Make America Fail Again: Trump's economic plan has 100% failure record

>Both Kansas tax policy and the Trump proposals are predicated on the idea that such tax cuts will spur economic activity – trickle-down economics, sometimes called Reaganomics.

>Under President Ronald Reagan, taxes were cut and the economy expanded, but the national debt also increased.

>Both Brownback and Trump were advised on their tax plans by economist Art Laffer, who was on Reagan’s economic policy advisory board.

>In Kansas, the theory was that the cuts would spur economic growth.

>“You can look at Kansas and see what happened here. The economic growth did not happen here,” said Duane Goossen, former state budget director in both Republican and Democratic administrations and a senior fellow at the Kansas Center for Economic Growth, which has been consistently critical of Brownback’s policies.

>“In Kansas, the state budget is broken,” Goossen said.

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Can you stop with the trickle down bullshit? It's not an economic theory and it's not meant trickle down to the poor. Taxing are getting cut for EVERYONE so everyone would benefit.

"Trickle down" is a meme created by leftist jews and liberals


>debt is a good thing
Why don't you ask Greece about that?

Where the fuck did I mention debt anywhere? Just cause the suits in kansas never balanced their budget doesn't mean that lowering taxes is inherently bad.

>just because it consistently happens everytime it's tried, doesn't mean it will happen this time!
Wow, you sound just like a socialist.

>surely drumpf can't win the presidency
[you are here]
>surely trump can't implement good economic policy
>surely trump can't actually build a wall

etc etc etc

Oh I'm sorry I didn't know people in the slums of Favela spent their days researching the efficacy of American tax policies across history. Balancing a budget and setting up tax brackets, believe it or fucking not, are two separate things.

Stay in denial, americück.

Taxes should not be cut for the rich that's how you create bubbles.

You mean how our debt fucking doubled over the last 8 years of high taxes?

How the fuck are you coming to the conclusion that not going into more debt = going into more debt?

Bubbles are created when people speculate an asset to be worth far more than its intrinsic value and bares no relation to tax cuts you, fucking bong.


Republicans are ZOG puppets, how did you not expect them to pay worship to their moneylending overlords and massively increase the debt?

Trump's gonna be just the same unquestionably.

I know you faggots keep trying to incite some kind of hate towards trump but it's not going to happen, jus fuck off and go back to your safe space

Rich aren't going to buy a fucking iPhone gay cunt theyre going to invest in whatever the fuck everyone is investing in

The Trump tax plan as outlined in September 2016 is a large tax cut, mostly on individual and corporate income. This plan would significantly reduce the cost of capital and reduce the marginal tax rate on labor. These changes in the incentives to work and invest would increase the U.S. economy’s size in the long run, boost wages, and result in more full-time equivalent jobs. On a static basis, the plan would reduce federal revenue by between $4.4 trillion and $5.9 trillion, depending on policy assumptions about business tax rates. However, due to the larger economy and the significantly broader tax base, the plan would reduce revenue by between $2.6 trillion and $3.9 trillion over the next decade, depending on those same policy assumptions. In all cases, it would increase after-tax incomes for all income groups, but reduce revenue to the Treasury.

You mean like Apple stock? Why are we talking about iphones now I thought you were saying tax cuts created bubbles?

>nationalizing trade and economic policy
>somehow a bad thing


try harder pixote

>KS slashes corporate taxes, businesses set up HQs there and put their factories in China/Kentucky
>Trumponomics slashes corporate taxes but levies huge tariffs on businesses that try to move jobs overseas
Totally the same thing.

>Rich aren't going to buy a fucking iPhone gay cunt

Straya, I love you

That's good, it's reaganomics' debt-increasing tax cuts that're bad.

Trump won't be able to bring jobs back to America if he follows Reagan's economic legacy that outsourced them to China in the first place.

Got to go zzz but read what I said slower fatboy

Revenue decreasing =/= debt increasing

I still don't understand what your point is. Is your point that tax cuts create bubbles because that's not true simply by definition of what an economic bubble is. Is your point that rich peoppe don't buy iphones? Because there are lots of rich people with iphones.


He's going to put tariffs in place that will prevent exactly that.

The US is the largest consumer of goods.

He's making the US a tax haven and punishing those who move overseas. It won't be cheaper to ship a certain job to china and then import the goods.

>"trickle down" economics
You mean like forcing the wealthy to give shitloads of money to the federal government in taxes, hoping that the wealth will "trickle down" to you?

We need to pop the bubble with the gold being standard again.

Damm wreckage in this post is stronge

That's all meaningless unless he puts Ron Paul in charge of treasury and starts auditing the fed.

Also congress needs to pass the Federal Reserve Transparency Act.