So what's the deal with this guy? I watched his lecture and that 80 minute long interview with him...

So what's the deal with this guy? I watched his lecture and that 80 minute long interview with him. He said a lot of interesting and accurate-seeming things but I noticed that a lot of it was exactly, and I mean word for word the same both times. Even the jokes he makes are exactly the same in both videos. He must've rehearsed his whole spiel at some point. I don't think this necessarily damages his credibility but it's still strange. Was he a CIA agent or something?

Also I know his death was suspicious to the point where people have said it was faked. What do you think really happened to him?

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I understood the strategy he spoke of, but not how exactly it was put into place. Did Russia plant an entire generation of sleeper cell liberal college professors?

>this guy rehearsed a public speech he gave wtf that's so weird is he a CIA agent or something?
How much lead paint would you say you consumed as a child?

>Did Russia plant an entire generation of sleeper cell liberal college professors?
They didn't need to dumb fuck, they just ensured the ideologies became prevalent there.

>He must've rehearsed his whole spiel at some point.
When you are regularly speaking on a subject in particular you tend to do that, christopher hitchens also for example had things he would repeat in different circumstances.

>tfw too smart to tell him sjw's are literal commies

they don't have to do all that. they just need a few that unrepentantly support each other and their crazy commie ideas. this circle of influence grows when unchecked.

politically correct is the big lie, told often enough and by enough useful idiots that its taken hold

>Did Russia plant an entire generation of sleeper cell liberal college professors?

Yes and non. Stalin sent the degenerate jews to the USA (Frankfurt School, etc) and they helped to create the anti-american hysteria saying the USA was pro-war and the soviet union was against-war.

Sticking to the same talking points is one thing, but repeating what you said verbatim in a different setting is suspiciously deliberate to the point where I'd believe he was coached.

I guess that's true but he just seems too convenient in a lot of ways given when, where, and how he turned up. I'm not saying he was lying but there seems to be a lot more to the story than him pretending to be a hippie and escaping from India.

>So what's the deal with this guy?
People so gullible they fall for the tall tales of a former KGB informant.

He lies for a living. If you believe his shtick because it confirms your bias, then your autism is off the scale.

Not necessarily applicable in this case, but liars tend to use the exact same phrases multiple times when restating an already established falsehood.

>watched both videos
>"is he a cia agent???"

I don't think he'd be as convincing as he was if there wasn't at least some truth to what he was saying but there must've been exaggerations, omissions, and some misrepresentation in his account.


Maybe its a man who didn't speak English particularly well, but the subject he was talking about was too important to risk saying something retarded, so he gave the same version of a speech he knew worked?

. Full interview. It seems very accurate to me, and I don't hear anything that sounds like disinformation

look up norman dodd
he uncovered an example of it being done

basically some tax exempt charitable foundations were involved in selecting history students based on their beliefs matching the desired agenda
so these individuals were heavily funded and because they were backed by people of high influence and were backed by big money, many of them ultimately ended up in positions of authority on history and specifically how it would be taught in school
the students who had beliefs that did not align with the agenda were not funded as much and were not backed by people in influential positions

and next thing you know history is taught differently in schools
and eventually academia is leftist breeding ground

yuri mentions that they targeted people with no morals in positions of high influence, not just politics
these people can be manipulated with money or promises of power, or some of them simply agree with the cause outright

I've been talking about what he said since the 90s.
Get with the program OP

all ((they)) had to do was subtly introduce a "counter"- culture, based on simple "US vs THEM" identity politics...
Dividing "us" into easily influenced micro-groups.

Divide-and-conquer is the basic outline, the colors inside change every time...

>Essentially this.
Not to mention, YES, during Eisenhower's administration there was a huge purge of communist sympathizers and even communist plants from higher order government.
There were millions of communist sympathizers in the USA in the 60s. MILLIONS.

Where do you think the push for socialism came from and the perversion of the libertarian ideal into Liberalism came from.

Everyone ITT staying Yuri Bezmenov is a hoax or sounds fishy needs to back the fuck up and take a look outside at any college/university campus. Throw a dart at a map of the USA and look at the major campus near where that dart landed.
It would be insane if we couldn't observe it, and it would be a hoax if we couldn't plot the progression of it's spread since the 1950s

I remember making this post when i took my first couple red pills :)


Same guy, but here he shows the more IRL approach of it.

>Did Russia plant an entire generation of sleeper cell liberal college professors?
You idiots invited them in with open arms.

Do mind that Yuri was Reaganite double agent who never proved a single thing he said

Have you ever taught before? Ever tutored? Ever taught a skill or concept? Ive done all of the above quite a lot. Once you develop a framework you will use many of the same jokes, one liners and snips as well as overall points. It means he had a very, very good outline and understanding of the topic.

Except we are living in the world he predicted