Why is it so illegal?

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Machine Elves.

>one may burst through a chrysanthemum-like mandala, and find: There's a whole bunch of entities waiting on the other side, saying "How wonderful that you're here! You come so rarely! We're so delighted to see you!" They're like jewelled self-dribbling basketballs and there are many of them and they come pounding toward you and they will stop in front of you and vibrate, but then they do a very disconcerting thing, which is they jump into your body and then they jump back out again and the whole thing is going on in a high-speed mode where you're being presented with thousands of details per second and you can't get ahold on [them ...] and these things are saying "Don't give in to astonishment", which is exactly what you want to do. You want to go nuts with how crazy this is, and they say "Don't do that. Pay attention to what we're doing". What they're doing is making objects with their voices, singing structures into existence. They offer things to you, saying "Look at this! Look at this!" and as your attention goes towards these objects you realise that what you're being shown is impossible. It's not simply intricate, beautiful and hard to manufacture, it's impossible to make these things. The nearest analogy would be the Fabergé eggs, but these things are like the toys that are scattered around the nursery inside a U.F.O., celestial toys, and the toys themselves appear to be somehow alive and can sing other objects into existence, so what's happening is this proliferation of elf gifts, which are moving around singing, and they are saying "Do what we are doing" and they are very insistent, and they say "Do it! Do it! Do it!" and you feel like a bubble inside your body beginning to move up toward your mouth, and when it comes out it isn't sound, it's vision. You discover that you can pump "stuff" out of your mouth by singing, and they're urging you to do this. They say "That's it! That's it! Keep doing it!"

Because we are trapped in a prison of materialism and it isn't an accident.

honestly because it allows you to enter the "reptilian" dimension

Because its an instant red pill

The ingredient to extract it are not illegal

But your final product is illegal

Then don't get caught

das not the point senpai :^)

It's basically just the pinnacle of the war on conciousness, better known as the war on drugs.

Well to answer the question, psychs are illegal because for many people they almost instantly break the mind control conditioning

Also this.

This. It's the ultimate redpill.

I met God and I met the geometric entities that control the fabric of life

Weed can also have this effect on some people. But most of the times it just makes you a degenerate.

i saw god's face but i forgot

5-MeO > NN

nice digits

yeah, I remember flying through a tunnel next to god

can't really remember what it looked like though, felt like a warm light

Difference in experience?

Because most people break. Its literally jumping in to a pool of NOPE for most people. All of the things they mentally hide form themselves. In an effort for the body to stay safe and sane. There is no longer any conditioning. There is only horror. Horror and awe at the awesomeness of the universe, and our tiny, tiny place in it, and at the same time, our huge comparative impact on it to every other tiny thing in it.

this really makes me wanna try DMT

Its cheating

You get to experience the dying process without actually dying.

It gives you a visible/auditory/unnameable senses peak into the state of affairs after you die.

The government doesnt want a populace full of people unafraid of death because they wouldnt be productive workers

As many good non degenerates who have done DMT have said

"Load universe into cannon, aim at head, FIRE!

I dont like drug users but there is a genuine mysticism around hallucinogenics I can respect
DMT being the king daddy of all of them

Go find out who Terence McKenna is.

Because it will teach you to question perceived reality.

I know who he is, I've listened to him a lot

Idk but probably not because of some conspiracy theory.

Too bad for me I can't really handle the experience. Certainly is crazy, but it induces severe panic attacks. Maybe if I was on a massive dose of benzos I'd be okay. I'd like to try it one day on like 6mg of xanax.

What the fuck are you talking about, DMT makes you really really happy in small doses and it basically gives you a God-meeting experience on higher doses.

IMO the best drug, not addictive and can be produced by the body in the right conditions.

>tfw we are all harboring DMT in our brain and thus can be arrested for illegal possession

It's illegal because everyone has it, and thus the government can give a reason to arrest someone. That is the true redpill. I won't be taking anymore questions. Catch you on the flip side, folks.....

Not a druggy anymore, but this is the only one I've never tried that I really want to.

it's all smoke and mirrors

It MAY help you to the Redpill, but I know so many pdycadelic enthusiasts who are HARD bluepilled. Some of the most bluepilled of the bluest of pills.

Terrance McKenna is pushing new-ageism and it's a jewish dirty lie.

Terence was my grandma's Cousin :3

Met him at a few family gatherings when I was about 6-8 years old

Was really nice to me

Well said

It's legal in Brazil

It is also shit. Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too overhyped

>is pushing
nigga he dead

700mg benadryl is the true redpill.
>down 700mg
>know this shit is going to be intense, so I put on a necromancer robe
>think that if I deluded myself into thinking I was a wizard on a journey into the nether realms shit would seem fake and I would get as freaked out again
>I was dead fucking wrong
>come up same as 400mg
>everything's going pretty swell
>start to hear voices speaking in demon tongue
>see dead bodies of animals all over in my garage
>thousands of spiders and flies are swarming over them
>go into my room, put on the animals cover of house of the rising sun
>whole song seems sinister
>realize that the young men singing the song were recorded 50 something years ago
>realize they're no longer young men, most if not all of them might be dead by now
>same thing will happen to me as it has to all humans
>get massive existential dread
>at this point I was hallucinating to hard to function at all
>spiders were everywhere
> see a man in furs wearing a deer skull over his face standing in the darkness of the hallway
>he stares into me and speaks that same gibberish
>the darkness seems to loom towards me
>heart starts to race, decide Fuck this it's time to Puke before I die of heart failure
>walk into bathroom, throw up
>wind up back in my room, having not gone to the bathroom at all
>attempt this 5 more times
>panic more thinking I'm stuck in a time loop
>finally end up in the bathroom for real, puke for real
>go back to my room
>there's a "man" in my bed
>it has inhumanly long arms
>I'm righteously pissed at this point
>still in necromancer garb
>flail my arms in the air like a lunatic screaming things that vaguely in my hallucinating mind resemble spells
>end chant with- Fuck off foul assed faggot, this bed is mine you thrice damned maggot!
>thing looks mildly perturbed
>it vanishes
>crawl into bed feeling like a badass

This I have noticed as well. Im on a Tmk group on kikebook and holy shit marxist infiltration seems very real. I am shadowbanned too because I go against the mods narrative lol. But on the other side, most of these people are very open minded and are susceptible to the redpill, my process went like that as well.
Terence did have good talks and books, but never went political as far as I've seen.

Because it'll turn you communist. It's good that it's illegal.

In my experience psychs cause introspection, which is the true redpill. But maybe this is too hard for plebs to handle and they just end up losing their minds even more

when did he die?

Fuck pharmaceuticals of any kind for any reason dude. If they are giving you legal drugs it's because they fog your third eye and make you a good 9-5 grinder.

If drugs are giving you anxiety it means you need to start eating healthy and naturally decalcifying your pineal gland.

I am reading a lot of wilson, leary, and mckenna.

I think these guys were just victims of the time and they would have seen how the left would have acted the same as the religious right. You cant fault them for it, theyre all dead anyways.

Watch this. You won't be disappointed, user. I promise.

because it makes the riff raff "poor masses" happy without making the rich richer

From what I've seen it only makes you bluepilled.
There's a guy on youtube taking drugs live and doing all sorts of drug videos. He believes it made him transcend and become a real human bean free from petty human concepts. It basically means that he thinks saying ''we are one people, there is no race'' means he is a genius saying deep shit.

The channel is PsychedSubstance
He believes that taking drugs makes you smart and it's magic that opens up your mind, yet he is a complete idiot who constantly talks about his failures and how he almost kills himself or gets into trouble with the police while running around naked thinking he has died.

Drugs are the ultimate blue pill. It removes you from reality.

Because the elites extract it from adrenachrome during ritual sacrifices


Psychedelics made me far more red pilled because I saw the degenerates I was oblivious to.

Psychedelics helped me join the military and go to college.

Psychedelics showed me an image of myself if i were to cut out all the bullshit in my life and stop being poisoned

the fuck you on about
Mushrooms and LSD made me more nationalist

Law of the fucking jungle my fellow white person


5-meo is shit tier toxin



Internal posession of drugs is technically legal because they can't prove you didn't biosynthesize it or get drugged w/o your consent.

I've never done psychedelics, I'm honestly just parroting shit I heard
5-meo can be used to attain enlightenment since it produces just pure ego death without any of the hallucination bullshit surrounding it
you get results equal to thousands hours of meditation practice in just few seconds
I want to get my hands on it one day

16 fucking years ago my dude


War on freedom user.

Same here

Nothing.. The government wants people to be as miserable as possible, it's why they allow tobacco and alcohol to be legal instead of the fun stuff like Mephedrone or LSD.

Fucking anti fun statists! I WANT MY DRONE BACK!!!!

The fucker just got lost in the forest and didnt bring anything back

When you go fishing on the sea of hallucinogenics you dont catch trivial small fish ideas

or so giant a fish that it breaks your net

you bring back catchable fish ideas to share with the rest of the tribe.

and those elites are interdimensional lizards right?

i lolled

because like most psychedelics it reveals and therefore changes the rules of the game
it makes you see the room and more where the movie called life is taking place
also it's very intense and most people can't handle it

It made you more open to indoctrination. You're lucky you got indoctrinated by the right side.

The idea that the drugs made you red pilled are INSANE.
Project MKUltra was basically about feeding people drugs like LSD to brainwash them into believing anything they wanted.

Literally scraping up bufoten toad poison

5-meo isnt worth it

You need N,N

You really think this happens? No. What happens is you're on the floor drooling and a perfect target for rape. Anything you see while under dmt and you still believe it's real means you need some time with a noose so you can actually meet them.

No one of you can bring anything back because there's nothing there. All you're doing is getting high and seeing some hallucinations.

What you feel during a trip is no different from me waking up from a dream feeling as if I figured out the meaning of life during the dream, only to realize I can't remember a thing, and it was probably complete bullshit anyway.

it breaks your conditioning, the day after I took it I quit my job, starting to a jiu-jitsu pilgrimage around the united states at different dojos, lived out of my car for 2 years and saw some beautiful things, I am back integrated into society, except for now I have a purple belt, I am gonna take it again, because I pretty much have forgotten what made me leave my whole life behind and am starting to get re-conditioned to this bullshit materialistic way of life again.

You are assuming I was to stupid to see through my experience

Get the fuck out of here
Just because when stupid people take psychedelics and become "WOAHHH MANNN LIKE LISTEN"

Doesnt mean that a smart person is going to have the same effect.

MKultra was a utter fucking failure they had to cancel the project because of all the human collateral they created and it didnt do shit.

stop treating other white people like they are cattle who cant fight indoctrination and make informed opinions

go eat some fucking potatos you stupid nigger

psychs are wondrous powerful substances and have helped me for sure.

LSD helped me get into working out and playing several instruments.

But I've found the ultimate red pill dispenser and savior is Jesus Christ.

Have you ever done it?

Terrance is dead. His brother is still alive though and the fact that he is blue pilled doesn't surprise me.

I've done ayahuasca, and it is really nothing like that.

Just do some LSD m8

>chemical reactions in the brain
allow for inter-spatial/demensional interaction

>no, its sci-fi, NOT hallucination, because.

Top kek user. I don't think I would reccomend that drug to ANYBODY.

LSD is baller as fuck because it actually makes you smarter in low doses. I got a 5.00 k/d on competitive cs go and everybody thought I was hacking. In reality I just put a quarter tab up my asshole.

what's wrong with 5-meo?

You cant even spell dimension
How can i trust you

Butthurt druggie just proving my point

No. You sound retarded and killed a bunch of brain cells lol

*red herring
*ad hom
*appeal to accomplishment

ffs step up your game

oh yeah lsd in low doses you literally can hack life.

I plan on using it to quickly learn a couple more languages

Nah im not mad

You just have never done it
You are absolutely scared of trying it
You think it induces insanity
You are scared you wont come back

its all good my dude

This butthurt because you cant spell

You ever notice it's basically just Americans who rave about all it does? The rest of the world does it just because they think it's fun. Americans need some kind of excuse for some reason.

War on drugs has been a failure, actually no. It's done wonders for criminals, it's essentially given them the power. The power of the supply, monopoly of the price etc.

The war on drugs needs to stop and it needs to stop ASAP. Take away power from the dealers, bring back chemical manufacturing, tax the drugs, create a safe untainted product for people to enjoy but only in their homes. No drugs in public places.

Simple as that, now we see legal high shops going out of business because of legislations introduced that fuck them over. It is ridiculous.

*red herring*2
*ad hom*2
*doesnt know what butthurt means

yes, eventually your head will be so deep in the sand that you can claim victory and convince yourself it is true

I guess youve never experienced a dmt breakthru if you call it pleasent

Lol how fucking autistic are you?
You sir have defeated me
put another mark on your wall of internet arguments one.


ahahaha and as I just turned on the news, Sky News is now talking about legalising Cannabis.

HAHAHAHAHA, see this is why people get paranoid.

Usually this sort of stuff is monitored though. You generally have to report what you intend to use reagents for and stuff like that when you buy them.

This. If they were to do this I would be so happy. I could easily force access into there homes while they lie on floors drooling and going insane. I could take what I want and even rape them without them knowing.

DMT is what cause you to dream at night. anything related to the "trip" is all experienced in the mind, like a dream. Difference is when you dream, your body paralyzes you and it's your subconcious mind on auto pilot (unless you become lucid)

The power of thought and the mind is infinite. (not some hippy latte sipping poofta cunt, its just you can imagine an infinite number of things.)

Now, a lot fo people do DMT and say
"oh man spriit molecule 3rd eye, another race spoke to me, inter dimensional WOW!"
fuck up idiots. It's just your thoughts, what you have thought/are thinking concsiously or unconciously, will be projected infront of you. Now, do you think if a lot of people say "yo man do DMT like i did it weed dude, aliens spoke to me legit" when that guy trips the freshest thing on his mind is his fuckwit mate saying "aliens spoke to me" causing his "trip" to be some stupid fucking adventure to never land mars alien dimension

pls tell more

>Lol how fucking autistic are you?

ad hom*3

>You sir have defeated me

appeal to absurdity
appeal to the stone

>put another mark on your wall of internet arguments one.

ad hom*4



Never smoked DMt

>t. some one who never tried it
get the fuck of her, Dawkins.

Hmmmm. Norman Lamb on Sky News was really fucking sensible just now talking about relaxing drug laws, I don't like Lib Dems but he was correct, this Boyd guy he was arguing with was some demented beady person.

I saw a massive, multisectional machine elf. It was conical and hung from the ceiling of a massive ¿cavern?
At the bottom (tip of the cone) was a face or mask that looked like a dwemer artifact.

Each section had two mechanical arms and rotated freely. The face juat stared at me as each section was busy working away. Im not sure how but at some point i came to know that the arms were sorting old souls into new bodies.

When i came to i had a huge open mouth grin, i was laughing softly and tears were streaming down my eyes.

Havent found any since, would love to try again.

2c-b is one of the greatest party drugs, yet is illegal... why? Extremely safe, very fun, very managable. Hell, Japan was one of the last countries to make it illegal, and only did so due to a trade deal. I highly reccomend everyone try it, research before hand.

Never tried DMT. But I have done 2CB and magic truffles.

I must say 2CB is great for visuals and understanding the state of our reality.

But magic truffles, or psilocybin, is insane.

It is the single most reflective and honest conversation you have with yourself ever.

>muh degenerate
>muh just a drug

Say that all you like. But you dont realize the lies conditioned into our day-to-day thinking and reflection to arrive at biased conclusions.

Magic truffles lets go of that. Its literally just you. I managed to understand so much about myself and come to terms with so many things.

Apart from that I began to understand more about God. Understanding that can't be expressed but even now I understand and see.

Its so apparent in your day-to-day yet you never see it. Its like a veil thats been lifted, and the understanding under it makes everything, reality, God, existence, make so much more sense.

Feel free to ask questions.

lol holy shit

He was at a family gathering on my Grandmas side the Mckennas

A bbq in the backyard of their ranch house in Utah

He was there with his brother Dennis.

Was just a nice guy
He didnt talk about his philosophies with family
was far more concerned with just having a good time with everyone.

Saw me catching lizards and started telling me about the plants around me

If anyones interested you can download Albert Hoffmans (Father of LSD) memoir 'LSD - my problem child' for free

Its an incredible read but also cautionary. Highly recommend

I smoked smarties in the 2nd grade and that truly made me woke

>>end chant with- Fuck off foul assed faggot, this bed is mine you thrice damned maggot!
