Can someone please explain what 'conservative' actually means in Europe? It's clearly different than what we have in America and it confuses the jam out of me.
Can someone please explain what 'conservative' actually means in Europe...
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Conservative means communist in Europe
Liberal is so far left North Americans can't even fathom what it means
While funnily enough liberal down under means you actually believe in liberty and small government.
"Not Liberal Enough"
who is the girl?
here, "conservative" parties just copy the program of socialist parties, with 20 years of delay. that's literally it.
Moderate leftist.
in south africa your conservative party is our liberal party. it's all relative mate.
clearly not "conservative"
It means you consume less than two gallons of muslamic semen a year.
its mostly about economics
all european parties, except for the hardcore religious ones, are socially liberal
austerity rather than stimulus
Because Europe is full of faggot commie atheists
what wonderful insight, fucking leaf
except everyone already knew that
It means being loyal to the Kaiser.
Or if we go by what Merkel's party has done, it means flooding Germany with millions of Turkish "guest workers," and a few decades later flood all of Europe with millions of Afro-Arabic "refugees."
Wait, merkel is the conservative in Germany!?
in eastern europe
conservative means patriarchal commie as this was our past
liberal means pro-soros
both are fawned upon
Conservative means being religious and having nonmodern family-values in Europe.
Merkel is a full-fledged East German commie, but yeah, this is her party:
Its all relative from country to country
Here conservative means nazi, liberal means conservative and anything left of that is dirty filthy commie scum.
Yep, christian Democrats are conservative in belgium too
IMO conservative means one of these groups which are more conservative in the economic sense but will never really rock the boat on social issues.
Most conservatives are liberal by American standards I'd say.
Then you get actual conservatives liked FN and AfD but then everyone calls them far right/extreme right.
It depends, conservative US would be extreme right in EU. Conservative EU would mean almost Democrat for US. Liberal EU would be communism in the US.
What's our coservative party then?
They were, before merkel came to might. In recent years, it has become an ever slippery slope into leftist madness. It isn't only she to blame, all of the politicians have become ever-left appealing. And it worked, until now.
AfD are the current "true" conservatives - and what they say right now, while likened to nazis, isn't different than what the rulin party would have said 10, 15 years ago. Just where did it all go wrong, I wonder.
>FN and AfD
I looked into those parties and FN seems a little more properly conservative than AfD... all AfD seems to focus on is immigration reform but they're called far right...nothing about AfD implies 'far right' to me, even much less than FN.
They are barely comparable given that the far right in Europe is more secular and nationalistic compared to the far right in the US which is more religious and libertarian
>Christian democracy
>Liberal conservatism
Do Germans believe this?
Indeed. How do you go about obtaining your supply?
>US would be extreme right in EU
Does no European country have an equivalent of the US Constitution?
>nothing about AfD implies 'far right' to me, even much less than FN.
Well, racism is the end-all argument of the left. Are we really surprised by people being called racists, and them not actually being?
Not sure about the conservative party however what conservative means to me is this.
For example.
>liberal gay man
I'm a flaming faggot NOTICE ME!!!
>conservative gay man
Wait y.youre gay I would of never know!
>liberal black
Ayy yo hol up ho up, you be saying IM BLACK NOTCIE ME!!!!!!!!!
>conservative black
Hey everyone I would like to discuss our quarterly newsletter
>liberal environmentalists
>conservative environmentalist
Shh I'm hunting this deer, dont make a sound. Why would I want to destroy the rcosystmwi use this for recreational purposes. I like nature too
>liberal women
>conservative women
Hi I am a lady
>gay man liberal military
>conservative gay army
Dont ask dont tell this is war not the gay club
There are people on Sup Forums who unironically believe this
I know but it's the closest you can go without going through all of the points...
Well we do have constitutions but they have been changing ever since they were written. Top that of with the EU and we're looking at total shit.
By now Europe is in a state of if you are white and working you get to pay for the system which never stops fucking you in the ass. Without lube btw...
they're all pretty liberal. i think our situation is better described as liberal vs radical.
i'm look for the exact quote in an old textbook. sec.
Western EU*
You're all commies in the west since you never had to live under it.
thats the definition of conservative
it doesnt mean they are religious boring close minded people, it means they keep their private business private
>Well we do have constitutions but they have been changing ever since they were written.
That sounds like the problem with the 'living document' bullshit that's been happening in America. A Constitution needs to be set in stone and unchanging.
I truly believe that some people in western Europe would like the idea of it, give it a new name and they'll swallow it for sure.
It depends, there are some things that can be changed, updated to a modern time but it shouldn't trample on your original constitutional rights.
In Estonia, we use the terms left-wing and right-wing, since our lines for liberal and conservative are really blurred and doesn't mean much. For example, we have classic SJW's in Estonia who shill for rapefugees and stuff, but our biggest social justice movement is actually an animal rights movement that promotes veganism and fair treatment of animals.
In our politics, most important stances are not left vs right or conservative vs liberal but globalism (closer intergration to EU, favouring pragmatic career politics, focus on trade and foreign investments) vs. nationalism (focus on protectionism, favouring idealistic politics, focus on putting national interests first).
In america, I would be considered a liberal for example, since I am an atheist and support abortion and legalization of weed. But in Estonia, I consider myself a nationalist because I kinda hate Putin and support nationalism, conscription, promoting Estonian culture instead of multiculture and putting Estonia's interests first.
"The liberal tradition is articulated by people such as.... All these people emphasise the following:
the importance of limited government
individual and liberty
economic freedom
tolerance of dissent and open society
adherence to the rule of law
a free press"
"Please note that in Northern America and Western Europe these views are seen as conservative and not liberal. They interpret "liberal" as typical of a welfate state and state intervention."
>There are people on Sup Forums who unironically believe this
Because it is true?
European conservatives are basically nazis
>I am an atheist and support abortion and legalization of weed
>I consider myself a nationalist because I kinda hate Putin
Implying a degenerate like you with a contaminated body and soul could stop Putin
There's much violence in my heart.
Roman catholic, monarchist, prolife, antilgbtq, antidegeneraccy, limited free speech, antinazi, anticommunist, antibigbank
Christian Democrats are Centrist you shitnuggets
This is what liberal means in all normal countries.
So how's the situation in Poland? It seems a lot of women aren't very fond of the Polish government. that bad?
What the fuck does liberalism stand for in the us?
Clearly something different than the classical liberalism we know in europe
The term was hijacked in America, just like Libertarian, which is a leftist term, was hijacked by the right. Chomsky was complaining about how words have taken the opposite meaning in America, but if it wasn't for people like him and the rest of the left and their double speak it wouldn't have happened.
doesnt marine le pens (or whatever) dad openly name the jews?
not really, most ppl in Poland are prolife but lügenpresse shill prochoice
Even the American cuckservatives are more on the right than most European "conservatives". Conservative here means center-right. European politics used to more to the right a century ago, it has been compromised.
Polish females are so weird. I've seen as many marxist feminists as literal neo nazi worshippers who heil hitler.
I hate how leftists in America call themselves "liberals" as if they care about liberty.
There's only one acceptable way to define a conservatism:
God, family, country
liberating themselves all over black cock
they've been hijacked by progressives
In Western Europe it means American cuckservatives times 100. In Eastern Europe it means God, law and country. Our so called "Conservatives" are more like Neoliberals. There was a paradigm change like 20 years ago when they started to conform to leftist ideals. Now they're exactly like leftists except for their irrational hatred of the welfare state. The get a hard-on anytime you mention Murrica. Probably because it represents their wet dream. A completely capitalistic society with no taxes and with next to no welfare handouts, where the peasants fight over scraps while CEO's make a killing. They simply want free trade and globalism, and immigration is an effective way there, so they jump on the tolerance bandwagon while hiding their real motives.
They're actually socialists, but they can't call themselves that because everyone hates socialism.
>I would of never know!
why are barely literate people allowed to utter their opinion in public?
>I hate how leftists in America call themselves "liberals" as if they care about liberty.
They care about liberty in the 'positive' sense, meaning access and permissibility; basically, everything falls under a 'power structure', and individual freedom is less relevant than 'equal' access to resources...because under marxist doctrine all wealth is exploited from someone else. They basically severed the connection between words and things, that's how it all works.
>The get a hard-on anytime you mention Murrica. Probably because it represents their wet dream. A completely capitalistic society with no taxes and with next to no welfare handouts
That America hasn't existed since before my grandparents were born.
>supporting abortion
Our population's in the shitter as it is, why do you support killing even more Estonians? Even a fucking street child is better than a dead one at this point.
>who is the girl?
Heather Brooke.
There is no conservative party here. They are either commie, socialdemocrats, socialliberals och nationalliberals(Our (((Far-right party SD)))). Socialdemocrats and socialliberals are pretty much the same and nationalliberals are the same except they actually admit that there is a Swedish culutre.
in europe
>liberals are libertarian
>left wingers are full blown socialists
>conservatives are fiscally moderate and socially moderate by US standards
Well since my fucking country seems to be predominantly conservative, and it's in Europe, I think I can say a few things...
Conservative means right wing, nationalist, anti abortion, anti immigration, anti gay rights, anti Europe, anti secularism, pro Church, anti socialism...
Basically what you idiots in America now have Trump. Good fucking luck.
Trump is a good man with a good awesome heart.
>Caring about Eurocuck politics
If it isn't Japanese or Australian you're wasting your time
Down here it means commie who removed picture of Lenin in 1989 and replaced it with picture of Jesus.
Author note : Soviet Commie is different from actual commie since being homosexual was illegal, TV shows were pro-family, government was nationalists, anti globalists etc.
Well as a white European man, Europe has sentimental value.
Yeah, wait and see.... I give this whole thing a year and a half.
Didn't Poles reject communism from the start?
Liberal in Europa means the opposite of liberal in the US.
Somehow they twisted all the political labels.
Conservative usually means you're a christian democrat in Europe.
Pretty much this. The left is constantly labeling and redefining words in order to muddy debate and cause confusion.
Conservative in Europe means socially liberal economically conservative.
Conservative in America means backwards batshit crazy reactionary christcuck bullshit.
Useless and ineffectual, the same as the US.
>Would of
Fucking hell, I didn't know just how bad it got in America.
Other than that, not completely inaccurate.
Just remember to go get a refund from your elementary school because I'm fairly certain this could be considered defective.
i wondered this too when i saw it said merkel was conservative. NA outlets make no effort explaining the dif
>Conservative in Europe means socially liberal
yeah, maybe in the Netherlands, but not down here...
In europe it's more like you have 2 axis:
- left / right
- liberalism (anti-state)
- state control
Conservatives are usually for the traditional vision of family and economically liberals (they are anti-state)
>Conservative in America means backwards batshit crazy reactionary christcuck bullshit.
That's a cartoon caricature you see on the television. Actual conservatives in America are great people. The loud mouthed Bible thumpers are a bunch of phonies provoking people to sue.
Also, the biggest difference is that in the USA, conservative = right, liberalism = left.
It's because in the US, there is a deep fear / hatred of everything close to socialism/communism: the "left" in the usa is economically the same as the right here in Europe. They only share the same values than the left here in terms of social justice.
In Europe:
socialism = left
communism/anti-fascism = extreme left
liberalism = right
nationalism/fascism = extreme right
On the value system, liberals (right) share the same value as the left: pro gay marriage, antiracism, minority rights, no borders, etc. In other words, liberals care about economical and individual freedom, they want less state control, which is for them not good for the economy. Liberals don't care if Europe becomes Africa, as long as it benefits the economy.
Conservatives would be those against any change in society, they are against gay marriage, lgbt, feminism, etc. and share traditional christian values. They can be liberals (right) or nationalists (far-right).