Thoughts and opinions on George Carlin?
Thoughts and opinions on George Carlin?
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He would have lots of material to use for his stand ups in this day and age. tbqh we need him more than ever.
I can't even imagine what kind of shit he could do with the stuff happening right now
It would be solid comedy gold and the astounding butthurt would radiate through history even after his death
Pretty sure by Sup Forums standards he was a degenerate crackhead with no morals or feeling towards traditions though
You're confusing him with Doug Stanhope.
dont fall for that , literally everyone who hates "degenerates" are degenerate themselves in a way they cannot see.
Listening to him talk about airport security post 9/11 is something else.
Infantile atheist but he was right on almost everything else.
The greatest comedian as of yet. I feel like he birthed absurdist comedy because he covered just about everything funny.
Also, if you haven't, listen to Lenny Bruce. He was subversive before Carlin.
He's cringey as fuck and only attracts fedora-lords.
Steer clear
t. fedora
t. newcuck
I bet you unironically share his videos on kikebook too
>using facebook
A great comedian.
If you get your philosophical views from comedians you're retarded though.
An overrated nihilist with a terrible sense of humor.
Well if he wasn't being used to promote atheism he'd be great in my book.
The dude just crushes everything you present him with cold hard realism.
I agree with this conclusion, and would add nihilism is the most dangerous ideology if adhered to completely.
Far too leftist to be revered by us, but still a funny guy, who hated people in general.
How can you be leftist and cry about people while simultaneously hating them, hes dead, so you cant ask him.
Best Thomas the Tank Engine Narrator
Except hes not a leftist in any way by todays standard.
He was redpilled on Muslims.
is that ted cruz or milo?
>Thoughts and opinions on George Carlin?
If he were still alive Democrats would say he was part of the Alt-Right and try to ruin his career.
He hated pussies and pussy language, Trump would've been right up his ally.
Another progressive faggot, that gives out salad of obvious facts and progressive shit as some kind of revelation to the laughing track.
spirit animal of a generation of fedora tipping autists.
I hope you know that's Kelsey Grammer and not George Carlin
sooo progressive
>I hope you know that's Kelsey Grammer and not George Carlin
I once tricked Sup Forums into thinking this was Adam Sessler.
Desillusioned classical liberal who turned to rage as comfort. Most of you only know later older carlin,not the younger one.,both of them very funny.
Also was spot on about muslims
He was fun to listen when I was 16...for a few times...than you realise he's a 70 yo broken record who lives a pathetic life
I wish he didn't die =(
Midas Welby
He once complained about men having too much testosterone, he was leftist, like Bill Hicks, another great comedian who ragged on redneck whites, and gun control.
"I think if Jesus came back, he would have an Uzi" as a sarcastic attack on gun rights, comes to mind.
good guy
Thats the point. Bruce Willis aged like shit, and Adam was in the middle of a breakdown during gamergate since he was one of the most implicated, in actual criminal fraud tier allegations.
He disappeared, had a breakdown, probably did a lot of coke.. and now he looks like 20 years older.
More focused on comedy than politics. Remained likable by many while Bill Maher didn't.
Carlin was very strongly against SJW shit, making rape jokes and using the word "faggot" as a negative in his bits. I have a feeling he would have been leaning more right wing today if he saw how progressive Democrats got, while still remaining atheist.
>people on Sup Forums getting upset over a guy not agreeing 100% with their views.
Stop that, it's just as bad as all that social juststice malarky.
No, it isn't you feminized cuck.
>watches cartoons for little girls
>defends a man who has a problem with testosterone and thinks men should be feminized
If he said that about testosterone that's a terrible idea, but I agree with him about 85%.
Its a typical leaf interpretation of something completely different he probably said.
George Carlin is what a liberal should be, apart from the 14/88 stuff, he is pretty much Sup Forums incarnate, but very intellectual and even more cynical of jewish tricks.