Sup Forums BTFO
Fuck white people.
>Implying racism is a race
Fixed that for (You).
and fuck Drumpf
that's kinda the point of it, the pic implies
>races don't exist
A ton of steel is more solid than a ton of feathers.
A computer with the same size of an abacus can do more calculations than the abacus.
One atomic bomb can do more damage than regular bombs of the same weight.
Tell an african, an asian, a european, and a "racist" to write a short story on a piece of paper.
You'll be surprised with the results, visually, and content-wise.
Actually, it won't be surprising.
Africans can't write for shiiieeet.
So racism has a biological basis?
Funnily enough Africans have smaller cranial cavities than whites, and whites smaller than asians.
>B-But races are only skin deep. Bill Nye said races don't exist scientifically!
don't Asians have like a measuring-cups worth more brain matter than Negros?
Stay in your cock County and fuck off.
>Bill Nye said races don't exist scientifically!
Bill Nye isn't even a scientist.
Liberals get all their "science" from an actor. RMYT.
The funny thing is, the left believe this to be an actual info graphic. Literally, and unironically.
There, did I get all the buzzwords?
thats because white people kill peaceful blacks before their brain fully developes.
Turks are white and based
bill bye is a faggot. proof: you ever see him fucking a woman?
fucking BOOM.
never thought of it like this.
no, I haven't. OMG
Until they start raping you.
Please leave Sup Forums, you're Kikery is not welcome here. Nore is you're promiscuous faggotry, you're cultural marxism, or your perceived grievances.
There is only race, thats why it is called race.
DELET THIS! I'm a racist and I feel offended! APOLOGIZE!
Yup. And all their "science" is just another made up script ("Based upon a true story!" lol) written by jews. (The most "racist" group of people on the planet, BTW)