How do you act when SJW's try to start shit

Personally, I just give them a blank stare, and act like they don't even exist.

Makes them madder than heck. I hear them complaining to their other friends (and annoying them) about how they can't get a reaction out of some people. Meanwhile I'm kekking internally.

4-D Chess, my friends.
4-D chess.

Post your stories

I don't talk politics to strangers on the street.

Even better, Give them a slight smile

Not really a grin but a very weak smile that says"I guess I'll humor this retard talking to me"

If useful idiot - I always give them the red pill, that uses the same rails, they try to use for their bullshit.
Makes them think.

If a kike and it`s not on TV or something, it`s better to keep your mouth shut. Too bad I`m bad at shutting up.

Put hand in pocket and start stroking your dick.

I'm yet to meet one

And your way is that of a loser

I intentionally maneuver the conversation in a way to alienate them and get bystanders on my side. Always satisfying to watch SJWs get shit on by everyone.

This is also good. Just act like they're a crazy person to laugh at. Treat them the same as a person on the subway who thinks the aliens are spying on him. The idea is to not correct their bullshit but grin and stifle laughs as you nod and mockingly agree.

Holy shit.

Where can I get that hat?

Its so cool.

laughing in their face works too. and its twice as effective if you come off as intelligent, they really lose their shit

How would a winner react?

>Agree with me
>*Autistic screeching*

making fun of them is best. I had one tell me that calling people girls is sexist. I said: Yeah, well, you got me, I am being sexist today, cause usually I just call them bitches.

Then they fucking beg me to take them seriously.

Act as smug as possible and don't try to prove them wrong with statistics you might not have on you

Just piss them off entirely

I have yet to meet one even when I wear my MAGA hat around , I get a few dirty looks occasionally here in Colorado but they're all beta fucks

Live in a pretty red pilled city despite being socal (Murrieta) so don't see much SJWs. I hear its really bad at the high schools and colleges now but I graduated before all that.

Best action is to humor them as you would a little child who doesn't understand how the world works


Yeah avoid all contact and ostracism.
They're collectivists they can't stand the fear of being alone.

i literally just ignore them or say "i dont care" or "no thanks". Same response that those greenpeace people get when they try to talk to me

I remember when I was walking down the street in North San Fransisco.

I saw an SJW walking towards me, aqua hair the whole deal, and she was giving me a weird look, like I personified her father raping her for 10 years.

I'm an actor, and think quick on my feet, so I gave her a fonzie-look and pose and said "Looking Good!"

She screamed at the top of her lungs, and ran away. I'll never forget the taste of her scream. The rest of the day was golden.

Play a reversal. Accuse them of being somehow racist or sexist. Act very concerned. Every special interest group is someway stepping on another one, so this game is easy.


Based frog. You literally compliment-raped her.

I just say I'm not white and they're being ignorant to my culture

I also say I'm queer and reject the confusing number of identities because they undermine the movement

Then they usually think I'm smart and I subtley redpill them while pretending I'm one of them. Stupid cunts just need someone to follow.

i told friends sister i voted trump to protect lgbt people, then everything she said i nodded and smiled and said soothingly "you just dont get it, you will when you're older i promise"

she cried

>I don't talk to strangers on the street

I think this is more accurate for you lot

I like to pretend they are just not being serious and laugh a bit saying "isn't this a friendly discussion?". It triggers the fuck out of them, I think it's the fact they think you're not supposed to be friendly.

Pro-tip: Never ever discuss a polemical subject with any sjw at your job, it can only ruin your career.

I don't engage. Thankfully this only happens when I'm forced into family gatherings where some of the younger cousins are full on SJWs.

If some SJW randomly accosted me in a coffee shop or something, I would just be very polite with them and tell them I'm not interested in having a shouting match over politics.

I can perform a pretty convincing disney villain laugh. The few times people mentioned having triggers or SJW opinions, I just started laughing. Never heard anything about it from them afterwards.

>"you just dont get it, you will when you're older i promise"

Wew lad

I've never met an SJW irl. I've met leftists who will gasp and frown and go silent when you say you vote right-wing, but never seen any of these cunts i keep seeing in Sup Forums vids

I heil Hitler, if they think you support racism, their buzzwords are meaningless.

Just turn their own shit back on them.
The logic behind SJW arguments are so fallacious you can twist them to defend almost any position.

>smiled and said soothingly
You think this soothed this rape you committed? All Drumpfkins are the same.
She was clearly unwilling to listen to you you jerk.

Because in Sweden you'd be shot on the spot for even knowing this place exists. Even Somalia pities you.

I don't talk with strangers so often (the most I do is with some old people who are actually nice to talk to, mostly about how loud and annoying the dumb millenials that you see in the city are) but if I actually encountered an SJW that wasn't my sister I would just apply my standard tactic which is looking smug almost all the time which is mostly just because I browse this place and bypass their feelings by using my own feelings.
>waaah africans are poor and etc
>they are not us, we don't have to care.
and sometimes just hard truths.
>they are not our business because they are not our citizens

It absolutely destroys them.

I either insult them, mess with them, bible them, or just say "fuck outta ma face bitch"

I be non-white. That usually puts a stop to whatever crap they're babbling on about.

Remember to stay calm, really. Don't call them with names, do not spew pol memes, just stay calm. If you remember some facts, you can cite them, but otherwise stay skeptical if you're being confronted with some typical made up SJW shit. Ask for sources, ask if they have anything to back their claims etc.

Honestly, it highly depends on how big they physically are, how prone to violent and how responsive to reason.

It's safe to say people who attack random strangers are not people you can have a dialog with.

sing I hate niggers I hate jews I hate spicks and arabs too, then I do a little dance and moonwalk away

so far, I talk over them in a loud, booming voice while walking briskly towards them, stopping in front of them about 1.5 meters away, with my chest up my shoulders up my neck and chin tucked and my arms not slack

if they were asking me something then like I'd say "No" in a tone that is like "Are you kidding / Why the fuck would I?"

None have wanted to throw down yet so nothing happens except one time they go off and then 5 minutes later some big guy comes over and politely says a meaningless thing and then goes away again. I guess he was their baby sitter or something?

I don't like your approach

it makes you look restrained and emasculated

you should rather look free and powerful

This is also useful, specially doing a 360° and walking away.

Tell them that if the third world had the same access to resources as the first world the planet wouldn't be able to handle the strain on the environment. It's actually true and it's fun to watch sjw try to explain how to fix the problem.

I just ignore them and go on my phone. Pisses them off

I unleash a hearty guffaw

Seriously, the only thing you need to do is to stay calm, they get more aggrivated and work themselves up

I remember one guy eventually shouting >"you think you're better than me? Being calm doesn't make you smarter you fucking dumbass"

I hold up the door for the militant gender studies SJW's at uni

They get a really grumpy look but they're just too cowardly to even complain, but I really hope they will one day so I can say

>It was my priviledge

Usually just stare silently in awe of the stupidity, hypocrisy, and/or doublethink. Trying to talk to these people is less effective than talking to a brick wall. Nothing will change their point of view, only they can.

Make a point of not holding it open desu

Bonus points if you held it open for a 10/10 before her