I miss old Sup Forums. I don't know when Stormfront moved in, but the neo-nazis really sucked the marrow out of this board.
I miss old Sup Forums. I don't know when Stormfront moved in...
Sup Forums was unironic stormfag from its inception until normies started flooding in with Trump.
Trump ruined this board for me. We used to talk about Jewish conspiracy and anti-establishment, no everybody is sucking the cock of some Big Daddy Rockefeller Donald Trump that is part of the Jewish problem himself
People tend to forget the real enemies are rich Jews and their pawns, they suck our blood
You dirty Mohammadan troll.
There has been no change in Sup Forums since it was /new/ aside from when the moneychangers with their foul niggers taking white women repetition troll threads were cast out.
>I miss old Sup Forums
Fuck off you lying kike
>I miss the old X
Fucking kill yourself you nostalgiacuck
>you ve been here all summer
Sup Forums was always contrarian, but it was more libertarian before stormweenie invasion
nice meme
>stormfront moved in
I hate nu/pol/ more than I hate kikes and nig nogs.
You must be a nigger.
nice try Achmed
Fuck off faggots, we're full.
haha those stoopid nazis this used to be a diverse and colorful board
>I miss my tapestry factory board from year x
I miss old Sweden. I don't know when the others moved in, but the Marxists really sucked the marrow out of this land.
Daily reminder there is one race : the HUMAN race
Stormfags BTFO
that was years ago
Also immigration is necessary for the economy
le epic Sup Forums used to be satire meme xD
fuck of you disinfo kike.
Seriously, you can just tell how butthurt these people are, they need to go back to Stormfront or wherever they came from.
I've been on and off from Sup Forums for the last nine years.
This is how it always has been, this is how it always will be.
We are literally a NatSoc board. If you think otherwise that is how far we have subverted your feeble mind into our image of a white future.
They are fun to mess with.
True, that explains why niggers are the lowest class in whatever society they infect
Tri force, now.
This is classic reddit/leftypol shilling tactic.
To all the newfags who might actually believe that moot deleted /news/ because it was literally stormfront (sic)
NatSoc is best Sup Forums all this larping and pedo acceptence is shitting this place up.
>I miss my sheep farming land island from year x
holy fuck are those bottom left hips real?
where is your country?
▲ ▲
>I miss old Sup Forums
no you don't, it's been like this since before it even existed
/new/ was pretty much exactly the same
Caribbean island. I don't know if one could call Hawaï a country tho
Are you like island Georgians?
Well If there weren't so much jew, we weren't been neo-nazis
The neo nazis that support a jewish.
What a time to be alive...
>island Georgians
I..I guess...? Like, yes we are a small body of land surrounded by sea water. Google Martinique if you want to know more.
you can fool newfags but I've been here since /new/