUCTION SITE. all that fuckin butter chicken gave him autism
>thread is 90%aussies
No wonder it's so shit
Women run shithole? We have Jay Weatherill thank you very much
My rectum sometimes hurts. can you help a cunt out?
Don't go into gynecology. Trust me, it sounds great but the reality is you'll just be looking at Victorians all day, every day.
Primary school teacher, red-pilling kids all day. I'm sure it's going to get me into trouble soon. I went on a huge pro-Trump rant today after some numpty kid just kept parroting "He's a racist!'', without being able to tell me one racist thing he allegedly said.
I then showed them the clip of Putin saying Russia and America will be allies again and told them they can thank Trump that we've dodged WW3.
You're a shit cunt kys degenerate
Middle School Education Major
I'm a school teacher.
Be wary if a Pajeet rocks up to a site with a white card, guarantee the cunt had it fraudulently repriduced by another Pajeet.
Done more than my fair share at building/industrial sites since I was a lad you dumb tradie cunt. Every dollar I earned until I was 21 was doing trades to pay for an education and the odd bit of fun, and guess what? I still fucking hate tradies and the "culture" they wallow in. I loved the hard work and actually seeing something be built or functional at the end but the tier of deadshit that populates that spectrum of the workforce are cancer.
apparently as I lay on the cement with a bullet in my forehead the Iraqi guy was howling and jabbering, I thought in concern for me, be later they told me he thought he would be put on a terrorist list
I would have kekked at him if I had known
because that would have been really funny
We have 0 shit skins on site. only kiwis, samoans, whites, and a bunch of screaming chinks who speak gibberish all fuckin day long while 10 foot up on a scaffold. I can hear them over fucking machinery
no plans on becoming an ass doctor sorry m8
i dont understand how any male doctor could go into gynecology
Back to Melbourne you faggot
You better not be importing these carnts on those 457 visa's m8...lol
B..but my arse hurts bad
Back to ya base ya sneaky seppo
Probably already here from 10 year ago. Least they fuckin work though.
Crisis manager, logistics dpt. I just shitpost untill someone there fucksup and I have to go and sor their mess. Too bad motherfuckers don't know memes, or every "What are you doing here sir?" would start with picrelated playing fullblast.
I know that feel bro.
Aerospace assembler/welder F35/f22
Shit pay
Good experience though
Makes me feel warm Fuzzes when I think about bombing sand people with 92million $ f35s
Actually had something weirdly similar. Guy flew through an intersection and tboned me on my motorbike, broke my legs and a bunch of other shit, and he was in tears about it and carrying on like a porkchop (roadside). Tried to offer me all the money in his wallet ("please no report we are sorry take money"). There was about $50 in there, so I suggested he kneel down so I could throttle him instead (he actually did, the funny cunt!)
Cops rocked up, found out he had no driver's license. Plot thickens later on, according to the sergeant I spoke to - he was on the lam with an expired tourist visa (from 20 years ago). Got to stick around for the gaol time and then, presumably, straight off to villawood.
tl;dr I caused the deportation of a gentleman back to sri lanka. Making Australia Great Again, one mva at a time.
Insurance Claims Manager.
interesting but stressful and hard.
Could leak heaps of shit that is just under the surface of all that big time money. Especially about today's man of the year.
...some serious fuckery going on in this thread.