Wait so do fathers really have sex with their daughters?

Wait so do fathers really have sex with their daughters?

I was raised by a single mother.

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Maybe In your shitskin country.

But I see mostly Americans mention it here.

Yes, I fucked all my relatives daughters.


My friend started banging her dad at 14

It's pretty common.

Probably in your third world country, yeah.


Only pieces of shit have sex with children, doubly so for fuckers that fuck their own daughters.

yes, it's very normal. in fact it's more abnormal for a father not to fuck his daughter.

see, a father is preparing his daughter to go out in the world. he must also teach her what good sex is like so she's not taken unawares by a bad man.

the father also should marry her off by picking a good man for her, but sadly the jews are trying to stop that happening and destroy the family unit.

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Enjoy that v&

Is that the excuse you were given for your absent dad?

Wtf no. I want to have sex with other men's daughter's though.

No, he died from food poisoning while farming yuca.

It is not common. That is not a thing that is accepted here by any means. Fuck the elite, they will get what's coming to them.

The people are not okay with this. I'm talking about America, everyone else can defend themselves.

My father fucked my brains out once i was of age and hit puberty, then married me off.

I am 100% happy as he was a good father and taught me well how to please a man AND found me a man who was honest and will do right by me.

And no, i'm not some shitskin. White arranged marriage with greek parents.

Seriously, don't knock it until you try it, at least our family unit is still intact.

The jews are trying to twist and pervert a normal father's role by accusing all men of being pedos (a good father waits until his daughter hits puberty of course, it's not a sexual thing but a teaching thing) and calling arranged marriages evil.

An arranged marriage is not evil if done right, i am 100% happy in mine.


No. EVERYTHING else is more likely to have a sex with a woman than her own father - including mother of that girl.

Least paedophilic or sexual thing is father -child relation. Men have spines. At least on western civilizations.

we are talking about human father.
not emu father

Tell us more.

Wait so do girls subconsiously look for a mate that reminds them of their father?

>tfw gf's dad is a dimwitted autist

Yeah. Sorry but no, that's not normal. Top quality shitpost, Aus.


>ITT: Third world countries talking about their national hobby

fuck off, 60% white.

my ancestors were the whites that held europe strong and repelled barbarian middle eastern invasions .

the whites that brought you DEMOCRACY, law and order.

my nation may not be as white as it used to be, but we're whiter than >JEWMERICA


thanks for mob rule

I'm confused by this consent thing you seem to have going with your daughters. How does this work exactly?

60% white? That's brown, the only white is 100% white, anything less and it's a different color.

Yes its a common tradition here. We also have a famous proverb about it. Those who dont fuck their daughters end up fucking themselves.

No, mr. trap, you and your friends are not average. Your life is not common.

You didn't get the memo, did you?