>Trump Playlist

>Trump Objectified (Must Watch) 11/18/16

>Trump ditches press pool to get steak dinner
>Pence emotional return to Indiana 11/10/16
>Trump Meets with Obama 11/10/16

>Best Of The Young Turks Election Day Meltdown 2016
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>SJW Meltdowns
>Trump Saltmining
>Liberal Tears and Rants
>Tumblr reacts

>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16
>Election 2016
>Donald Trump projected president on CNN
>Donald Trump projected president on Fox News
>Putin congratulates Trump
>Clinton landslide

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant


Other urls found in this thread:


> "Be more open indeed!"
> boos someone who comes with his family to the theater

Youre lucky I have a thing for Shinobu.Will be hatting alot


Oh. Howard dean and Islamic Keith both coming up, both want to run dnc

Greetings fellow vertebrates!

Are we watching Morning Cuck of F&F today?

None of Trump's picks are fit for office. They said it couldn't happen here but we're on the verge of fascism and the sad part is, the people who voted for Trump either don't realize it or just plain don't care (the most dangerous part of all).

So Joe is surprised about the behavior of these liberals at the hamilton ? This is what he's been endorsing by attacking Trump all this time...

That's a nice awoo.

>Will be hatting alot
Thanks. I'm excited now!

When does the call to prayer start?

There is literally nothing wrong with fascism

My fucking sides

>These dumb fucks on Mornings with Maria who think giving Iran $150B is better than doing nothing
Hilarious that this fool from Germany thinks the rest of the world isn't going to follow the US on sanctions for Iran. That's like saying the world is no longer going to use USD as a reserve currency.

America isn't headed for fascism, but his picks are disappointing. Neocons all.

Sounds like it is a 100% Joe is Joe show today.

One criticism that I love seeing from the retards that hate Trump is his tweeting and his general behaviour; it's like they don't understand that they're seeing a guy that's actually honest that makes mistakes and assumptions just like anyone else. I mean, does anyone actually think that Obama, Clinton or any other candidate has never been misinformed, made mistakes, misinterpreted things or simply glanced over something and misread?

Because that's how I feel about a lot of the things he says, he's genuine and doesn't consult with 10+ people every time he says something. He makes mistakes just like anyone else and most mistakes. Like with the thing when Obama spoke about a Trump supporter which was being booed at and whatnot, it felt more like Trump simply misunderstood or glanced over something by mistake more than him actually trying to lie.

At least that's one thing I like about him personally, he's genuine for the most part and unapologetic but people are so used to politicians rarely actually saying what's on their mind without consulting countless advisors, they don't even stop to think that most of the things said is probably not even fully genuine but censored or altered thoughts moulded to fit into this predetermined slot to avoid causing any form of controversy.

What's amazing is that you finally get to see a president that is actually fairly honest about what's on his mind and yet of these honest thoughts can hardly be construed as something actually offensive. At worst, I'd say you can call him rude at times but he never is without reason; like with the Mike Pence theater debacle.


Joe is so Joe today, I declare this to be the beginning of the Post-Joe era.

>None of Trump's picks are fit for office.
State your case or fuck off.

Trump curse is still in effect

wew lad
Do some research, none of them are neocons, not even Pompeo.


You have to go back

some niggers just can't handle a white male president i guess


Sessions also tried to have the 4th Amendment changed in June so that it can be basically tossed out if the CIA declares a situation to be an "emergency", Bannon is an ex goldman sachs investment banker and Pompeo who is about to be the head of the CIA has direct business ties to the Koch Brothers ....trump is no outsider, he is just making his own swamp now.
You're damn right I'm angry and I have every right to be angry about a flipflopper who is delving down into the den of the vipers and vampires and being sucked right in. To HELL with keeping your enemies closer than your friends; that saying is BULLSHIT. You keep your friends close, and stay the FUCK AWAY FROM YOUR ENEMIES UNLESS YOU HAVE TO DEFEND YOURSELF. You don't go sticking your tongue up Kissinger's butthole and letting him whisper shit into your ear about what to do. Way to drain the swamp you frogs. "Deplorables" isn't the right word for Trump supporters. "Gullible and stupid as fuck for falling for the same old bullshit" is more like it. No I don't like Clinton. No I don't like Johnson. No I don't like Sanders. They're all fucked. Don't tread on me. Leave me the hell alone. The tea party's mantra. Practice what the fuck you preach.

Trump is not "making mistakes", its just that they are a buncha fucking normies who can't handle a president who trolls a little

Just like you go to some liberal safe space and post trollish right wing comments, and hordes of liberals will go "I can't even......"

My favorite part is they think that him using Twitter is bad for him. It's one of his most powerful weapons.

I totally forgot Joe was on.

How Joe is Joe today? Is it worth watching?

Kinda Joe today


Pompeo wants regime change in Iran though.

It's been post Joe since muh Muslims, we only tune in to see whether the establishment has gotten any brains yet.

>Kanye West Compares Himself to Trump, Calls Out Beyoncé in Mid-Concert Rant

Just days after telling fans at a concert that he would have voted for Donald Trump, Kanye West delivered another public screed Saturday night, this time about Beyoncé, Jay Z, Hillary Clinton, Mark Zuckerberg, the radio and MTV at the Sacramento, California, stop of his Saint Pablo Tour.

Captured on video by concert-goers, West in an over 10-minute tirade told the audience he was on his “Trump 2016 tonight.” Fans in attendance said on social media that West played only a few songs before ending the show abruptly after only 30 minutes. The angry audience booed, and many are seeking refunds for the aborted show. Some paid around $250 for a pair of tickets.

The incident became a hot topic on Twitter and other social platforms Sunday morning, as amateur videos circulated of West’s rant where, among other things, he said he was hurt because he heard Beyoncé refused to perform at the MTV Video Music Awards unless she won Video of the Year over him. He also urged her husband Jay Z to call him and “talk to me like a man, like Trump would.”

West took aim at radio stations for playing the same stuff “over and over and over because sh*t gets tiresome,” too and also addressed Hillary Clinton.

“It’s a new world, Hillary Clinton, it’s a new world,” West said. “Feelings matter. Because guess what? Everybody in middle America felt a way and they showed you how they felt. Feelings matter, bro.”

The performer said he was putting his life, career and “public well-standing” at risk by talking to the fans in the audience “like this,” adding that his Saint Pablo tour “is the most relevant f*cking happening.”

He continued: “I am here to change things. And things won’t change until people admit their own falsehoods. I got the visions, bro. That’s what I’ve been blessed with. My vision. I’m not always going to say things the perfect way, the right way. But I’m going to say how I feel. Trump taught me that.”

Does anyone have the .gif of trump sitting in a chair then pointing at someone and then showing an OK sign with his fingers?

Why are you posting this again? No sources for any of this shit.

>muh koch brothers
Lol, are you copy pasting Occupy Democrats propaganda?

Ellison want the power of the coonmunity to be activated.

Islamic Keith or CAIR's bitch is a man of the people

towel-head chief od DNC on morning joe


Fuck you you muslim faggot

Will AIPAC bolt if a muslim heads the DNC?

All you alt righters need to understand, you're still a minority, only 9% of the population even voted. So when you say "normies" you best understand the apolitical/anarchist populace that only aligns with liberty and freedom of self is a very angry sleeping giant, and many are armed to the teeth, and many are former veterans and scientists and doctors and engineers and truck drivers.

Imagine what your world will be like when the truckers go on strike and stop delivering food to your cities if you trample our civil liberties and come after people for marijuana.

Imagine because it is a very real possibility. Don't fuck with us.

So he is a representative of a nigger area in MN, and he's bragging about his turnout there...


Perhaps, but whatever it is, I think it's fun either way, with all the tards clinging desperately onto anything that can give them an excuse to complain about him. It's pretty sad that the most they got currently is him being "Rude", while Hillary has done much worse.

If this nigger leads the DNC they will lose even harder. I get a vibe he does not have the ability to raise the money the DNC is gonna need.


Is everyone still using

Or did we switch sites?

They are fucking not. Jared sent the neocons packing.

Some more

Higher quality and doesn't have MSNBC propaganda during breaks.

I'm using that

To all Trump fans from outside the US, is it just memes for you or do you guys have hope that Trump will pave the way for future uncuckings of countries?

annex canada

> "Trumps team is full of lobbyists!"


Wow. I tuned in for that , dems just pushing him thru , don't ask about his extremist views foreign funding ties to Nation of Islam, anti white hatred and his Jew hatred. Spineless joe.

Thank you kindly.

Thanks, the more the merrier!

>the people who voted for Trump either don't realize it or just plain don't care (the most dangerous part of all).
Sounds like the last 8 years of Obongo amirite?

That is some potent nostalgia.

>Sup Forums wants this as the new Sect. Defence

When did this place become so full of Clanner scum?

Yeah but his personal opinion doesn't matter much, that's Trump's decision. Neoconservatism has a broader scope than wanting to meddle with other countries. He respects the Constitution and HATES corruption. Watch some of his hearings where he BTFOs every corrupt official he talks to.

Here's one of my favorites:

Just like its the republican governors fault that the black mayor & black city are all incompetent shits
Pandering to blacks is the single issue that turned republicans into cuckservatives... even Trump does it

Well when is the sleeping going to wake the fuck up?

tl;dr no one is gonna read an unsourced block of text

Are niggers killing cops because of Trump?



>these putrid AMA clips

Niggers are always killing cops, well trying to at least.

The cops usually win and then the nogs chimp out and """protest"""

>Pandering to blacks is the single issue that turned republicans into cuckservatives...
No, pandering to the media is what turned them into cucks.

No. Black people didn't even know there was an election going on. A black in Texas just executed a cop in tx due to black lives matter.

I need new twitter shitposts it's been too long

Now that Trump won, can we be civil enough to admit that Hillary dominated the first debate?

It was a tie in my opinion.


Went ahead and did a little something special with the bottom text.

The lobbyists got BTFO though...

I appreciate the hard work!

Please annex Sweden, we just need a great leader again


I thought no Willy would lead to comfy Joe. TURNS OUT EVERYONE IS FUCKING WILLY

first debate
66% hillary- Donald 33%

second debate
Donald 80%- Hillary 20%

third debate
Donald 60%-Hillary 40%

Shinobu is fun to work with. Has alot of cute pictures.


How did I miss this gem

Back to Videos
Franken: Trump's Closing Argument Ad Has An "Elders Of Zion" Feel To It
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date November 6, 2016

Minnesota Sen. Al Franken said Donald Trump's new 'closing argument' ad is something of a "German shepard whistle" that speaks to his "alt-right base" and "clearly has a sort of 'Elders of Zion' feel to it."

>first debate
>66% hillary- Donald 33%


Entirely subjective.
Trump dominated.

It wasn't a domination. He made a fool if himself. He rekt her in #2 and lost #3 but convinced a lot of republican women with his abortion comments

i am bias towards her but here it goes:

first debate:
trump 60% - hillary 40%

second debate:
trump 50% - hillary 50%

third debate:

trump 80% - hillary 20%

Who cares

Anti-Semitism is plaid out in the Democratic party. The DNC loves Islam now not jews.

Sexual degeneracy is at >>/lgbt/


trump was great in the #1 and #3, lots of policy talk

in the #2 he behaved like a big bully

Literally everything is wrong with fascism. And every form of government. People need to shut the fuck up and live their life instead of making their life centered around telling other people how to live. This goes for all. White. Black. Mexican. Japanese. Muslim. Jew. Everyone needs to mind their own fucking business and leave everyone else the fuck alone.

Well of course she does. She is the cutest vampire after all.


Christ is there even such a thing as an Asian girl who isn't a total White cock addict? I mean, I morally hate cucking Asian guys, but their women make it too easy (and tight fun).

Prosperity senpai, let's bring back the 80s, this time make it global.