How mad is this fucker now? All he has 'done' will be undone

How mad is this fucker now? All he has 'done' will be undone.
His legacy will be as the president who gave socialism a go and failed.

He will now go down as one of the most anti-american and anti-white president of all time.

Remember when he laughed at Trump at the dinner?
Trump get the ultimate last laugh and King Nog gets it.

Any Obama lovers out there care to refute this?

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His legacy will be as the single most obstructed president in the history of the office.

Not sure where you're getting anti-american and anti-white from though.

The anti american tour once in office?

He stirs racial lines all the time.

>single most obstructed president in the history of the office.
That's what happens when you're main agenda is cementing Democratic power by circumventing the constitution.

Fuck obama

Just like the election results, Michael Moore called this.

In his words, Obama's legacy will be nothing but a historical footnote - "he was the first black president" and that will be it.

He didn't get us out of the Middle East
He didn't increase government transparency
He didn't stop government corruption
He didn't close GITMO
He didn't bring jobs back to the US
He didn't fix the healthcare system
He didn't fix the education system
He didn't deliver on any of the empty promises that he made to the young people who got him into office and now many of those young people have turned around and voted Trump into office.

>doesn't kick our allies in the nads and scream AMERICA NUMBER 1
>must be a commie pinko sleeper agent
>black people literally being shot by cops
>guys maybe we shouldn't be doing this that much you know
>must be a nigger-stirring panthers member

>republicans literally talked about how their number one goal was making him a single term president and they would stop everything they could of his
>he still tried to work with them the first 4 years
>this is circumventing the constitution

Ya'll are completely stuck in the spin zone.

He's an establishment war criminal like Hillary. Going to international court over Libya, Syria, Ukraine.

Well stated user.
His legacy will be that list of all the things he ran on and DIDNT do!

He should've compromised and worked with congress instead of his pen and paper.

This is what you get when you entrust your legacy with the Clintons

mfw all of his EOs are BTFO