VP goes to play

>VP goes to play
>the cast step out of line and raise their conserns, but remain civil
>President immediately jumps on twitter to shitpost
>calls their show shit and demands safe-spaces

Is a president supposed to act like this?



probably not, but it is not like the lefties left the right any other choice.
you cannot win against someone who shits on all rules if you yourself stick to them.

Hell yes.



>call faggots out on their safe space bullshit
>by shoving it back in their faces
I see no problem with this tactic.

Shitposting like a strayan.
Good times ahead, lads.

Anything he does is presidential behaviour as he's the president.

Emperor Trump not only points out the elephants in the room, he also deports them for being illegal and a drain on resources

No, he's acting like a whiny child.

a real president would send death squads to kill them for disrespecting the vice president.

The cast of Hamilton MUST SUBMIT

>the cast step out of line and raise their conserns, but remain civil
>steps out of line but remains civil
>out of line

literally kys.

>calls their show shit and demands safe-spaces

where did he say it was shit again? oh right he didn't, he said they were being rude and they were.

you are the stupidest motherfucker on the internet.

>Is a president supposed to act like this?

We've had 8 fucking years of Obama being a Celebrity in Chief and acting out for the teenage vote.

Frankly Trump could continue to act precisely as he has done throughout his life - rather than trying to act 'presidential' - and he'd bring gravitas to the office after the way Obama has disgraced it.

Yes, this is how you defeat virtue signalling SJWs, something not one braindead euro ever figured out

Fuck yes

Don't you have a mirror to stand your Fatass in front of?
Can't wait for these fat mudslinging females to be eradicated.

Idiots don't realize trumps on a whole nother level trolling the shit out of SJWs and safe space advocates. Get on his level son or you'll never win at 4d chess.

Please relax, american man. Your burgers are arriving shortly.

He deleted a few tweets. This one and one where he said they couldn't memorize lines.

I fucking love how CTRs on this site are just itching to pounce on everything Trump says and does.
Gonna be a fun 8 years.

>yfw you realize 4d chess is real

So you go to a theater and the cast randomly starts shit with you despite you not doing anything. How is this ok? It's not fear of confrontation it's just common sense.


can you imagine how Barrack would have handled it?
>5 minute explanation in the most PC terms imaginable on some late-night interview 3 weeks later about how it kinda sorta wasn't okay

I'm not condoning Trump here. I'm just pointing out how effective Trump is when he operates in this manner.

>trumps on a whole nother level trolling the shit out of SJWs and safe space advocates


Let the liberals expose their views and thinking to the world, they will hang themselves

Blacks hold endless hatred and contempt for white people, this sort of shit will destroy the democrat "coalition"

Because it probably is overrated you fucking cunt.

Didn't you type something about safe spaces? Who is the one who really needs safe space?

if i paid nearly $1000 to see a show and instead i got a lecture, i would be pretty pissed too.

Yes tbhpahm desu

The funniest thing is that Pence didn't give a shit

These next 8 years of putting nigger-apologists in their place is going to be great.

>wah trump is a meany

never get's old.

please don't be rude. I don't want to waste my cuck-sheds wi-fi on being insulted

Being rude is stopping your show mid-play to yell at the future VP (who paid top dollar for your trite show might I add) of your own great country.

>If i were in the cast or audience of that HAMILTON show, I don't know what I would have done differently.

You know, you can act like a decent human being that respect their job and complete the job despite a person you hated is infront of you.
Then you can protests and do whatever shit when you're off your job.
ever heard of this thing called professionalism?
It might be a brand new concept for leftists because most of them don't have a job.
and rest of them think that the world owe them everything.

Soooooooo lemme get this straight

Vice President gets booed out of something, president goes on to call their show shit
See, he calls bullshit for what it is. Bullshit. People, well, SJWs, don't like that. Normal people think it's funny.

>American right-wing political icon gets triggered and whines
Pottery. I wouldn't be surprised if he threatens to sue.

Hamilton is shit and if you like it youre a nigger lover
get that bullshit out of here ffs

>nigger apologists

The white race will not be destroyed by bullets or swords like so many tried before .. no ...
We'll be destroyed by the long, hard, black shaft of superior African dick impregnating our women. The lowest race will annhilate the master race through interacial BREEDING.

We're literally being fucked out of existence and there's not a fucking thing we can do about it.

>Actually thinking your opinion matters when you haven't seen the incident in question


Obama has pretty much been a more charismatic version of this.

Some of our greatest presidents were top tier shitposters in their day.

Yes the president should vilify unprofessionalism.

“Ford’s economics are the worst thing that’s happened to this country since pantyrose ruined finger-f*cking.”–Insult powerhouse Lyndon B. Johnson on Gerald R. Ford.

What did a democrat mean by this.

Libs are still butthurting over this.

>>the cast step out of lin
by your own admission

>calls their show shit

Are liberals supposed to lie like this? Yes, absolutely. Good for you.

The Theatre must always be a safe and special place.

This is called eisegesis, i.e. reading a meaning into a text rather than reading a meaning out of a text

no but he is #NotMyPresident
so it doesn't matter


You don't get it. Trump is forcing a redpill on the liberal cancer hugbox. If you think the cast of hamilton is in the wrong here you aren't a part of the cancer and it's all good. But if you take the side of the hamilton cast you can't justify your arguement about thier speech without also applying the same rules to trump. If free speech should be protected regardless of how it effects fee fees then they have no basis to complain about Trumps use of it. If speech shouldn't be protected when it hurts fee fees then the cast of hamilton is responsible for a hate crime according to thier own framework.

69^2 intersectional chess by the Trump

>Fuck, this makes us look like elitist snobs!
>How do we get around it? All I know how to do is be an elitist snob!

This is the essence of liberal doublethink and it's why they're such a nuisance, both ideas can exist at the same time and it doesn't bother them.

It's not even like they have two separate rule books, they have one, and it says to be a contrarian while jockeying for perceived moral high ground 100% of the time.

Jesus, it's like he thinks they were logical to begin with or something.


>Demands safe spaces
>The left begins eating themselves inside out wondering if they should have even said anything

Yes. It was one of his best tweets of the year.

Yeah pretty much
Obama set the bar pretty low

I know I'm going on a bit but It never ceases to amaze me how the dualism is so fucking deep that even in the face of every possible evidence and incentive to make a consession and rethink they still manage to find a fucking retarded way to continue thinking exactly what they did before. For instance a fb arguement i saw in a thread earlier was essentially "when a powerless victim tries to resist abuse the abuser uses this resistance as justification for the abuse and then went on to explain how this is analogous to the statement "This is why people voted for trump" (of sjw bullshit calling everyone a sexist transphobe etc.) They are selectively being autistically literal at times but then at other times can dismiss clear plainly laid out arguements as being "code" for something else. Once a brainwashed person starts associating the feeling of cognitive dissonance with an imagined and undefined external factor how can you snap them out of it? Will these people have severe mental breakdowns in a few years? Am i reading too much into things?

This. There's nothing bad about the tactic since the only rebuttal the left can come up with makes them hypocrites.

>testing the tricks of the left

mfw they are bitting

RIP 1st amendment.
RIP Constitution


>Not realising Trump is just proving how hypocritical the left is
It's a game of chess and you don't realize that Trump is 10 moves ahead of you

Fair point actually.

And do you really think pence would go to watch that gay shit? He didn't bring a portable electroshock therapy machine for a reason, Trump sent him to the cuck's nest.

yeah for decades the left has been able to spew their shit unanswered when ever they wanted
Those days are over

Trump trolled the left and made everyone admit that safe spaces are fucking bullshit.

Best president.

He's President. He can act however the hell he wants. That's the whole point, he's the closest thing we have to a king

>The audience and cast were vocalizing protest against Trump's policies
I'm pretty sure they were attacking the strawman of Trump that's been pushed by the MSM instead of protesting any policy.

Yes, prepare for the drone strikes.

He's standing up for his guy.

This shit is fucking new to you because the last ten years have been filled with throwing everyone and everything under the bus fucking immediately at the expensive of social awareness. This is some shit most people don't even know about.

For many years when anyone does anything in the media they are IMMEDIATELY FIRED. No matter their fault. Nobody is a fucking man because nobody has ever defended anyone.

>accidentally say "shit" on a newscast
Fired immediately
>public wants your head on a pike
PR disaster fire immediately
>tweet people don't like
Fired immediately
>donate to wrong proposition
Fired immediately
>say something in your past
Fuck your empire, fired immediately

Idiots have been conditioned to be offended and try to discuss who to blame. Try defending people, it is absolutely ridiculous

Pic related.

Kek, you are one retarded american

And I don't think Trump ever said safe spaces are bad, so it is a working tactic.

I can't help but respect someone who sticks up for their friends even when everyone seems to hate them. my body is ready for 4 years of this.