Why hasn't Russia just annexed Belarus and Ukraine yet? They're two non-countries that ruins how Europe looks.
Why hasn't Russia just annexed Belarus and Ukraine yet? They're two non-countries that ruins how Europe looks
ukranians will fight back and war is expensive so it's more trouble than it's worth
belarus is a buffer state - you want a non-country puppet state to exist between you and the people you don't like for reasons. also, belarus helps russia to circumvent international sanctions - the sanctions on belarus are less comprehensive than those put on russia and a lot of funds, good and services are transfered via belarus.
Why do you shill for a country which violates your own borders monthly?
Think it has anything to do with swedes being major cucks?
Russia has violated swedish border once this year.
NATO did the same thing.....Eleven times.
I don't think that there would be strong resistance in Ukraine internally, since there is enough people who would welcome annexation and root out dissidents. International pressure would be too much.
However, the current Ukrainian government is epic failure, which means they will turn around when it is ended and mend relations with Russia on themselves.
Why hasnt Russia dropped nukes on sweden yet?
Sweden's doing a good job of undermining Europe from within. When the Russians finally come there won't be a man between Smolensk and La Manche ready to lift a hand against them.
Why do you cheer for cancer again?
>minimal monthly wage is 117$
>aggressive towards every fucking neighbor
>brings death, destruction and poverty
>censorship and propaganda
>their news are proclaiming West as the Enemy
How are you not a miserable cuck, again?
Stfu russian propagandist
Hehe nice ID trol
I don't support Russia and never said I did. My question was only why those previously Russian countries haven't been incorporated back into Russia.
I get it you're super scared of big bad Russia. We get those news here daily in Sweden aswell.
At least they're not the ones who singelhadedly handed over the keys of the western world to the jews.
Oh, and please stop murdering Swedish women.
Fucking BOOM.
Never thought of it like this.
Sweden ruins how Europe looks by importing millions of rapefugees.
Br monkeys decrease the average atractivness by existing.
Because those people have their own national identity, language, customs and way of life. Because you don't decide such things based on historical geography of occupation. Because all the nations who were incorporated into Russian Empire/USSR suffered so much violance and daily degenerative governing that they want out.
If Russia had anything to offer, states would gladly join/form alliances.
They can offer poverty, state religion Putinism-Twisted Orthodoxy, corruption and degeneracy.
If you or anyone else unironically shill for Russia, just watch the fucking Russian state news, find a goddamn translation. It's North Korea tier.
Find social stats about them. Read up on corruption, civil rights, justice systems, social welfare.
Someone post the "butthurt belt of europe" pic pls
You seem quite triggered friend
Sweden is lost beyond hope
Because Belarus is a needed buffer zone between Russia and Poland and Turkraine is about as appealing as Mexico.
Shut up Romania
Triggered is better than Cucked.
As for your question "Why they don't":
1) They still can't properly incorporate Crimea and parts of Ukraine. It requires massive amounts of funding and work;
2) They would face strong local resistances;
3) They would face international isolation and further sanctions;
4) There is no idea for a union of this kind, there is nothing to unite these people except for the common enemy - The West.
No, they just don't want to. The same reasons they don't give a fuck about baltic states.
The only reason you're not cucked is because no one wants to move to your shithole.
Even if they wanted, they couldn't. I thought the reason you're so cucked is that champagne socialists in power wanted to feel morally superior?
I didnt quote you senpai, why are you so mad?
Shilling for Russia is bad but so is shilling for homosex EU. Yet most people are ok with it. Mention nationalism, traditional values, family and you are instantly labeled as outdated, non progressive POS
I've been hearing "they don't want to" since Georgia in 2008.
That's the dumbest shit ever, just read a history book, it's their national idea to expand their borders, to have a sphere of influence in Europe.
EU and Russia are not alternatives to each other. Whole different worlds. Russia meme is a great success of Russian propaganda machine.
We've been enemies for centuries, thousands of people have died to achieve that we all have now, Russia is literally a hellish shitole, and suddenly we all want to be friends with them. Fucking what?
Russian shills trigger me so hard I start bashing shit left and right, God will sort them. Might have been a friendly fire, sorry then.